Spoilers are in for the latest round of Big Brother 22 All-Stars with the Veto competition wrapped up the HGs ready to start plotting and planning for what could happen next. Read on for the spoilers to see who holds the power to change up the HOH’s nominees.
Joining Cody and his noms, Christmas and Tyler, were the only other three players left in the game since we’re down to the Final 6 of BB22, Nicole, Enzo, and Memphis. So everyone was playing today for the Veto but I think this was probably a two-man race between Cody and Tyler. Turns out Tyler performed horribly and timed out!
Cody had already sent Christmas and Tyler to the Block and he was satisfied with those potential eviction options but with so few options left at this point, really everyone but Cody (and probably Nicole) were in potential danger in their own minds. I hope that means everyone was playing hard. We’ll see on Wednesday’s episode.
Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Competition Results:
- Cody won the Power of Veto
Yet another win for the dominant player of the season. This one is Cody’s to lose and so far he doesn’t seem to be planning any steps in that direction. Instead, Cody will now leave his nominations as they are at Monday’s meeting with Tyler and Christmas on the Block. From there, it’ll be up to the House and we’ll see what they decide come Thursday night.
Who do you want out the door next? Tyler or Christmas? Share your picks below.
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