It is officially Week 4 inside the Big Brother 23 house which means that it’s time for the Wildcard Competition to take place. It is the last week of the Wildcard Competition on Big Brother and this week’s results are going to weigh heavy on the Head of Household’s decision for a target. Read on to find out who is playing in this week’s Wildcard Competition and what will happen with the targets depending on which Big Brother houseguest wins it.
This week two of the teams only have one person eligible to play in the Wildcard Competition. The Aces only have Whitney eligible to play and the Queens only have Claire eligible to play. The Jokers have two people eligible to play, Azah and Derek F. Thursday night on the Big Brother live feeds, DF told Azah that she should play because he believes that she could beat Whitney.
Right now, the members of the Cookout are trying to take the heat off of Hannah, who has been mentioned as a target for this week. However, Whitney is the other nomination choice and since she is in the running for this week’s Wildcard Competition, things could change depending on the results of today’s competition.
If Azah or Claire wins this week’s Wildcard Competition, the plan should stay the same depending on if they turn down the safety or decide to take it. Julie teased during last night’s live eviction show that the offer could give safety and also take it away. If Whitney wins, she will likely take the safety because she knows that her name has been mentioned by some of the houseguests. If she takes the safety, then Christian’s nomination choices will have to change. Christian isn’t holding his one-on-one chats until after the Wildcard Comp takes place so we’ll have more information on that a little later.
Be on the lookout for Wildcard Comp results coming up later today and then Nominations will follow this evening. In the meantime, who do you want to see win this week’s Wildcard Competition?
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