TONIGHT!! A new winner will be crowned TONIGHT on Big Brother 23!! Today is Day 85 inside the Big Brother house. This has been a wild season – and while we may not have seen as many fights and drama as we’ve seen in season past – we’ve still seen a season like none other.
Week 1 was the craziest, sloppiest, rollercoaster we have ever seen. Then an alliance of 6 put their personal interests aside (mostly) to get all of them to the end. Once they got there – it was every person for themselves. That has made these final 3 weeks very exciting to make up for the safe game we saw the previous several. In the end, we have a final 3 and there is still some possible drama depending on who wins part 3.
BUT FIRST – as I do every season – at the end of the year – I go back and see if my preseason predictions held up – and I give myself Bacon or Tofu. Last week, I reviewed the first 8 evictees. This week I will do the Final 8 – and the top 3 will be in the order that I think they will finish.
Read my preseason rankings here >>
Claire Rehfuss – preseason prediction – 2 strips of Bacon – as an alternate for Christie – I was correct that Claire was going to be a strategic player – and had this been a different season, Claire could have easily made the top 4. She was setting herself up very well by listening more than talking. There were plenty of late-night discussions that Claire found herself in the middle of. That is the complete opposite of what I thought and in this case, I was happy to be wrong. 4 strips of Tofu for me!
Alyssa Lopez – preseason prediction – 2 strips of Bacon – if you did not click on the link to the preseason rankings, I’ll save you the trouble – here is what I said about Alyssa:
…right out of the gate, she wants to try to win that first HoH – and I can tell she has a competitive nature. She also seems to be someone who cannot hold their tongue, so expect some fireworks out of this girl. She’ll rope in some people – and will be in a showmance without a doubt. However, all of these attributes will eventually lead to her downfall. If she can get a few wins early, or at least align with others that do, she will be mid-jury.
Yeah – Nailed it! 5 strips of Bacon for me – whoop whoop!!!
Tiffany Mitchell – preseason prediction – 2 strips of Bacon – not as perfect as Alyssa – but I hit on several key characteristics. She was the mom, but not the typical mom we’ve seen in seasons past. Not since Shelly (BB13) have we seen such a great social & strategic “mother role” as we got in Tiffany. The first half of the game was all Tiffany all the time, but no one knew they were doing her bidding. That is what makes the great ones so great.
However – as the Cookout was starting to look inward, Tiffany’s impression of Helen (BB15) came out – and we saw such a case of HoH-itis on the week she didn’t need to win. Yes, she still did knock out her +1, but the way she acted got a few of them a little twisted. That made her the odd person out and easy out when Kyland was the one to take the first shot. I award myself 3 1/2 strips of bacon for my early take.
Hannah Chaddha – preseason prediction – 2 strips of Tofu – I was right about her coming off more mature and almost called her showmance (what exactly do you call what her & Derek X were???) – but that’s about all I got right. On another season, she could have been playing a $750,000 game. I know she would have been leading the charge to get Xavier & Kyland out. I did not think she would be well-liked – and now she will be a top 3 for AFP. I take the 2 strips of Tofu I gave her back and grab another one for good measure.
Kyland Young – preseason prediction – 3 strips of Bacon – I was pretty spot on for some of my preseason predictions. His smile did charm a room, at first. I knew he’d be able to win some comps along the way. And I knew he’d get taken out when people didn’t think they could beat him… but this line, this line right here – I do not think he’ll be seen as an annoyance – yeah, way off. What happened to Kyland? Or should I say – how good was Kyland in his preseason interview hiding the borderline crazy personality? He will always regret taking out Tiffany over Xavier. I give myself 1 strip of Bacon.
Azah Awasum – preseason prediction – 1 strip of Tofu – I was worried that Azah may play too fast & wouldn’t be able to lay low. She laid WAY too low most of the game but finds herself in a position to actually win the game. Getting to the F3 – anything can happen – and she won the 2nd part of the final HoH.
If Azah wins Round 3, does she cut Xavier – adding a big trophy to her resume or does she cut Derek and take her chances against the best player & her BB crush? Good news is she probably won’t have to make that decision. I do not see her winning part 3 – but I was also wrong thinking she would be a pre-jury boot. Gimme 2 strips of Tofu for my preseason analysis
Derek Frazier – preseason prediction – 4 strips of Bacon – not exactly the path I thought he’d take – but he is in line to get to those final 2 chairs. Although he won’t be able to take himself there – and may have talked his way out of Azah taking him, he is the person anyone would love to sit next to on Finale night. I was also way off base that Derek was going to be humble – which just proves that some players (like Kyland as well) put on their best face during the preseason interviews – but the claws come out once inside the house.
I am a little disappointed because I truly thought Derek F would be a force to reckon with this season… not the immovable force that he actually ended up being. I should reward myself with Tofu for my preseason prediction – but gonna take 1 strip of bacon for picking he’d be in F2.
Xavier Prather – preseason prediction – 2 strips of Tofu – we now come to the person most likely getting showered with confetti tonight – the bartender the lawyer Xavier. Well – I called it pretty well from the start – knowing he had the full package to become a BB legend and could possibly do that if/when he wins part 3 and pleads his case to the jury. Something tells me he’ll be good at answering any question that may come his way – but for me, the question is not IF he’ll win – but will he convince Kyland to vote for him and we’ll have back-to-back unanimous winners.
Sure, I doubted that Xavier could make it this far because of his skillset – and on any other season, he would have been an early target – but for BB23 – he was clearly the best. Gimme 4.5 strips of bacon (knock off half a strip for doubting myself).
Well – there ya have it – another fun year of sharing my BaconTofu rankings here on Big Brother Network. I’d once again like to say a huge THANK YOU to the BBN family for letting me bring this column to everyone, giving me an outlet to talk about Big Brother with my unique perspective as a super fan & ex-HG.
My question of the week is simple – if Xavier wins – is he a Big Brother legend?
Let me know what you think of my rankings and the answer to my question of the week in the comments section below. From outside the Big Brother House, this is Adam Poch reminding you, ignorance is temporary, stupid is forever. Keep following me on Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy – and who knows, maybe I’ll pop up for Celebrity BB in the winter.