Eviction night returned and as we awaited word on who was be voted out last night on Big Brother 22 All-Stars with the second vote of the season. It had been a tight race in the house and at a few times it looked like it could go either way but someone has to head out that door and now is the time for it. After that, it’s time for a new power in the house. Please let there be a power shift tonight… So who was voted out and who won HOH? Letโs find out!
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 2 Votes:
- Tyler votes to evict: Nicole
- Enzo votes to evict: David
- Christmas votes to evict: Nicole
- Kevin votes to evict: David
- Janelle votes to evict: Nicole
- Da’Vonne votes to evict: Nicole
- Kaysar votes to evict: Nicole
- Bayleigh votes to evict: Nicole
- Cody votes to evict: Nicole
- That’s enough votes.
- Ian votes to evict: Nicole
- Franzel votes to evict: Nicole
- Dani votes to evict: Nicole
By a vote of 10-2, Nicole Anthony has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 22 Results – Week 3 HoH Comp – ‘Mug Shots’:
- Cody – 4 points
- Enzo – 8 points
- David – 6 points
- Christmas – 8 points, but slower than Enzo
- Day – 7 points
- Kevin – 7 points
- Ian – 10 points
- Franzel – 9 points
- Dani – 4 points
- Tyler – 12 points
- Bayleigh – 7 points
- Janelle – 11 points
- Kaysar – 5 points
Tyler wins HOH. Congrats to Tyler but this won’t be a good week of balanced power shifting. Janelle was so damn close and would have delivered a shift. Welcome to Week 3 of Cody’s HOH instead.
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds for the fallout from the new HOH & eviction plus the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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