Big Brother 23: Wildcard Twist Coming To An End

Julie Chen and Wildcard Competition

The Big Brother 23 Wildcard twist is in its final week as the Jokers, Aces, Kings, and Queens prepare for their final WC battle later today in the Big Brother house. One last hurrah and then they’re off on their own, or maybe not as far as the teams are concerned.

We’ve seen three weeks so far with a pre-Noms competition providing the opportunity for an extra boost of safety for potential targets. But aside from in Week 1 that WC power hasn’t been put to use. Overnight Houseguests speculated that this week’s temptation would be especially strong to overcome two week’s of declines. Julie teased it’d be an offering that could give safety and take it away which keeps things pretty flexible if production wants to mix things up.

Right now Christian, the new HOH, and the Kings, his team, are looking at some Whitney + Hannah options for targets and while Hannah already used up her chance to play for Wildcard back in Week 1 we’ve still got Whitney on the docket for playing this week. Could be some fun ahead with that for a possible dent to the Kings’ big plans.

So what’s next after Wildcard ends? We often see these initial Big Brother twists run for about four weeks and then it’s time for something new. I expect that’ll be the case again this year with an inbound replacement before long. We already know next week’s HOH competition will be an Endurance Comp which is awesome so we can watch it on the Live Feeds. But for twists and surprises, I’d expect something else to come along before too long.

The Teams twist will basically be over with the completion of the Wildcard this week, but the roots have grown for most of these groups, albeit some stand stronger than others (Kings with all four members remaining). I think we’ll see these groups stick together somewhat and we’ve already seen how they shift around the house to work with other teams from week to week. There just likely won’t be the same “your whole team is safe this week” angle to it.

Here’s where those teams stand for the HGs left in Big Brother 23:

  • Jokers: Azah, Britini, Derek F
  • Aces: Whitney, Derek X, Hannah
  • Kings: Alyssa, Christian, Sarah, Xavier
  • Queens: Claire, Kyland, Tiffany

If the Kings get their way this week then Aces will be down another player or it’ll be the Jokers (Britini) as a backup plan. That’ll leave a strong team with the Kings and a big target to go with it. Should be interesting.

Kudos to production on this Teams twist. We’ve seen a similar idea before (Cliques in Big Brother 11 and Vets in Big Brother 14) and this worked pretty well to reduce the mega-alliance situations. Sure, we still saw big bulk groups, but it was more fluid from week to week as the teams paired up and then moved to the next week with potentially a new pairing. So I think it worked and it’s been effective, especially with forcing the 2 women and 2 men in each to require a little more diversity than we might have otherwise seen. The Teams and Wildcard twists did their job, and now they’re just about done.

Have you enjoyed the Teams and Wildcard twists? Should Big Brother bring that back again in some form for another season?



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