Big Brother 25 Episode 15 Recap: Tiny Veto, Big Effect [LIVE Recap]

Red Utley competes for the Tiny Veto on BB25 - CBS
Red Utley competes for the Tiny Veto on BB25 – CBS

Get in close and squint. That’s the Tiny Veto on Big Brother 25! We’re live recapping tonight’s Power of Veto episode on Big Brother as the Houseguests try to fend off Cameron Hardin for their chance to finally send him out the door.

On Sunday night we saw Jared, the new HOH, send Cameron and Red to the Block with the hopes of finally getting the cowboy out before Jury. But like any good week of Big Brother, there’s always a wrench waiting to be thrown. Tonight we’ll watch that all play out.

We’re getting our first DRs from Red as he struggles with the betrayal from Cameron. There are some tears from the big guy. We also see Cirie coming to support Red and help him get his head back in the game before the Veto competition. She doesn’t want Red distracted and give Cameron a bigger opening at the Veto for himself.

Red Utley in the Diary Room on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Red Utley in the Diary Room on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Power of Veto Comp “Tiny Veto” in Week 5:

Set to play in this week’s Veto comp was Jared as the HOH and the two nominees, Cameron and Red. It’s time to pick players and see who would be joining them. Jared draws Felicia. Red draws America. Cameron gets HG Choice and selects Matt since he thinks Matt would use the Veto to save him from the Block.

We get some extra drama thanks to Jared being paranoid about America. Jared thinks she is going to throw the comp and he tells Cory if he suspects she threw the Veto then he’s going to renom her to the Block. Cory is livid and the two argue in the HOH room over it. Soon Cory hurries to America and warns her she has to play hard, incredibly hard to the point that she’s almost over playing to win.

America talks with Cory on Big Brother - CBS
America talks with Cory on Big Brother – CBS

Yes, it’s the return of the Tiny Veto as the Houseguests have been “supersized” so they can handle barrel of “toxic sludge” and the only want to do it is with oversized tweezers. There are 36 barrels to position with great precision and careful, steady hands. Yeah, I’d be terrible at it!

Cameron and Matt are both doing well and so is America. Cory is excited to see her doing so well but realizes that Jared can’t see her success and efforts here. She’ll probably still need to win it to convince Jared that she played hard.

  • Winner of Veto – Week 5: Cameron
Cameron competes on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron competes on Big Brother 25 – CBS

It’s time to find a replacement nominee. Felicia suggests either America or Bowie just before America comes in the room and notices everyone stopped talking. She heads upstairs to confront Jared in case he’s telling others that she’s not aligned with them. There’s more arguing similar to him and Cory earlier. America is rightfully frustrated that Jared, who quickly bailed in the Pressure Cooker, is doubting her after she lasted about twelve hours longer than him.

Power of Veto Ceremony in Week 5:

With the medallion in hand the decision on what would happen seemed obvious. But now the HOH has to make another decision for the week’s final nominees. After an alliance meeting with the Seven Deadly Sins the group settles on Jag as the “pawn.” But wait, he’s not really the pawn, Jag is the target. Again.

  • Final Noms in Week 5: Jag & Red
Nominees Red and Jag on BB25 - CBS
Nominees Red and Jag on BB25 – CBS

Upcoming Eviction in Week 5:

This has been an incredibly flip-floppy bunch of Houseguests and this week is just as bad. I thought for sure the decision was settled days ago but even today on the Live Feeds the debate continued to rage on. We’ve been watching and taking notes as the Houseguests try to finalize who will be evicted on Thursday. Check out the latest on counting votes in Week to decide who gets sent home next.

Be sure to join us Thursday night at 9PM ET for our live recap of Big Brother 25 and find out which Houseguest gets voted out.



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