Meet The Big Brother 21 Cast: Houseguests Bios & Pics

Big Brother 21 cast of Houseguests

It’s time to meet your Big Brother 21 cast of Houseguests with the official release and announcement of just who will be filling our summer and screens for BB21 fun! We’ve got sixteen ALL-NEW Houseguests again this year and after last year’s strong season and great ratings, we shouldn’t be surprised by this cast of newbies. I’m excited!

The youngest age is 22 with three HGs in that category then ranging up to 53 as the season’s oldest contender. The rest of the ages are mostly late twenties so overall it feels like a notch older of a group. Not to say they’re any more mature than the last bunch. We’ll have to wait to find out more on that.

Read on for this year’s cast of Houseguests and then get ready for them ahead of the Big Brother 21 premiere on Tuesday, June 25th at 8/7c on CBS! Watch the HG interviews on All Access & get your Live Feeds too with the Free Trial. All interviews are now available on-demand!

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Cast interviews start at 8AM PT (11AM ET) but are also available on-demand. Start watching now!

Big Brother 21 Cast: Houseguest Bios

Analyse Talavera on Big Brother

Analyse Talavera (22)

Hometown: Northridge, California
Current City: Simi Valley, California
Occupation: College Soccer Star
Three Adjectives: Funny, outgoing and confident.
Favorite Activities: Tanning, going to the beach, and shopping

Read Analyse’s full bio page here >>

Christie Murphy on Big Brother

Christie Murphy (28)

Hometown: Staten Island, New York
Current City: Keyport, New York
Occupation: Boutique Owner
Three Adjectives: Outgoing, overachiever and edgy
Favorite Activities: I love to go to the park with my dog, I like to do basically ANYTHING in nature, specifically waterfall hikes and I also like to try new food & restaurants with friends.

Read Christie’s full bio page here >>

Cliff Hogg on Big Brother

Cliff Hogg III (53)

Hometown: Houston, Texas
Current City: Houston, Texas
Occupation: Petroleum Engineer
Three Adjectives: Funny, stubborn and caring.
Favorite Activities: watersports, gardening, and politics

Read Cliff’s full bio page here >>

David Alexander on Big Brother

David Alexander (29)

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Current City: Atlanta, Georgia
Occupation: Photographer
Three Adjectives: Positive, charismatic and high energy
Favorite Activities: CrossFit training, professional photography and traveling to new locations.

Read David’s full bio page here >>

Big Brother 21 HGs interviews on Live Feeds

Holly Allen on Big Brother

Holly Allen (31)

Hometown: Lander, Wyoming
Current City: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Wine Safari Guide
Three Adjectives: Spontaneous, sarcastic and relentless
Favorite Activities: Fostering dogs, hiking with wine and road-tripping with a camera in hand.

Read Holly’s full bio page here >>

Isabella Wang on Big Brother

Isabella Wang (22)

Hometown: Mount Olive, New Jersey
Current City: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Public Health Analyst
Three Adjectives: Spontaneous, reckless and generous
Favorite Activities: Spending other peopleโ€™s money.

Read Isabella’s full bio page here >>

Jack Matthews on Big Brother

Jack Matthews (28)

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Current City: Tampa, Florida
Occupation: Fitness Trainer
Three Adjectives: Honest, integrity and character
Favorite Activities: CrossFit, photography and hanging with my dog Layla.

Read Jack’s full bio page here >>

Jackson Michie on Big Brother 20

Jackson Michie (23)

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Current City: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Server
Three Adjectives: Driven, assertive and confident
Favorite Activities: Exercising, social events and hunting

Read Jackson’s full bio page here >>

Big Brother 21 HGs interviews on Live Feeds

Jessica Milagros on Big Brother

Jessica Milagros (30ish)

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Current City: Oak Park, Illinois
Occupation: Model
Three Adjectives: Affectionate, charismatic and creative
Favorite Activities: Dancing, painting and photography

Read Jessica’s full bio page here >>

Kathryn Dunn on Big Brother

Kathryn Dunn (29)

Hometown: Irving, Texas
Current City: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Digital Marketing Executive
Three Adjectives: reliable, hardworking and fun
Favorite Activities: Since I work/live/breathe marketing, most of my hobbies are related to social media and Instagram. I love creating content and producing photo shoots for my friends and me! I also love shopping and being outdoors on a pretty day.

Read Kathryn’s full bio page here >>

Kemi Faknule on Big Brother

Kemi Faknule (25)

Hometown: Elkridge, Maryland
Current City: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation: Marketing Strategist
Three Adjectives: positive, goal-oriented, bitch
Favorite Activities: Contributing to the economy (shopping), discovering new restaurants (recent foodie) and traveling with my friends (hoping to make is to Vegas soon so any potential face palms can be filed under โ€œoh, I was young.โ€)

Read Kemi’s full bio page here >>

Nick Maccarone on Big Brother 21

Nick Maccarone (27)

Hometown: Sewell, New Jersey
Current City: Sewell, New Jersey
Occupation: Therapist
Three Adjectives: outgoing, caring and talkative
Favorite Activities: Playing/watching sports, going to the city to drink/meet women and working (I love helping kids)

Read Nick’s full bio page here >>

Big Brother 21 HGs interviews on Live Feeds

Nicole Anthony on Big Brother

Nicole Anthony (24)

Hometown: Long Island, New York
Current City: Long Island, New York
Occupation: Preschool aide
Three Adjectives: Hard working (I always give my 100%), determined (If I want something, I wonโ€™t stop until I get it) and hilarious! (I crack myself up constantly.)
Favorite Activities: Reading (novels, the classics, fan fiction, blogs, peopleโ€™s analysis of song lyrics or discussion of a movie, ANYTHING!), listening to music (because it does it all: it makes me Zen, pumps me up, etc.) and drawing (I have some badass artistic skills hiding up my sleeve).

Read Nicole’s full bio page here >>

Ovi Kabir on Big Brother

Ovi Kabir (22)

Hometown: Oakridge, Tennessee
Current City: Knoxville, Tennessee
Occupation: College student
Three Adjectives: Relatable, motivated, and brown
Favorite Activities: Rowing, partying (more of a lifestyle than a hobby if we are being honest), and watching Tennessee Basketball win games (Yes, itโ€™s a hobby if you live around Knoxville).

Read Ovi’s full bio page here >>

Sam Smith on Big Brother

Sam Smith (31)

Hometown: West Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Current City: Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Occupation: Truck driver
Three Adjectives: Outgoing, bold and comical
Favorite Activities: Riding my R1, playing basketball, and having friends over for pool parties.

Read Sam’s full bio page here >>

Tommy Bracco on Big Brother

Tommy Bracco (28)

Hometown: Staten Island, New York
Current City: Staten Island, New York
Occupation: Broadway dancer
Three Adjectives: Optimistic, driven and over-the-top
Favorite Activities: Eating mom’s cooking, going to the movies alone and playing Catan with the family.

Read Tommy’s full bio page here >>

Big Brother Cast Interviews:

You’ve read the Houseguests’ bios, but now it’s time to meet them in action with the Live Feeds Interviews only on All Access starting today at 8AM PT (11AM ET) and available later on-demand.

Cast interviews on BBLF

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