With both BB Houseguests on the block this week feeling like they’re safe, it was a pretty low-key eviction eve in the Big Brother 25 house. Red thinks he’s good, and Jag thinks he’s good. But only one of them can be right. And as of now, the majority of the house is on the same page, and with such little game talk going on today, this might be the one week where there will be no more flip-flopping.
Read on to find the latest eviction plan, and what the houseguests have discussed should happen next as far as targets go.
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Rewind to Wednesday’s Daytime Highlights report for more on what took place yesterday.
Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 6, 2023:
3:15 PM BBT – Cory asks Jag if he has any plans beyond this week. Jag says he’s just taking it day by day and mentions how he’s been on the block more than he’s been off the block.
4:05 PM BBT – Some of the houseguests are dressed as golfers playing makeshift golf.
4:18 PM BBT – Red tells Bowie he feels like he’s OK this week. She says she feels like he is too. He says but it’s Big Brother and you never know. He says if he does go then he was there longer than he expected anyway.
4:19 PM BBT – Bowie tells Red he should talk to Matt to make sure he’s voting. She asks if he’s checked with Cameron because he owes him. Red says Cameron doesn’t owe him anything and he doesn’t know if he’d trust him anyway. Bowie says she doesn’t think Cameron is Public Enemy No. 1 anymore. Red says they are probably wanting to keep Cameron around now as a shield.
4:35 PM BBT – Matt and Cirie talk about how hard it is to talk to Jared and their group because Blue is always up there. Matt jokes that he’s going to go up there and ask her to leave.
4:38 PM BBT – Houseguests discuss who has been taking the lotion into the toilet stall. Cirie says she thinks it’s Cameron. Matt says Cameron has found a way to distress in the house.
4:41 PM BBT – Red is checking in with Matt. Matt tells Red the plan is still Jag. He says Cory and Cameron told him they’re voting Jag. Red asks Matt if the plan next week is still to backdoor Cameron. Matt says yes.
4:42 PM BBT – Red tells Matt there’s been a lot of talk about Felicia, though. Matt says he’d prefer that it be Felicia over Cameron. Red says Felicia could be a thing only if the Cameron plan falls through. Matt says yes, and the rest of the house wants it to be Cameron too. Felicia can be dealt with later.
4:44 PM BBT – Matt tells Red that everyone is calm today because the house has decided. Red says he’s all packed anyway, just in case. They talk about Jag not campaigning but Red says everyone is telling him he’s fine.
4:56 PM BBT – Cirie dropping hints to Bowie Jane that Red might be going. She tells her that the house might be flipping and they don’t want to be on the other side. Cirie says they won’t want to be attached to Cameron either. Bowie tells Cirie to let her know how to vote. Cirie says she will.
5:25 PM BBT – Mecole is on a cleaning frenzy.
6:35 PM BBT – Houseguests are cleaning out the refrigerator.
6:58 PM BBT – It’s dinner time for the houseguests. They have a choice of salmon, halibut or chicken.
7:19 PM BBT – Jared and Izzy talk about whether or not they’ve been hanging out too much. Izzy says Matt told Cirie that Izzy was hanging out a lot with Cory and America. They talk about how stupid it is for people to be monitoring who’s hanging out with who.
7:40 PM BBT – Red talks with his Comic roommates and shares what he’s enjoyed about each of them.
8:15 PM BBT – Jared talks with Matt that they’ll need to let Cameron know tomorrow that Red might be getting evicted, but they’ll wait until tomorrow.
9:10 PM BBT – Cirie talks with Matt and Jag to tell them this move (keeping Jag) should solidify the Seven for them.
9:10 PM BBT – Izzy tells America they want the vote to be 8-2 tomorrow and America agrees.
9:25 PM BBT – Cory expresses concern to America that they may not have Jag working with them. He doesn’t think they do.
9:40 PM BBT – Jared tells Cirie that Izzy was upset earlier because Cirie left in the middle of Izzy trying to use M&Ms to work through their strategy. Cirie doesn’t care and didn’t want to sit through M&M sessions with her. Jared plans to talk with Cameron tomorrow that Red doesn’t have the votes to stay.
9:40 PM BBT – Cory suggests to America that if Jag gets HOH then they’ll tell him they know about the Seven alliance to try and gain his trust. America says it seems obvious that Jag doesn’t trust her because he’s very closed off to her.
9:50 PM BBT – Blue and Matt trying to decide how they’ll explain their vote to Cameron and Bowie tomorrow. They wonder if they should try for a closer vote, 6-4, instead.
9:50 PM BBT – Jared brags to Cory and America that he was on national television when he was 18 (likely referencing an appearance on Survivor for his mom). Then he changes it to 21. They ask where/why and he says he was here playing Big Brother, but they keep pressing for an answer. Jared continues to dodge.
10:10 PM BBT – Red talks with Meme about target options for next week. She says maybe Cory and America.
10:20 PM BBT – Blue, Jag, Jared, and Matt upstairs discussing how to split up the vote and what Cameron will think when Red is gone tomorrow. They’re going to try and pin a vote flip on Bowie to see if Cameron would target her if he gets HOH.
10:30 PM BBT – Jared warns Cameron that Felicia is upset about the votes and advocating for a flip. Jared claims he still wants Jag to go instead. Jared suggests that Cirie is opposed to what Felicia is proposing.
10:35 PM BBT – HGs are scrambling to figure out how to frame this vote flip. They’re trying to avoid Bowie join the conversation.
11:05 PM BBT – The Bye Bye B’s meet in Comic to discuss their all-women alliance and think they’ll keep Matt and Jared to help win comps until they need to cut them.
11:45 PM BBT – Blue tells Jared who she wants for F7: America, Cory, Cirie, Jared, Izzy, and Meme. Blue is worried Meme will target her, but Jared says they can influence Meme away from that idea.
11:50 PM BBT – Matt and Jag are still up and hungry so they’re looking for some midnight snack options. Meme isn’t having it after they ate her steak from last night.
12:20 AM BBT – America and Cory are cuddled up. He’s discussing trying to get his graduation on track for the spring but might take into summer to finish.
12:40 AM BBT – Jag and Matt still up and jokingly having their Bro Date with some quesadillas.
1:10 AM BBT – Matt and Jag notice this would have been the end of HNs for the week, but there weren’t any this time. They wonder why BB skipped HNs this week.
1:15 AM BBT – Matt and Jag trying to tease Meme by making it look like they ate her food (but didn’t).
1:15 AM BBT – America and Cory go to bed and cuddle up together.
2:00 AM BBT – Lights are out and HGs are off to sleep.
Looks like we’ll finally have a flip that sticks the landing. Jag was the top pick to go on Monday when he was renom’d and by Wednesday night the house had shifted back to keeping Jag and voting out Red. If this stays the course then it’ll just be about how they divide the vote and who knows in the end. As of now it looks like just Bowie and Red don’t know this is going to happen after Jared warned Cameron.
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