Big Brother 22 cast of All-Stars

Cody Calafiore
Enzo Palumbo on Big Brother
Da'Vonne Rogers on BB22

Big Brother 22 Finale:
Winner: Cody, 9-0
Runner-up: Enzo
AFP: Da’Vonne

Big Brother 22 Week 12:
Round 1: Nicole
Round 2: Cody
Round 3: Cody

Big Brother 22 Week 11:
HoH: Enzo
Luxury Comp: Nicole
Nominated: Christmas & Nicole
Power of Veto: Cody
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Christmas, 1-0

Big Brother 22 Week 10:
HoH: Nicole
Nominated: Christmas & Memphis
Power of Veto: Nicole
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Memphis, 2-0

Big Brother 22 Week 9:
HoH: Cody
HN: Nicole
Nominated: Christmas & Tyler
Power of Veto: Cody
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Tyler, 3-0

Big Brother 22 Week 8 – Round 3:
HoH: Tyler
Nominated: Dani & Nicole
Power of Veto: Tyler
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Dani, 4-0

Big Brother 22 Week 8 – Round 2:
HoH: Memphis
Nominated: David & Nicole
Power of Veto: Christmas
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: David, 3-2

Big Brother 22 Week 8:
HoH: Cody
HNs: Enzo & Kevin
Nominated: David & Kevin
Power of Veto: Cody
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Kevin, 6-0

Big Brother 22 Week 7:
HoH: Memphis
HNs: Cody & Christmas
Nominated: Da’Vonne & Kevin
Power of Veto: Tyler
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Da’Vonne, 5-2

Big Brother 22 Week 6:
HoH: Dani
HNs: Day, David, & Ian
Nominated: David & Kevin
BB Basement: David played his Disruptor, Tyler renom’d
Power of Veto: Da’Vonne
Veto Ceremony: Da’Vonne saved Kevin, Ian renom’d
Evicted: Ian, 5-3

Big Brother 22 Week 5:
HoH: Christmas
BB Basement Powers: Dani, Christmas, & David
Nominated: Bayleigh & Da’Vonne
Power of Veto: Christmas
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Bayleigh, 9-0

Big Brother 22 Week 4:
HoH: Enzo
HNs: Dani, Da’Vonne, Tyler
Nominated: Kaysar & Kevin
Power of Veto: Kevin
Veto Ceremony: Kevin saved himself, Christmas renom’d
Evicted: Kaysar, 10-0

Big Brother 22 Week 3:
HoH: Tyler
HNs: Cody, Janelle, Bayleigh Enzo
Safety Suite: Enzo, Christmas is his +1
Nominated: Janelle & Kaysar
Power of Veto: Cody
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Janelle, 9-2

Big Brother 22 Week 2:
HoH: Memphis
HNs: Christmas, David, Franzel, Kaysar
Safety Suite: Christmas, Ian is her +1
Nominated: David & Nicole A.
Power of Veto: Memphis
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Nicole A, 10-2

Big Brother 22 Week 1:
HoH: Cody
HNs: Kevin, Ian, Nicole A., Memphis
Safety Suite: Kaysar won, Janelle is his +1
Nominated: Keesha & Kevin
Power of Veto: Enzo
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Keesha, 13-0