Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Veto Medallion

Spoilers are in for the Final Four round of Big Brother 22 All-Stars with the biggest Veto competition of the season. The winner here can decide who will move on to join him or her in the finale. Read on for the spoilers to see who holds the power to change up the HOH’s nominees.

Lots of pressure on this one for Cody because if Christmas won then he’d be heading out the door by all expectations. On the other hand, if someone else won it’d most likely be Christmas going. So who got the Veto…

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results:

  • Cody won the Power of Veto

Shocking, I know. So Cody snags another win and secures his spot in the F3. He’s earned it. And likely he just earned $500K with that comp victory. Would any of these dependent allies, Enzo or Nicole, cut him going into F2? They should but I won’t be surprised if they don’t. So it looks like the season is his for the win at this point. What do you think?

Sounds like HGs had to use their knowledge of days and events to answer questions using a hamster wheel of some sort. HGs agreed they knew the answers, it was just a matter of working the physical aspect to set things in place. No idea what it looked like but we’ll see that in Wednesday’s episode.

The Veto Meeting is on Monday where Cody will decline to use the Veto, of course because he’s the only one left and isn’t already on the Block, then we’ll head to Thursday with Christmas and Nicole on the Block. Just one vote that night and it’s Cody’s. He won’t cut Nicole now, right? Nah. That means our F3 will be Cody, Enzo, and Nicole.

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