Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 7 Nominations

Nominations today on Big Brother 25

We’ve got another repeat Head of Household but will those Nominations get a new spin in Week 7 of Big Brother 25? It’s time for more spoilers! The Houseguests had been going through their routine of meeting with the new HOH and then it was finally time for the decisions to be made official.

Overnight on the Feeds we heard Jared, the champion of The Wall this season, tell his allies that his target was Cameron but his noms would be Cory and Jag. That surprised me a little as I expect America and Cory after the Thursday blowup on the Feeds. So which way did things shake out? Get ready for this week’s nom spoilers on BB25.

Big Brother 25 Week 7 Nominations:

  • Jared nominated: America & Cory
America and Cory on Big Brother 25 - CBS
America and Cory on Big Brother 25 – CBS

No big surprise as this seemed the most likely outcome from the moment Jared won HOH. He had just had a big fight with Cory, already disliked/distrusted America, and could use those circumstances to give Jag a break from the Block.

So the question remains, is Cameron the real target or could Jared shift to preferring one of his current noms to go and take Cameron up on that offer of exchanged safety? Hmm, I’m thinking Cirie will push for Cameron to follow Izzy out the door this week.

What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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