‘Big Brother 22’ Spoilers: Final HoH Round 1 Results

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Big Brother 22 spoilers are in revealing who won the first HOH comp with round 1 of the three-part Final HOH comp. We’ve got Cody, Enzo, and Nicole facing off for the last two seats on finale night in the All-Stars season. Who has the first round locked down? Find out below…

The two Houseguests who lost this round will get another chance in the second round this weekend. That Round 2 winner will then face off against Round 1’s champ to earn a seat in the F2 and pick who will be going to the end with him or her.

So who won the first round of the Final Big Brother 22 HoH comps? Read on for the spoilers & details.

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Final HoH – Round 1:

  • Nicole won Round 1
  • Enzo & Cody will compete in Round 2
  • Nicole will face off against R2 winner on finale night

Feeds came back late into the night with HGs yawning and complaining about the brutal nature of the competition. Sounds like there was spinning on ropes which lead to Enzo being nauseous and he knew he was in trouble from the moment he saw the setup.

From talks it sounds like Enzo was out first. HGs were slamming into a moon and had to go over a wall (we’ll have to see what was going on in the show). Cody says he was banging hard into the wall while he says Nicole wasn’t which made it harder for him. After enough hits he dropped leaving Nicole as the winner.

Enzo was telling himself that he’s got one more comp/chance here and he has to beat Cody in this next challenge. I’d say Enzo is in big trouble here as R2 is likely going to be physical + mental (dates/events) and we pretty much just watched that in the last Veto comp where Enzo was out first and Cody won. Enzo really needed Cody to win R1 and he’d have a shot at Nicole in R2 but now… ehhh. Sorry, Enzo but this won’t be easy for you.

There are no more nominations or Veto comps. We’re down to the last rounds of the season’s Final HoH. We’ll be awaiting Round 2’s results later this weekend and you’ll get those results from us as soon as it happens. Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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