It was a busy show for Big Brother 24 as the Houseguests were dealing with the fallout of Kyle’s behavior and the reveal from Michael & Brittany. First they had to knock out the House Meeting followed by the Veto Meeting to get our final noms in Week 8 then on to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother.
Taylor and Brittany were sitting on the Block when Michael won his Veto medallion in the Slip N Slide competition, so it’s obvious that he’s about to save one of the nominees from his F3. Let’s see how the night plays out, but may not be part of tonight’s show. Either way, get ready for Zingbot to roast the remaining Houseguests and be featured in Sunday’s BB24 episode.
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Grab the Free Trial and check out the show then watch the Feeds that follow.
There is an in-depth review of Kyle’s behaviors and what he’s said about possible alliances among the POC HGs. The House Meeting brings up a lot of important discussions and eventually we see Kyle accepting fault for what he’s done. From there the episode moves on to the Veto Ceremony.
Big Brother 24 Results – Week 8 Veto Meeting:
- Michael decides to USE the Veto
- Turner names Kyle as the renom
- Final noms of the week: Kyle & Taylor
The nominations are settled for the week and that means it’s time for the next live eviction vote. Just five votes and no chance of a tiebreaker this time around as the Jury prepares to welcome its fourth member tonight. Who do you want that to be?
Big Brother 24 Results – Week 8 Votes:
- Michael votes to evict: Kyle
- Alyssa votes to evict: Kyle
- Terrance votes to evict: Kyle
- That’s enough votes.
- Brittany votes to evict: Kyle
- Monte votes to evict: Kyle
By a vote of 5-0, Kyle has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Another Houseguest out the door and now it’s time for a new Head of Household, but not just yet. The HGs are about to welcome back the Zingbot and that competition may be happening at the end of the episode or later off the Feeds. We’ll be watching for the spoilers and results to share with you.
Big Brother 24 Results – Week 9 HOH – “Burning Bot”:
HGs are assembling a Zingbot puzzle in a race to be the first and secure the HOH for themselves.
- Spoilers: Find out who won HOH this week…
Few notes: Zingbot and Nominations on Sunday (8/7c), Veto show on Wednesday (8/7c), and then another Double Eviction on Thursday! (9/8c).
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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