Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 4 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in Big Brother 22 Week 4 as the new Head of Household has made his picks with support of the house and no one will be surprised on these results. Read on to find out which two HGs are on the Block and what’s next for the rest of the house.

Enzo is calling the shots this round after beating out Kaysar for the HOH power which means we’re basically entering the fourth round of Cody’s HOH as Enzo is the third consecutive follow-on HOH that’s a close ally with Cody. So don’t expect anything new from this week and you won’t be disappointed.

Big Brother 22 Week 4 Nominations:

  • Enzo nominated: Kaysar & Kevin

Kaysar is the target and that’s who will be out the door next unless he pulls off a Veto win over the weekend. If something does happen there then Enzo says he’ll renom Ian in his place as a Backdoor. There are other HGs I’d rather see go before Ian, but something other than Kaysar would be welcome for a change of pace around here.

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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