Big Brother Fans Choose Their Favorite BB Season Ever!

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother

The fans have spoken! After a week-long poll, Big Brother fans have chosen their favorite season ever. And while there are some surprises within the results, the Top 2 seasons align with what most BB superfans will tell you when asked what their favorite seasons are.

So let’s get to the results! We will start with the season that got the least votes and lead up to the one with the most votes! And for an added bonus, I’m going to add my thoughts in to each entry. Be sure to let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments section or on Twitter!

Big Brother Seasons Ranked By Fans

25. Big Brother 9. So surprises here. The one-off winter season of Big Brother rarely gets any love. I personally would rank it higher than seasons 21, 15, 19, 22 and 18 … but that’s just me.

24. Big Brother 21. I am beyond happy to see BB21 ranked this low. This is my all-time least favorite season. I hated everything about it, from start to finish.

23. Big Brother 5. This is one of the surprises. I have never heard anyone say BB5 was a terrible season, but for it to come in lower than BB22 and BB15 is pretty shocking. This is surely an anomaly, just a result of circumstance.

22. Big Brother 22. The second all-stars season is right up there with BB21 as being terrible. But at least we got to see some of our favorite players again, even if those favorites’ games were all cut short.

21. Big Brother 19. Such a forgettable season. BB19 being ranked this low makes a lot of sense.

20. Big Brother 1. Poor BB1. It never gets any love. But at least it beat BB21!

19. Big Brother 3. I think BB3 doesn’t deserve to be this low, and would surely have been higher had Danielle Reyes won, but again, it’s sort of an anomaly. BB3 fans had to pick their other favorite seasons, so it kind of got pushed down.

18. Big Brother 15. 18th place is probably too high for BB15. But if you look at gameplay, there was some of that going on, so I guess I can live with 18th for this season.

17. Big Brother 4. This one is more shocking than the BB5 placement. Big Brother 4 is on of my favorite seasons, so I have no idea why it’s ranked so low here.

16. Big Brother 12. This is definitely a middle-tier season, so I think this placement makes perfect sense. That flop saboteur twist really makes it the meh season.

15. Big Brother Over The Top. That wacky one-off streaming season has a special place in the hearts of many BB fans. The fans who love messy really did love this season, so that’s why I included it in the poll, and that’s why it’s ranked higher than some really good regular seasons.

14. Big Brother 18. I don’t get how this is so high. BB18 is one of the most forgettable seasons. I can barely name 5 players from it without really sitting down to think (or pulling up Google).

13. Big Brother 13. Another mid-tier season, so I think this one is ranked pretty appropriately.

12. Big Brother 17. A lot of people like BB17, so I’m a bit shocked it’s not sightly higher. It’s not one of my favorite seasons, but I did like the some of the cast members a lot.

11. Big Brother 23. One of the more satisfying recent seasons, I can totally get how it almost snuck into the Top 10.

10. Big Brother 2. Ah, BB1 might be the first season, but BB2 is the OG. It’s the first season with the format (for the most part) that is followed today.

9. Big Brother 24. A little recency bias might be in play here, but also BB fans haven’t been as into a season and a season’s winner in a long time. So I’m actually kind of shocked it’s not ranked even higher.

8. Big Brother 14. I think this makes a lot of sense. Fans are often divided on the final outcome of the season, but I think most can agree it was a very entertaining season (one of the last to be really inthralling, really).

7. Big Brother 11. I enjoyed BB11, but I’m not sure why it’s so high. I guess it’s those die-hard JeJo fans that are still holding on years later.

6. Big Brother 7. The first All-Stars is always a favorite, so this makes sense. I actually expected this to be in the Top 5, but BB16 somehow got into the Top 5, messing up my prediction (the other Top 5 are just as I predicted).

5. Big Brother 8. This is about where I expected BB8 to be. Makes sense to me.

4. Big Brother 20. Based on what I know from social media, I fully expected BB20 to land here.

3. Big Brother 16. This is the one that has me really scratching my head. I know no-one who would pick BB16 in their Top 5, but I know there is an abundance of Derrick fans out there, so I’m guessing that’s how this happened. No offense, I just didn’t know BB16 was that well-liked. It was so boring and predictable to me.

2. Big Brother 6. This is exactly where I would have place BB6 myself. Voters, you did very well here.

1. Big Brother 10. And to no one’s surprise, the best season voted by fans is indeed the BEST season. Most of us have been saying this for years, and now we have a meaningless poll to prove it! Ha. No, seriously, BB10 was the back-to-basics, drama-filled season full of great gameplay and back-stabbing that we love. There’s a reason why season after season fans beg for a back-to-basics game with no ridiculous and unfair twists. But they never listen to us. But we’ll always have BB10.

What do you think of the results? As I already said, there are some shockers, but for the most part, the results make sense. BB16 in the Top 5 really did throw me. I expected the Top 5 to be BB10, BB6, BB7, BB8 and BB20 in some order. But some how, BB7 didn’t make it.



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