‘Big Brother 22’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? Week 10

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Thursday’s Big Brother 22 live eviction show closed without a new Head of Household after we saw the latest Houseguest heading out to Jury. Now we’ve got the results and spoilers on who won HOH last night. Read on for the results and see who will be calling the shots in the week ahead.

In this week’s HOH challenge the HGs had to race to be the first to finish a balancing act that took us back to this BB16 challenge. HGs had to carry balances across a seesaw and place them in a scoop on the other side. Drop a ball or lose your step and it’s start-over for you. First to get all the balls safely in their scoop would be the new Head of Household.

Big Brother 22 Week 10 HoH Comp “Stashing Pumpkins”:

  • Nicole is the new Head of Household

Soo, yeah. Nicole finally won an HOH on BB22. I’m surprised. She was up against some tough competition but she pulled it off. Now she gets to cement her target position as the last woman in the game by targeting Christmas. Seems fitting.

We heard late last night that Christmas was just one ball away from winning the comp when she dropped one and had to restart completely. Ugh. That would have least given us a different trajectory for one round, but not anymore.

Watch for Christmas and Memphis to head on up on the Block on Friday and then it’ll all come down to the Veto, of course. Or maybe she’ll surprise us with someone else? Nah, you don’t think, do you?

Who do you think will be sent to the Block? Share your predictions below.

Nominations should be coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon, then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. Itโ€™ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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