We’re on a Power Watch this week for Big Brother 22’s “BB Basement” twist as it looks like we could be seeing at least one of the three powers put into play. And unless David is terrible at Big Brother then… oh wait, oh no. No no no…
Just the other week we saw the BB Basement twist come into play when three HGs were secretly awarded three separate powers meant to churn up the stalling season. Now we’re hopefully about to see one of them come into play if it doesn’t get screwed up.
Update: Action! The Disruptor power has been played. Find out who was named the renom!
Dani won the “Replay” power that lets her (or someone she picks) play in back to back weeks of HOH comp. She immediately called it trash because she’s Dani, but here she is as the new HOH and eligible to use her power at the end of the week for a chance to be the first HOH to win back to back HOH comps in the regular phase of the season. But per her conversation with Nicole last night, Dani doesn’t plan to use it on herself this week and will hold it for another opportunity.
Then we’ve got Christmas’s “Blocker” power that lets her keep herself or another named HG from going up as a renom at the Veto meeting. Now if Dani turns out to have Backdoor plans for Tyler, maybe maybe, then I think we could see Christmas use hers. Probably. Maybe again. But, here’s one I think we’ll definitely see this week, David’s “Disruptor”.
Dani revealed last night that she plans to put David and Kevin on the Block as her starter noms, which suggests to me there’s another target in her path should the stars align, but David will have the opportunity after nominations to save himself secretly and force some sort of return to the ceremony. Per the video below, it’ll be anonymous and we don’t know when exactly it happens but of course sometime before the Veto comp the next morning.
Dani said there was no plan B for her noms but she’s going to need one. Who goes up in David’s place? Tough call but if she’s secretly gunning for Tyler this week then she won’t go for that option up front and give him a shot at Veto. That leaves either using an ally or maybe Ian. The latter wouldn’t surprise me as she was critical of him last night for what she feels has been a crippling effect on Nicole’s game. Or wait, maybe then she’s going for Ian and in that case, she wouldn’t put Ian up. Might come down to using an ally to hold that spot on the Block and play to win the Veto and free it up for her real target. Hmm.
Either way, watch for David’s Disruptor power to come into play in this round after he’s nominated today. Can’t wait to see how this goes off for optimal dramatic effect on Dani’s plans.