‘Big Brother 22’ Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

Spoilers are in for this week’s Power of Veto meeting on Big Brother 22 as Feeds are back and HGs have revealed the results. The PoV holder has made his choice and now it’s time to see what the Houseguests will decide to do this week. Read on for the Big Brother spoilers.

Day and Kevin weren’t supposed to be the targets this week, per Memphis’s big secret plan, but when he didn’t win the Veto himself he lost that control. Tyler instead followed Cody’s lead and agreed to leave noms alone so Day could be evicted and again strengthen the guys’ position over Nicole and Dani. It’s Cody’s house, the rest of them are just passing through on their way to Jury.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 7

  • Tyler decided to NOT use the Veto
  • Da’Vonne & Kevin are this week’s final noms

Day is the target for sure now as Cody wants to keep Kevin over her and never wanted David gone after his efforts to isolate him as well. Next round will be picking off the last of Kevin and David and so on.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.

Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made this week? Grab the Live FeedsFree Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!



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