Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

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Spoilers are in for the latest round of Big Brother 22 All-Stars with the Veto competition now complete and HGs ready to start plotting and planning for what could happen next. Read on for the spoilers to see who holds the power to change up the HOH’s nominees.

We suspected Memphis was up to something sneaky when he went with Day and Kevin as his nominees despite being previously focused on evicting David. Sure enough, after the players were picked and David had been excluded from the competition we heard Memphis admit his goal this week was to BD David. Will the house oblige him his mission?

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • Tyler won the Power of Veto

Houseguests were competing in a maze challenge as we saw in an overhead drone view of the backyard. This should be fun to watch play out on Wednesday’s episode.

Tyler was pulled to play then Day and Kevin *both* got HG Choice and selected Dani and Nicole to play along. Day was already not trusting David too much after believing he had flipped his vote on Thursday (he didn’t), so it’s not a big surprise here to see this happen with the picks.

Cody isn’t happy to hear David is the goal this week and told Tyler he wanted to make sure David stayed and would prefer Kevin to go instead. Cody talks a big game and doesn’t do much on enforcement so let’s see where this goes. But if Cody can twist Tyler’s ear then maybe he keeps Tyler from playing it then David avoids the Block and one of the current noms heads out.

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