‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results – Update: Full Results

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Veto came early for half the house! The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results so far as the split house has put the two groups on different schedules. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

Overnight the Veto spoilers arrived for BroChella, the indoor group, as they went to the “Big Brother basement” area for their Power of Veto playoff. Sounds like Tiffany was there to host. Michael had just sent Jasmine and Monte to the Block with Monte as the faux target and Jasmine in the danger zone. Sure enough, Michael’s closest ally has the power. HGs mentioned Jasmine did not do well and instead the power went to one of the Leftovers who was definitely due for a win of her own.

Update: And now we have the second half of the Veto results, this time for Dyre Fest in the backyard. Terrance has his sights set on Joseph which made this competition a do or die of Joseph’s Big Brother game. Turns out this is probably going to be the end of the road for Joseph.

Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • BroChella: Brittany won the Power of Veto
  • Dyre Fest: Terrance won the Power of Veto

Well this is a no-brainer. Brittany will say she’s going to honor the HOH’s wishes and leaves Noms the same whenever their Veto meeting comes up. Could be Monday or maybe they’ll do it a little early on Sunday like this Veto comp was pulled ahead.

As for the Dyre Fest side, Joseph has a chance, at least a better one than if Kyle had won the Veto. Now Joseph needs to reverse Terrance’s position and have him turn on Kyle. Is it likely? Nah, but it’s possible. I just don’t think we’ll see that happen.

Who do you want out the door this week? Share your pick below.

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