Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 7

Cirie Fields is shocked on Big Brother 25 - CBS

Welcome to another round-up of the latest Big Brother spoilers featuring all the results and news since last Thursday’s live eviction show. At this point we’ve cleared the hurdles of a new HOH, sent two HGs to the Block, and even learned of the outcome on a very close Veto competition.

At this point we have a good idea on how this week will turn out come Thursday’s eviction, but this group on Big Brother 25 has taught us that anything can change at any moment. They’re keeping us on our toes!

Head of Household:
The Endurance competition featured The Wall and delivered some surprises as often the smaller framed HGs do the best here, but instead it was a bigger, stronger HG that pulled off the win.

This was the shortest Wall comp runtime according to the stats at Big Brother Wikia. Little disappointing, but it was still fun to watch on the Feeds, of course!

Read who is the HOH for Week 7 >>

HGs prepare for HOH Endurance Comp - CBS
HGs prepare for HOH Endurance Comp – CBS

With the HOH settled the next round of Nominations were coming due and after Thursday’s dustup between Jared and Cory it seemed pretty obvious on what would happen. But wait, the HOH was tossing out a different combination of noms. That didn’t last long, but either way the true target wasn’t going to the Block. Backdoor time was a strong possibility.

Read who was nominated in Week 7 >>

Power of Veto Competition:
Here we go. Time for a Backdoor and Cameron was the man of the hour. The house wanted him gone and with him not being a nominee there was a chance he wouldn’t play. As such, Cameron wisely campaigned to America to pick him given a HG Choice opportunity. Oddly enough, indirectly that all worked out.

America was torn between picking Jag which would make her allies happy or picking Cameron who would be fighting to win that Veto and keep himself safe as well. In the end, they all got an opportunity to compete.

Read who won the Power of Veto in Week 7 >>

America and Cameron on Big Brother - CBS
America and Cameron on Big Brother – CBS

Power of Veto Meeting:
Veto Ceremony is coming up and it’s going to be a shock if Cameron doesn’t end up on the Block. But which HG will be coming down? We’ve got our guess, but what do you think will happen? After that we’re off to the vote and then it’s time for a Double Eviction this Thursday night!

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the win? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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