Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 10: Monday Daytime Highlights
The veto ceremony came and went in the Big Brother 17 house and everything went as expected and there were no fireworks to follow. And if the rest of the week goes as it has […]
The veto ceremony came and went in the Big Brother 17 house and everything went as expected and there were no fireworks to follow. And if the rest of the week goes as it has […]
Unlike the build up to last week’s Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 17 there wasn’t any shouting or anger, but we did have some tears as this week’s nominees learned of their fate. Overnight Meg […]
Who is your favorite Houseguest this week on Big Brother 17? We’ve opened a new poll plus are taking a look at the rise and fall of the HGs from last week’s numbers. The top […]
Later today in the Big Brother 17 house the remaining eight Houseguests will settle in for the Power of Veto Ceremony where the winner will have to make a choice and force Vanessa, the current […]
It was a mild Sunday in the Big Brother 17 house, but that’s to be expected when any one of Austin or his Angels are Head of Household. Meg and James spent the day trying […]
After weeks and weeks of of the same alliances working together, Vanessa decided to redrawn the lines and flip the Big Brother 17 house upside down. Translation: nothing is really going to change because Vanessa […]
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