‘Big Brother 22’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? Week 11

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Thursday’s Big Brother 22 live eviction show closed with Kaysar returning to introduce the F4 to this week’s HOH challenge: Knight Moves, a BB6 classic. After the show ended the backyard was set and HGs stepped out for their chance at the big power and a secured seat in the F3 on finale night. Now we’ve got the results and spoilers on who won HOH last night. Read on for the results and see who will be calling the shots in the week ahead.

Memphis was sent out the door on Thursday over Christmas and that left her to face off against the other side of the house who would definitely be teaming up against her for this challenge. If you don’t recall, this one is easy to work together as you can plan your moves to both focus and restrict the movement of who you are targeting. For a refresher, watch BB6 Episode 8 for some real fun on this one.

Big Brother 22 Week 11 HoH Comp:

  • Enzo is the new Head of Household

Now that means Enzo is going to F3 and the winner of the Veto will be the sole vote this week, unless that’s Enzo who gets it then he gets to pick the sole voter. So, just saying, there’s a chance here that if Christmas wins the next Veto we’ll see some fireworks. In that case, it’d be Nicole and Cody on the Block and split up just ahead of the F3. It could happen. Maybe. Possibly.

Who do you think will be sent to the Block? Share your predictions below.

Nominations should be coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon, then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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