Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

Veto Medallion on Big Brother

Big Brother Houseguests competed on Saturday for the Power of Veto medallion and we’ve got your spoilers on who won the PoV this week. With the new Head of Household Noms set on Friday this was their chance to escape the Block and possibly see a long awaited target lined up for the Backdoor. Easier said than done.

Jared took over after winning The Wall on Thursday, a competition that used to be a perfect fit for the smaller HGs but clearly not this time! Initially Jared was saying he’d send Jag and Cory to the Block even though the obvious move seemed to be America and Cory to focus his strike on Cory after the Thursday blow up between the two. So when the hammer did fall it no surprises on Americory heading up together, but would they stay there?

Playing along with Jared as HOH and America & Cory as the noms were Bowie, Cameron, and Jag. Yes, both Cameron and Jag had a chance to play too. So what happened there, from what we’ve heard on the Feeds, was that Cory drew HG Choice and pick Jag then America drew Jag’s chip but he’s already playing so she had to pick again and got Cameron’s chip that time. Someone’s got to calculate out those odds!

With Cameron and Jag playing there was a chance for the full set of America, Cory, and either Jag or Cameron to be safe as a trio. Should Cameron not be the one to win the Veto this week then he’s likely out the door, but as always, Thursday is a long ways away!

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • Jag won the Power of Veto
Jag wins the Power of Veto on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Jag wins the Power of Veto on Big Brother 25 – CBS

So here we go! Jag can use the Veto to save America and that will force the renom decision on Jared. We discussed earlier that Cirie told Jared to renom her and send Cirie out the door. Wow! Do you think Jared would possibly do that? I guess it could happen, but I dunno.

The far more likely scenario is it’ll be Cameron in the renom seat and if he goes up against Cory then I expect we’ll see Cameron go out the door just shy of Jury.

Upstairs in the HOH room Jared and Blue started dancing and celebrating that Cameron didn’t win the Veto. That right there tells us all we need to do.

BB25 Week 7 Veto Meeting:

Jared has his chance not to finally get Cameron out the door. I would expect it more likely that Jag will save America instead of Cory and Blue is already promising Jared that Jag will definitely be willing to use the Veto to assist in their Backdoor plan for Cameron.

The Power of Veto meeting awaits the Houseguests on Monday and there should be plenty to talk about between now and then. Don’t forget that for the upcoming episodes there have been some Big Brother schedule changes ahead so check the CBS lineup.

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