It was the first-ever TRIPLE Eviction for Big Brother US with Thursday’s two-hour event sending out the next three Jurors who would be back at the end of the month for the Big Brother 22 finale on October 28th but for now the action-filled a last night’s very busy episode.
First up we started with David and Kevin on the Block with pretty clear plans on that choice for the HGs but after that things could go in a lot of directions. Read on to find out who was voted out last night in the Triple Eviction and get ready to find out who won the HOH comp. Letโs see what happens…
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.
Before we get to the vote Julie tells us they’ll keep the Triple a secret from the HGs, for now. But… they just showed us a segment where Dr. Will told the HGs to think three steps ahead and they sat around for days discussing if it’d be a Triple this week… Okay, CBS. Anyway, Julie lies to the HGs telling them it’s just a Double with the third round a surprise for later.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 1 Votes:
- Enzo votes to evict: Kevin
- Dani votes to evict: Kevin
- Tyler votes to evict: Kevin
- Christmas votes to evict: Kevin
- That’s enough votes.
- Nicole votes to evict: Kevin
- Memphis votes to evict: Kevin
By a vote of 6-0, Kevin Campbell has been voted out of the Big Brother house.
After the vote, we’ll see the HGs head out to the backyard to compete for the first HOH comp of the night. This winner will be safe from this eviction round but at risk in the next round. Let’s see what happens next in the second round of BB22.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 2 HoH Comp – “It’s All About Will”:
- Round 1: False – Dani, Tyler, & David are out
- Round 2: False – everyone is safe
- Round 3: True – everyone is safe
- Round 4: False – Nicole is out
- Round 5: True – Memphis wins! Enzo & Christmas are out.
Time for some quick decisions. Will Memphis have the guts to make a big move or will he go after his main pet peeve with David?
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 2 Nominations:
- Memphis nominates: David & Nicole
Memphis says this should be no surprise and he’s right. He’s had a fixation on David all season so here’s his chance again in his third time as HOH. Time to see who can pull off a Veto win for the chance to change those plans.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 2 Veto Comp:
HGs have to travel to the other end of the field, crossing balance beams, rearrange a puzzle, and be the first back. If they fall off the beam they are out of the comp.
- Players picked: Christmas, Dani, & Tyler
- Christmas wins Veto
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 2 Veto Meeting:
- Christmas did NOT use the Veto
Christmas said she didn’t want to shake things up when it wasn’t necessary. Watch for David to go. Weeeaaaaakkkkk.
Nicole and David will now face off for the second eviction. As HGs prepared for the vote they gather in the living room and see “Triple Eviction” on the walls behind Julie. Oops. I don’t think production meant for them to see that but now they know.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 2 Votes:
- Cody votes to evict: David
- Christmas votes to evict: Nicole
- Tyler votes to evict: Nicole
- Enzo votes to evict: David
- Dani votes to evict: David
David Alexander has been voted out 3-2 over Nicole.
I’m stunned and shocked by Enzo. This fool has complained all season that former winners needed to be evicted quickly and here he is with that opportunity and votes out DAVID over NICOLE. Are you kidding?? Unbelievable.
Another eviction down but get ready for the third round of it all with more comps and votes in the last half of the show.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 3 HoH Comp – “It’s All About You”:
- Round 1: True – everyone is safe
- Round 2: True – Enzo, Dani, Nicole are out
- Round 3: False – everyone is safe
- Round 4: False – Tyler wins HOH
Tyler wins HOH over Christmas & Cody. Maybe he’ll go for Dani like he’s been saying behind closed doors…
Before we get to the break we see Dani go into the Lounge to plead with Tyler. Then Nicole follows behind. She tells him it’s okay that he voted against her. Tyler says he thought Memphis wanted her out. HAH! He knew better. So now he may need to put up Nicole & Dani together…
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 3 Nominations:
- Tyler nominates: Dani & Nicole
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 3 Veto Comp:
- Players picked: Christmas, Cody, & Enzo
- Christmas & Nicole both fell in the comp and were disqualified
- Tyler wins Veto
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 3 Veto Meeting:
- Tyler did NOT use the Veto
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 8 Round 3 Votes:
- Cody votes to evict: Dani
- Memphis votes to evict: Dani
- Christmas votes to evict: Dani
- That’s enough votes.
- Enzo votes to evict: Dani
Dani Donato has been evicted, 4-0, over Nicole.
Dani heads out front to talk with Julie and has a really good interview where she shares she felt most betrayed by Cody’s eviction vote. We know that Cody and Nicole have been working together from the start but it was hidden from even their closest allies.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 9 HOH:
- Spoilers! Find out who won HOH for the next round…
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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