Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 5: Wednesday Daytime Highlights

It was a quiet Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 25 house with a lot lounging early in the day. It wasn’t until the early afternoon that the game talk started among the Big Brother houseguests. Izzy and Jared mapped out the next few weeks with M&Ms in the HOH room and Izzy and Cirie about how they are going to explain the vote flip for Week 5 of Big Brother to Bowie.

Read on to find out what and when they plan to fill Bowie Jane in on the voting plan and who Izzy thinks she and Jared should bring to F5. Also, read about some of the things the HGs did today to keep themselves busy while stuck inside the house.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 6, 2023:

8:42 AM BBT – Felicia is telling Izzy that she thinks Jag is older than he says he is because he likes deep conversations.

9:00 AM BBT – Red tells Cirie that Matt basically told me that he was voting on the other side. He adds that Matt also told him that Felicia’s name is being said a lot over there too.

9:16 AM BBT – Bowie tells Red that she noticed Mecole and Felicia whispering a lot. She said she mentioned that to Cirie and she said she noticed that too.

9:45 AM BBT – The rest of the HGs are waking up.

10:30 AM BBT – Izzy tells Jared that they need to get together with Team Fields to study.

10:34 AM BBT – Izzy is camtalking wondering if she is putting Jared and Cirie above her winning. She wonders if she is going to lose because she is putting them first. She then talks to Paige (her girlfriend back home) and tells her that it’s important for her to play her own game. Adds that she needs Cirie and Jared in the house because without them, the house would be so lonely.

10:35 AM BBT – Jag is attempting to clear the air with Felicia about something Jared told him. Red told Jared that Jag told him that he couldn’t trust the people he was working with. Says that they were talking about Cameron and Jag told him that sometimes you can’t trust the people you are working with. He understands how it could have been misinterpreted.

11:00 AM BBT – The HGs are lounging around the house. General chit-chatting.

11:40 AM BBT – Izzy is in the HOH room with Jared using M&Ms to map out next moves. She is ommiting Red from the scenario since the plan is for him to go on Thursday.

11:43 AM BBT – Izzy thinks it would be smart for them to keep Bowie and Blue until F5 because Blue will have his back, Bowie will have Cirie’s back, and Jared and Cirie will have her back.

11:56 AM BBT – Cirie joins Jared and Izzy in the HOH room and now they are studying days and events.

12:20 PM BBT – Cirie tells Jared and Izzy that she wants to get out of there before Red gets back. Jared asks why she is so worried about Red seeing them and she tells him because Red told her a couple days ago that she has more influence over Jared than Felicia does. After she leaves, Jared tells Izzy that she has no reason to be worried about Red if he’s leaving and had he sat on information like that for two days she would have gone off on him.

12:25 PM BBT – Izzy asks Jared if she ends up on the block, does he think that Mecole and Felicia would think about evicting her. He says that he thinks they will think about it, but doesn’t think they would actually do it. He says they would be too worried about losing Jared and Cirie as allies.

12:32 PM BBT – Bowie asks Cory if he thinks he is in the middle. He says that he doesn’t know how much of a middle there is anymore. Adds that he sees one side, but no clear other side.

12:36 PM BBT – Jared tells Izzy that he knows if Izzy wins the final HOH, that she would take Cirie. Izzy says she doesn’t know that and adds when them and Cirie make it to F3, they will talk. She adds that she loves Cirie enough that if she wants it to be the two of them (I&J), then it will be the two of them. Jared mentions how Cirie told him the other day that if Jared wins HOH and he has to decide between her and Izzy, she is good with him taking Izzy.

12:45 PM BBT – Jared says that Cory is falling for America hard and adds that he is crazy that Cory told her that his brother was on Survivor (Izzy told him while the feeds were cut away). He wonders what other information Cory is telling her.

12:58 PM BBT – Felicia is quietly filling Cirie in on the conversation she had with Jag while Matt, Red, and Blue are nearby playing chess.

1:30 PM BBT – Back to general conversations between HGs in the kitchen and up in the game room.

1:37 PM BBT – Izzy tells Cirie that within the next few weeks, they have to start thinking about getting rid of Felicia.

1:46 PM BBT – Izzy asks Cirie what they are going to say to Bowie after tomorrow’s vote. Cirie says that regardless, she thinks she is still going to vote to keep Red. Izzy says that she would want to be in the majority and they have to preserve their relationship with Bowie. No one has to know they were the ones who told her.

2:10 PM BBT – Matt, Jag, and Red are having a pizza eating contest while the other HGs cheer them on.

2:15 PM BBT – Cirie is trying on Cory’s pink suit. Her and Izzy wonder if it’s his finale outfit.

2:16 PM BBT – Mecole tells Jag that at this point, he seems to be in a really good place this week, but this house is interesting. She promises that if she hears anything, she will tell him.

2:18 PM BBT – Jag tells Mecole that Cameron is his target next week and he would likely put up Bowie and probably America. Mecole wonders how America will take that and Jag says “not well.”

2:25 PM BBT – Mecole wonders to Jag if with everyone’s reaction to him winning the Veto, if Cameron knows he is going to be targeted. Jag says that he probably has an idea.

2:30 PM BBT – Bowie and Red are getting ready for a round of golf. (Yes, I’m serious)

2:35 PM BBT – Cirie and Izzy are talking about how Felicia wanted to move into Red’s bed but said that she had a lot of stuff so she might stay in her room. Cirie says that’s a perfect idea. Talks turn to what they are going to tell Bowie and they think they should just tell her that the vote flipped last second and they wanted to protect her from having to vote Red out.

2:50 PM BBT – Cory asks Jag if he thinks that him going on the block was always a pawn situation. Jag says that he wants to believe that he was always the pawn because that’s a tough spiral to go down. He adds that he doesn’t care how it started, just hopes that it ends well.

2:55 PM BBT – Izzy tells Cirie that both Cory and Jared have been hearing their names with Izzy’s as targets. Cirie says that she is hearing a lot of Cory, America, and Izzy.

3:00 PM BBT – Red is explaining the golf hole set up from the living room to the kitchen. They are using flip flops attached to pool cues as their clubs and a ball of aluminum foil.

It was relatively quiet inside the house when it came to the campaigning with some of the houseguests participating in a pizza-eating contest and a golf tournament coming up later tonight. Jag did have a couple of conversations with Mecole and Cory to let them know what he plans to do if he stays and wins Head of Household. He seems to feel pretty good about this week, but as Mecole said, this house is interesting and anything can happen between now and the live vote!

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