Big Brother Over The Top results and spoilers from the season are collected here with all the details linked in supporting articles. You can see who won each competition along with the results from events like evictions, Vetoes, and nominations. The entire season is summed up in one long list here for your reference.
Big Brother OTT Finale:
Winner: Morgan
Runner-up: Jason
Big Brother OTT Week 9:
HoH – F3 Part 1: Jason
F3 Pick: Kryssie
F3 Part 2: Morgan
Evicted: Justin
Big Brother OTT Week 8:
HoH: Morgan
ACP: Justin
Nominated by HoH: Kryssie & Jason
Power of Veto: Jason
Veto Ceremony: Jason saved himself, Morgan renom’d Shelby
Evicted: Shelby 2-0
Big Brother OTT Week 7:
HoH 1st Attempt: Jason
HoH Rematch: Shelby
Nominated by HoH: Danielle & Jason
America’s Nominee: Morgan
Power of Veto: Shelby
Veto Ceremony: Shelby saved Morgan, no renom
America’s Eviction Vote: Danielle
Evicted: Danielle 4-0
Big Brother OTT Week 6.5:
HoH: Danielle
ACP: Morgan
Nominated by HoH: Justin & Whitney
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Whitney 3-2
Big Brother OTT Week 6:
HoH: Shelby
ACP: Jason
Have Nots: Alex, Danielle, & Morgan
Nominated by HoH: Jason noms Danielle, Shelby noms Whitney
America’s Nominee: Alex
Power of Veto: Jason
Veto Ceremony: Danielle saved, Morgan renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Alex
Evicted: Alex 4-0-0
Big Brother OTT Week 5:
HoH: Danielle
ACP: Shelby
Have Nots: Kryssie, Whitney, & Justin
Nominated by HoH: Shelby & Whitney
America’s Nominee: Scott
Power of Veto: Danielle
Veto Ceremony: Whitney saved, Morgan renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Scott
Evicted: Scott 3-0-0
Big Brother OTT Week 4:
HoH: Kryssie
ACP: Alex
Have Nots: Jason, Neeley, & Scott
Nominated by HoH: Morgan & Scott
America’s Nominee: Neeley
Power of Veto: Morgan
Veto Ceremony: Morgan saved herself, Whitney renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Neeley
Evicted: Neeley 4-3
Big Brother OTT Week 3:
HoH: Scott
ACP: Scott
Have Nots: Danielle, Shelby, & Alex
Nominated by HoH: Kryssie & Neeley
America’s Nominee: Danielle
Power of Veto: Alex & Justin
Veto Ceremony: Alex did not use her Veto, Justin used his Veto on Kryssie, & Shane was renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Danielle
Evicted: Shane 5-4
Big Brother OTT Week 2:
HoH: Alex
ACP: Kryssie
Have Nots: Morgan, Monte, & Scott
Nominated by HoH: Shane & Danielle
America’s Nominee: Monte
Power of Veto: Shane
Veto Ceremony: Shane saved himself, Kryssie renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Monte
Evicted: Monte 5-4
Big Brother OTT Week 1:
Returning Vet: Jason Roy
HoH: Monte
Nominated by HoH: Danielle & Jason
America’s Nominee: Cornbread
Power of Veto: Jason
Veto Ceremony: Jason saved himself, Kryssie renom’d
America’s Eviction Vote: Cornbread
Evicted: Cornbread 9-1