Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Power of Veto medallion

Spoilers are in for the latest round of Big Brother 22 All-Stars with the Veto competition now complete and HGs ready to start plotting and planning for what could happen next. Read on for the spoilers to see who holds the power to change up the HOH’s nominees.

Competing today we had Enzo as HOH and his Noms, Kaysar and Kevin, plus Tyler (of course), Bayleigh, and David. Kevin had HG Choice and selected David because he felt David would do a good job of fending off a Kaysar victory which is what Kevin most fears. If Kaysar stays on the Block then Kevin should be safe, right? That was his plan at least. So did it work? Find out who won Veto…

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results:

  • Kevin won the Power of Veto

Kevin pulls off the victory! Okay, so that’s not the end of the road for sure for Kaysar because this means the nominations will 100% be changing. Kevin won’t pull a Marcellas. He will save himself and Enzo will have to name a replacement. Could this be the situation where Enzo goes for the Ian BD? Hmm. Enzo has said that’s his backup plan but that was generally expected to be his plan B for Kaysar. Not sure Enzo planned for a Kevin victory here. Hmm again. What do you think might happen?

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