Big Brother After Dark Leaves Showtime For TVGN

Big Brother After Dark

Yet another change for Big Brother 15 today with the announcement from CBS that Big Brother: After Dark” would be leaving Showtime and moving to TVGN.

What is TVGN? It’s the channel formerly known as “TV Guide Network” that was rebranded for the fifth time since it started up in 1981 (Wikipedia). CBS bought up half control of the channel along with Lionsgate so they’re probably looking to boost viewership there. I guess Showtime and SHO2 don’t need the help.

What does this mean for the 2013 season of Big Brother After Dark? TVGN isn’t a premium channel, so you won’t have to sign-up for Showtime again. The downside is this probably won’t be uncensored content anymore. They’ll either have to actively censor the content or actively restrict the HGs. I’m guessing it’s the former.

The episodes of After Dark will begin airing live at midnight after the season premiere of Big Brother 15 on June 26, 2013. Each show will air nightly but run only two hours instead of the previous three-hour episodes.

You can check if you get TVGN by visiting their website and clicking the red “TVGN Channel Finder” banner in the upper right corner.

Looks like you’ll want to be getting those Big Brother 15 Live Feeds this season after all.

Make sure you get all the Big Brother 2013 details when they’re released by joining us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email to have those updates sent directly to you.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter



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  1. That is absolutely BULL$#!+
    Omg…. that’s what I look forward to every season!?!?!!!!! Horrible horrible!!!!!!?

  2. I have this channel but it’s one I have never watched before up on 145. Old reruns like Designing Women and Whose The Boss. Yeck

    • what does it matter what comes on the channel as long as you get to see bb… just something to complain about…silly

      • Whose complaining?? The feeds are only $24 for the whole season. That’s what I watch.

  3. Bad move, BBAD. This why we love After Dark. We want BB to act the way they would at home.

  4. This is B.S…I have uverse tv & that channel isn’t available…I guess I’ll have to watch the live feed from my phone or tablet at that time or are they going to do away with the mobile live feeds also?? Ughhh!!

  5. Thanks, now My friend and I can watch it, Showtime, cost it much.

  6. Sounds like CBS wants full control. I understand that but why shoot yourself in the foot when things are working in your favor to begin with? First the change with the live feeds and now this. I’m all for change but not when you’re taking away the tried and true. I’m guessing their motivation for changing things up is not the fans….but their pocketbooks. I seriously doubt we will see the same content on TVGN as Showtime. Part of the appeal of AD was its uncensored content. If i wanted to watch people that are told every little move to make i would watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

    • CBS actually owns Showtime…. so its not control that’s the issue. They’ve had control all along. Maybe they will find this season that it was a mistake and move it back. It can’t be a case of deciding people should have to pay for Showtime to see it, when now it seems like even more people on basic cable won’t have access to TVGN either. Makes no sense!

      • This is true…they DO own Showtime. But i’ve read that they want to expand the number of scripted series they produce….hopefully award winning ones. And AD does not fit into that category. More award winning shows = more subscribers. So offering us censored content on a channel most people can get is deceiving. We think we’re getting something for free but at what cost?

      • There are no productions costs to Showtime to connect to the live feed and who is gonna watch a scripted series from midnight to 3am? Just sayin LOL

      • lol..i agree. Only us nightowls and BB addicts would be watching at 3am :). But maybe Mr. CBS (Moonves) thinks the accolades associated with an award winning show would be more profitable than a show with no production costs. Even if it’s a repeat episode at 3am! Who knows how these talking heads think? I just think it’s a bad decision on their part. Maybe they will prove me wrong. I hope so.

  7. This really sucks bigtime!!!!! I don’t get TVGN with Cablevision…thanks alot BB…I kept Showtime just so I could watch BBAD…BAD MOVE

  8. i’m very happy with this, i’m in Canada, so i never bothered with it befor, but after going to the TVGN site, i see they post full episode of the shows that air on it and to my BIG surprise when i click on full episodes i can watch them, no “not available in your country” warning. so hopefully they’ll post BBAD fast after it aires

    • Where in Canada is it shown? I’m from Canada too – is it on Rogers/Bell or something else? Thanks

  9. Got TVGN, but its not in HD and between that and censoring, it will be like Big Brother 70s style. LOL

  10. I have the channel, however its on a channel that runs the guide on the bottom of the screen. YUCK..

  11. I won’t be watching this season. Without BBAD the show is nearly impossible to watch. And no I’m not ordering your feeds you greedy jerks. (aimed at CBS, not BB network)

  12. Well no TVGN is the Paris TX, unless you get Dish or Direct, so more room to watch Dexter which starts end of June! Oh well no AD for me!

  13. CBS, y’all are morons! Don’t fix what isn’t broken. Censorship and only two hours = extremely bad business decisions. However, if this was intended to decrease interest and drive viewers away, then it’s a complete success! This guy won’t be watching anymore, and I’m sure I’m not alone. I hope CBS producers and executives catch hell for this idiocy!

  14. iam so happy good move cbs I do not have showtime I get showtime only when bb comes on I get to save money yay

  15. NOT a good move! IMO it takes the ‘reality’ and the fun out of BBAD. I am an older person that has watched BB since the beginning, and look forward to the uncensored BBAD every season. I am very disappointed with the powers that be!

  16. At a time where I was trying to find out how to save some money by cutting out on some things this is awesome. I only wish I knew sooner. The only reason I had showtime was for after dark. Only thing about the TVGN thing. If it is censored then they just gave me a reason to subscribe to the live feeds again. I was going to skip the feeds this year and only watch on Sho 2. Also, looking at the channel lineup I see why I never noticed that station. Looks like it mainly shows tv for women and is in the listing after the channel for gays. For those who have DirecTv it is channel 273

  17. Not looking forward to this season anymore with no Showtime Uncensored to watch! Bad move BB!

  18. Wow!!! Let’s watch the ratings for CBS drop like a brick. Bad move leaving Showtime & BBAD. The strategy may have been to get more people to subscribe to the live feeds, but I think that is going to come back & bite them in the ass.

  19. What happens to the people of Canada who love to watch BBAD. Where can we watch it? This is not a very good idea on the networks part.

  20. CBS will loose all around, Since they own Showtime, what’s the cost of
    carrying After Dark. By putting AD on TVGN, the commercial revenue out
    weighs what they receive from Showtime subscribers. Typical decision
    coming from the “Talking Heads” at CBS. Someone is trying to justify
    their job, and have very little respect for the viewers. No commercials
    on Showtime, put it on a channel not everyone can receive and censor it.
    Stupid move!

  21. Thats ridiculous! I love staying up for a 3 hour show! And if they actually censor it, I’ll be so upset :(

  22. My cable network , Cablevision of CT, doesn’t carry that station. You have yo have direct TV. REALLY BAD MOVE CBS!

  23. Is TVGN on AT&T U-verse programing if so what channel?
    I hope so we enjoy both the show and the after hours.

  24. I see a lot of complaints about this move, but the TVGuide channel is carried on Comcast, DirectTV and DISH that will mean MORE people can watch than just those with Showtime. More people watching is a good thing for more people. If your cable provider doesn’t have TVGN contact them and ask them to carry it.

    • I just wish they kept the original 3 hour show and dont censor it! That wont be BB :(

  25. This is the most disappointing news that BB has released thus far. We sign up for Showtime every summer specifically for BBAD. I don’t mind paying the little bit extra because I look forward to BB EVERY season but I can’t get the TVGN station unless I drop my cable company and move to Dish or Direct TV and that’s not going to happen. We’ve been very dedicated fans since the inception of the show, now I’m wondering if it’s even worth watching since I don’t have the ability to see any live action. This is just one more step toward selfish greed – bad call CBS. You’re losing several dedicated fans with this shortsighted move.

    • i like how when you sign up for showtime they don’t mention that BBAD will no longer be on it even if you tell them that is what you are signing up for.

  26. ok this was a bad idea CBS.. TVGN is not availabe north of the border. im in BC and cannot get the new after dark shows. your going to lose afterdark viewers with this change. canadian viewers or not

  27. very bad move indeed…a lot of us don’t get that station so you are going to be loosing a lot of viewers that you normally had… for one…..baaaaad move CBS

  28. People complaining and the show havnt even started yet and we dont know what its going to be like… what a bunch of losers

  29. I keep showtime on just for after dark also, and now I can’t even watch it because I have time warner. So Pissed.

  30. Seriously BB, I dont have the channel, i typed my zip in and it says direct tv and dish, i hope u lose ALOT of cutomers over this so called change!!! a bunch of BS at least u could of done was get it on a channel that all cable networks get!!!!!!

  31. CBS Im soooo disappointed in u. After Dark on showtime is wat i look forward to every summer. I wish someone would hav made an announcement a long time ago so i could have cancelled this junk showtime along time ago. Thanks CBS for ruining the only thing i liked to watch on cable in the first place! Im sooo pissed!

  32. I’m already tired of them cutting out the conversations with profanity. It sucks go back to showtime

  33. This after dark truly sucks. Not even really interested. Been doing other things. Cant believe cbs made this decision when it was going so well. Tvgn even sounds corny. Wth?!

  34. This is some bull craP right here . do they even think about fans ? I mean how could people watch this bull? this is some stupididty to who ever made this dumb decision

  35. I agree with you all. No after dark for me either because my cable does not have that crazy channel. I am so sick over this!!! What was so wrong with showtime? I really think they will pay for the bad call on this one :(

  36. I watched After Dark last night and I was highly disappointed with the show.. they kept silenced their conversations and it was very distracting… CBS I am very disappointed and don’t plan on watching after dark on this new channel TVGN and now that I can’t watch that I might as well skip Big brother 15 this year too!

  37. Did anyone notice on the after dark show the first night julie chan announced commercial free? On the second night it says commercial free for 1 week?

  38. Terrible program, I don’t even watch BB15 on CBS because I can’t follow thru on afterdark on Showtime. Come on you are loosing alot of viewers,I can’t believe you went to TVGN when you h ad such a following on Showtime. Time to turn off the whole Big Brother experience. I may have the channel available but I will not be watching it. Bye Bye

  39. Big Brother After Dark on TVGN SUCKS compared to Showtime. You mute out entire conversations and you cannot tell whats going on. Its only on for 2 hours now as compared to 3 hours on Showtime. I think changing to TVGN was a big mistake, I am not even watching half of it anymore because the camera angles are bad and you focus on one conversation WAY TOO long and it gets BORING. Show the whole house and get in everyones conversations. Its just really boring compared to last year. Big mistake.

  40. what the heck. most of these comments are 3 months ago.. whats up with that? anyway, this season is the worst ever in the bb house. the last 5 houseguest are the lowest of low lifes i have ever seen in BB house history. Not going to watch anymore until the finale cause all they seem to do is to trash/bash Elissa 24/7… omg disgusting people

5 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 15: Roadmap To The Premiere | Big Brother 15
  2. Exclusive: ‘Big Brother After Dark’ On Move To TVGN: “No Difference” Says TVGN Senior VP | Big Brother 15
  3. ‘Big Brother 15′ PSA: “After Dark” Is No Longer On Showtime | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother After Dark: TVGN Revises “No Difference” Censorship Stance | Big Brother Network
  5. TVGN To Air ‘Big Brother 15′ Entire Week of Episodes On Friday Nights Plus Bonus Hour of ‘After Dark’ | Big Brother Network

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