Big Brother 2022 Year In Review: Self-Evictions, Villains And History Made

2022 was quite the year for Big Brother. At the start of the year, we had our third installment of Celebrity Big Brother. And that season brought a lot of drama and controversy. And then in the summer, Big Brother 24 kicked off with even more drama and controversy, but ended in a historic win.

So now that 2022 is winding down, we take a look back at all things Big Brother this year.


This year we saw not one, but two self-evictions. Celebrity Big Brother contestant Chris Kattan realized he was just not cut out for the game, even a condensed celebrity version. Fans and fellow players alike were shocked when the former Saturday Night Live star decided to walk from the game.

Big Brother 24 started off really ugly, and at the heart of that was contestant Paloma Aguilar. After showcasing major paranoia and sleep deprivation, the BB24 contestant went into the diary room and never returned.


Like every year, Big Brother brought us some showmances. Big Brother 24’s Kyle and Alyssa are still going strong outside the Big Brother house and are currently on a European vacation. Fellow players Taylor and Joseph may have had a fauxmance inside the house, but have found love outside the BB house. Jaylor fans rejoiced.


2022 was the year of the Big Brother mega villain. From CBB pair Todrick Hall and Miesha Tate to the BB24 Elvis impersonator Daniel Durston to the aforementioned self-evictee Paloma, Big Brother fans had a lot of players they loved to hate.

Todrick not only said and did a lot of questionable things in the CBB house, but his outside life was also brought out in the open. During a “Todrick Exposed Party” on social media, fans shared stories of Todrick allegedly failing to pay back-up dancers and his claims he made that he bought the house he is actually renting (and apparently was behind on his rent). Miesha was just sort of his very unpopular and unpleasant sidekick during the season.

As for Paloma and Daniel, they might go down in history of two of the most disliked players ever. Paloma has sort of disconnected herself from the Big Brother world, but Daniel is currently still going strong with the villain persona. He was recently blocked by Taylor after continuing what fans have called his obsession with her, by saying she did not deserve to win Big Brother 24. Daniel seems to be grasping for that old-school Evel Dick type villain persona, but he’s failing miserably, fans say, and just proving to be really unlikable.


Miesha Tate became the third woman to win Celebrity Big Brother. And even though fans were not thrilled with her, she was definitely seen as the lesser of two evils, as the other option was runner up Todrick.

And then this summer, Taylor Hale made Big Brother history as the first Black woman to win a regular US season of the show. She made further history as the first winner to also win America’s Favorite Houseguest. That means she’s also officially the winner who took home the most money.

And now, just for the fun of it, let’s hand out some virtual awards.

Todrick Hall on Celebrity Big Brother 3

The 2022 Big Brother Network Awards

Biggest Hero: Joseph Abdin

Biggest Villain: Daniel Durston/Todrick Hall (tie)

Best Alliance: The Leftovers

Worst Alliance: The Five Swatters

Sorest Loser: Terrance Higgins

Comp Beast: Michael Bruner

Best Move: Evicting comp beast Michael

Dumbest Move: Pooch Volunteering to be a Pawn

Diary Room Award: Matt “Turner” Turner

Funniest Houseguest: Carson Kressley

Most Redeemed Post-Season: Jasmine Davis

Biggest Underdog: Taylor Hale

Most Robbed: Shanna Moakler

Worst 10 Minutes: Alyssa

Favorite Big Brother Couple of all Time: Rachel and Brendon (voted on by readers)

Favorite Big Brother Winner of All Time: Dan Gheesling (voted on by readers)

And now, let’s take a look at BBN’s 10 most-read articles of 2022.

Top 10 Most-Read Articles of 2022

1 Meet The Big Brother 23 Houseguestsย 

2 ย Paloma Exits Big Brother 24

3 Big Brother 24 Veto Results Week 7

4 Big Brother 24 HOH Results Week 6ย 

5 Big Brother 24 Post-Season Parties

6 Big Brother 24 Dramatic Double Evictionย 

7 Chris Kattan Quits Celebrity Big Brotherย 

8 Big Brother 24 Week 8 Veto Competition Resultsย 

9 Big Brother 24 Week 8 Nominations

10 Big Brother 24: Kyle’s Evictionย 




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