We saw it coming since the first eviction of Big Brother 13 when we reported Keith had gone in to sequester rather than being sent home after his eviction. Soon the same happened to Cassi and eventually Dominic. This week CBS is ready to put the next twist in to action and give one of the first four evicted HGs a chance to return to the game. Before you ask, no, Evel Dick is not eligible since he did not go to sequester.
Yesterday some quick eyes noticed CBS had reactivated their America’s Vote page for Big Brother (back to inactive at time of publishing) and featured details on the season’s new twist. The voting, which should begin after tonight’s show, includes Keith, Cassi, Dominic, and either Brendon or Jordan, depending on tonight’s eviction.
Borrowing yet another storyline from Survivor this season, the evictee with the most votes get a chance to re-enter the game. “But first” that HG will have to face off against next week’s evicted HG in a “Redemption Island” style battle to decide who returns and who goes on home. While it’d be entertaining to see a newly evicted Daniele, should things not go her way this week, have to face off against Dominic, does anyone think he wouldn’t throw the competition to her? Find out next Thursday.
Read on to see the screencaps for CBS’s testing with both Brendon and Jordan as tonight’s evictees. Who do you want to see return? Once tonight’s eviction is final we’ll post an unofficial poll to see who is most likely to get a chance at returning.
Update: Now that Brendon has been evicted we’ve got a poll for you. Who do you want to have a chance at returning next week?
Side note: We posted these spoilers last night on Facebook and Twitter. Another great reason to add us to your social media and never miss our Big Brother spoilers.
Source: @catladygazette
Image credit: IHateBigBrother.com
“ive lost everything in my life. only reason i came this time was because i so desperately needed money”
this is the example of making ur bed and lying in it.
i wish daniele would come downstairs. dumping gas on a 3 alarm house fire
I am lmao!!!
to all the rachel haters STOP talking about her. she makes the fucking show if it werent for her it would be so boring, what the hell would you watch kalia sleeping all damn day and as for brendon he deserves to stay or hopefully come back. jordan already won half a mil what is that not sufficient for her
What… Are you rachel’s big tough bully brother? You’re going to beat us all up if we don’t shut-up? Waaa.
big brother was around BEFORE rachel, and u can bet ur socks it will be around for a while and continue without her.
@Matt BBN – shed is a little out of line with the language here.
no i’m not
oh no, u must certainly are. shame on u with that mouth haha
You really didn’t need to spell out the word in order to get your point across. You could have used asterisks or some other symbol and looked less like a moron with a potty mouth.
THank YOu charanne52 – that’s my d@mn point! HAHA
Totally agree with you..dont matter what people say..but whomever..I rather have rachel then KA Ka..piggy and Dani the skank looking for someone to blow this season…
I’d rather have Dani, than semen trailing Rachel and hammer toe Brendon.
Rachel can walk out the door wirh her man on thurs. she knew when she signed up she didn’t have a chance of winning and Jordon can win this game too! At least she helps her family out when she wins and dosen’t only think of herself like Rachel goooooo home!!!!
There is a big difference between making the show and being so annoying. She is not making the show, the show will be so much better once she’s gone.
Unfortunetly for us, she had a huge advantage this season. They pitted real couples (vets) against a bunch of strangers who were forced to pair up. Not fair to them. This is the real reason it has been so predictible (boring) this season. All of Racheal’s moves have been so predictible, nothing exciting from her. She hasn’t even learned anything, if she did, she would have learned to be nicer in the game.
They only time they show rachel is when she’s stuffing her pie hole, crying, yelling, or falling down. She’s the Gomer Pile of BB. The only way to like her is if you’re a mirror image of her and I would feel sorry for you. I bet they play BB at home and talk about their friends the same way. Goodbye half of America’s Most Hated.
I agree with Shed. I think she makes the show very interesting. Yes, the show has been good in the past and always will but I like watching Brenchel. They are so ridiculous at times its hilarious! I like seeing all the drama. I do think Jordan is sweet and adorable. But she has won before so I’m not really going for her.
In my opinion…who cares if Jordan won before??? This is a new game, and everyone is eligible to win. Dani won 2nd place before…does that mean she shouldn’t win 2nd place (possibly) again? If they weren’t entitled to play to win…why be there?
Nice language…keep it up and will be saying bye to you shed.
Daniele gotta stay in the house, POINT BLANK!!! I really like/love Cassi (she’s so hoooooooooot!) but for game purposes Dom should come back, he’s got my vote.
I would like it if Dom came back but if Cassie came back watch the fireworks with Rachel, THAT I WOUKD LOVE TO WATCH!
I would love to see Cassi come back to..if nothing else but to get under Rachel’s skin..especially a “Brendon-less” skin. Now that would be must see TV.
Could not agree more – Rachel’s head will explode if Cassie comes back and not her beloved Brendan. That will be an episode worth recording.
i hope that america votes anyone but brendon because i have no reservations of the three possibles it just can’t be brendon he’s a lousy player and he’s getting written in as the player who wins everythiing and that’s not fair i don’t care what anybody else says. i know it was the same way for dani but that was different brendon he’s working on his PhD and will easily pay it off but for dani she doesn’t have that much
You guys are guessing on what their personal lives and finances are all about.
I hope Brendon goes, and Cassi comes back. It seems to be a rigging attempt to keep Brendon and Rachel together. Why doesn’t CBS just start a telethon for the two of them?
actually i think it’s more aimed towards saving Dani, at least the “redemption island” part of the twist is. Big Brother knows Daniele will be most like on the block, so if she get’s evicted next week, so have a chance to save herself. cause you gotta know that she’ll get back doored, no one in that house has the balls to give her a shot at veto. at least she put up Brenchel right away and not back dooring them
I am with you, Brandon go home!!!!And Cassi come back to drive Rachel absolutely nuts. Not that she isn’t already!!
Matt (BBN) I don’t think Dom would throw a comp for Dani…if he thought he could return to the game I think he would jump at it…friendship would be out the window…I am sure Dani wouldn’t throw it for him (even if she felt guilty for his leaving)..
Matt another question..would they have a competition or just a vote from inside the house or the viewing audience…sorry I don’t follow Survivor so I am not sure what redemption is all about. Thanks…and thanks for the update.
All we know is what’s in the image above. According to CBS the voted HG will battle with next week’s evicted HG. So I’d assume that means some one on one competition to return to the game.
Thanks Matt…that seems like a fair way to get back in.
Thanks Matt, that seems like the fair way to get back into the house.
Will you post a poll on this website so we can see which HG all the BBnetwork members would pick if the decision was ours to make?
That gives alot of food for thought..such as>> Rachel verses Brendon Dani verses
Brendon or Jeff verses Jordon…hmmm a # of possibilities..interesting..
With the unbelievably, uncomfortable, Rachel, pity-party, meltdown that is taking place today, wouldn’t it be perfect if Rachel gets evicted next week and has to compete against Cassi to get back into the house. I know the Brendon coming back ironies abound too, but I don’t think America will vote him back in, he has rubbed too many people the wrong way this year. Just sayin’
I hope Dom or Cassie comes back…..
Cheering for Brendon to come back, lol i would love to see Dani’s face. I Love all the veterans, but i really like Brenchel, its a love-hate relationship!
So punishing Brendon for getting himself an education? What the HG’s have or don’t have should have no bearing on the game. Why not just give the 500k to the poorest and can cancel the game? And I’m not a huge Brendon fan. He is good for drama.
Who is punishing him for getting an education. He (1) talks all the time about how educated he is, even to his annoying fiance, and (2) when he does that he doesn’t sound like he has gotten very much for his education dollars. When he brings it up incessantly, what is wrong with people commenting on it?
Regardless of how you feel about Rachel and Brendan as tv personalities, because you do not know them personally, they are both human beings. Your laughing at Rachel’s pain and grief are a clear reflection of who you are as a person. Could you try a little sympathy?? Give me back some faith in humanity?I’m not sure how I would behave at a forced contractual extended separation from my own
spouse. Maybe you have never been in this type of situation- I just really wish you Brendan/Rachel haters could take a break.
thanks for this im so sick of everyone bashing them
Maybe people wouldn’t bash them if they didn’t put themselves on TV and act like idiots. I am a sympathatic person but have a hard time to have sympathy for someone (Rachel) who sticks her duck lips out and squints her eyes and whines and doesn’t shed a tear for most of the summer. Just because she is really crying now, so what. She made her bed.
i think maybe if rachel wasnt constantly acting crazy we would see dani a little more and her not hiding all week in her room…. also when the season started my husband took 1 look at them and said awww man them again lol and i said yay it will be a good season and i was happy to see them….not so much anymore i dont call constant crying and complaining is much tv entertainment for me but maybe thats just me (yelling good crying annoying) also not 1 time have i laughed at rachel for crying or in pain and also i have been with my hubby since i was 15 and i am now 28 with 2 kids and have had to be away before its called life lol…..and im just starting to get annoyed with the complete lack of empathy they have for others and too much for thereselves, they act like no one else needs money but them and like there all not there for the same reason i mean come on its 2011 and were in the middle of a resession who dosnt need the money……
You miss the point. There are people who are down/depressed/sick. There are people who are jerks. There are people who are both. Rachel is both. And the way she comes across on tv and the feeds is that she is much more of a jerk than someone with genuine hental health issues. Do her insecurities play a role in her being a jerk? Well, everyone on earth has insecurities. You dont get a free pass to treat people like crap because youre insecure. Even if she has an untreated “mental illness” (which again, may cause some people to be a jerk, but IMHO her behavior is part calculated and part irrational), it is not an excuse here. She is a jerk when things are good (but with more control) and when she loses that she melts down. She is just a huge insecure jerk starved for attention.
Really? Sympathy?? Where was Rachel’s sympathy when she won HOH?? She is such a sore loser cry baby! Pathetic!
no I wouldn’t put myself in that situation. and she brings it on all by herself! When she’s winning she goes around the house like she owns it and bullies everyone but whe she louses it poor me everyone is sooooo mean!! Give me a break!
They put themselves on TV! I have NO sympathy for her antics! Most of the time she isn’t even crying real tears! And since we have seen way too much of her already it has become increasing easy to tell when she is “putting on the dog”.
And – let’s talk about the money that they so desperately need. They are using it for a wedding! HELLO – one of the biggest wastes of money going. (Sorry ladies but that 30k could have went toward a house)
They are already banking 10k/wk between the two of them so AGAIN NO sympathy. (don’t get me wrong, I’m all about them getting paid btw) But seriously, NOT a bad gig!
So a big HAHA that she is sad – may that reflect on me as shinny as her bouncing around the house drunk with power and rubbing it in everyone’s faces!!!! humanity – please she could use a lesson in that!
YOU TELL THEM! Good bye Brandon and please take Rachel and all her so called fans with her.
Nadine7601 and Ziggy1 – you have both stated how I feel. I am so tired of the drama of the two of them. I don’t enjoy watching them like some of their fans on this site. They actually make me sick and want to fast forward. They think they are so much better than every one else. They are not. When Rachel or Brendon win they are on top of the world. When anyone else wins and dares to put them on the block as Dani was brave enough to do they go crazy and bad mouth everyone in the game. Rachel wants no one to come between her and her man. Give me a break!!! I could not stand them last season and was so happy to see them go. When they walked in the door again I said oh no, not them again. I wish they had waited for a All Star Show and let us see how good they were against them. I don’t think this was quite fair to the newbies. If Brendon comes back and Rachel is still there I am done watching.
Gail – I agree with you too except for the done part. I’ll still watch, I’ll just be PUCKING all over myself and rolling my eyes in the back of my head as I suffer through the FAKE BS Rach dishes out. It’s like a BAD B movie!
And you are right, it wasn’t fair to the newbies – and another good point you made is about going on the All-Stars. They would have NEVER even made it this far against an All-Star team!
Everyone in the house is seperated from someone they love. The difference is that Rachel and Brendan are a pair of arrogant, smug little jerks. I don’t see people making fun of Shelly, and she cries daily. Whenever I hear about other Brenchel breakdown, I laugh.
If Brendan ends up getting evicted, I think it has to be him who gets to return because that would create the most drama in the house! Like them or not, Brendan & Rachel are the only ones who make the show worth watching, imo, because all of the other houseguests are boring in comparison. I would love to see the expression on Danielle’s face if that happened, she would get the payback she richly deserves. She should have remained loyal to the vets until all of the newbies were evicted, then it would have been her time to turn on whomever she wanted to. It seems foolish to turn on your alliance this soon into the game, in my opinion…
Everybody knows how Rachel is, she gets emotional and says things she probably doesn’t mean, I think people should look at it more like “that’s just Rachel being Rachel” and try to look past it and realize that like her or not she IS a very strong competitor and it would be better for anyone’s game to have her on your side and not against you (same goes for Brendan).
I just don’t see why Brendan and Rachel are so vilified – are they really any worse than other couples they’ve had on in the past? Surely, they are no worse than Dick and Danielle were…
they are getting what they had coming period. everyone talk about how Daniele turned on them and put them up, that’s a little twisted. She turned on J&J, If Brenchel would have kept their mouth shut about the “Backdoring Jeff” plan, Dom would have stayed, When Dani won HOH she’d have put J&J up and Brenchel would be sitting pretty
HELLO!! Did you all miss the episode where Dani and Dom were planning to break the alliance with Rachel and Brendon!!! She has not kept her alliance with anyone!! (except K)She made an alliance with J & J and she still put Jordan up!!!Dani is Evil Dani Jr. K sits back and gossips, L walks around in a different world. how boring once Rachel and Brandon are gone.
@Helen if you watched you would have noticed that Jordan was put on as part of the deal. The one where she VOLUNTEERED to go up.
“Everybody knows how Rachel …blahblahbalh… I think people should look at it more like “that’s just Rachel being Rachel” and try to look past it and realize….blahblahbla”
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So you are saying that just because some is the way they are that it is an EXCUSE or a PASS to continue that way? That is the BIGGEST cop-out around. Sorry.
I’m a douch bag but that’s just me to accept it- yeah that works!
None of the reality shows should base the winner on how much they need the money, they are not charitable shows like Secret Millionaire or Undercover Boss.
I totallly agree with that Doug~
So basically next week, unless Kalia or Lawn wins hoh, they are gonna let Dom or Cassie back in the game, got it.
crying out loud! why dont you just give brendal the money and forget about it! Just like you did for Boston Rob on survivor!
srry should have said brenchel aahahah
It is of my opinion that at this time Rachel is looking for symapthy votes..nothing more than a ploy to get a vote for Brendon….There has to be a stopping point for antics..Please BB move out the Rachel mode tonite..Please..And I did not say I hate Rachel..I cannot stand her actions and self serving attitude..
yup…you are totally right there fly
make that a +2
i’m gonna pray for brendon to come back. omg think of all the drama that would erupt in the house
ya it would be great to see Brendon come back next week, i’d also like Daniele to get evicted next week, just so that she can send him back home personally.
Could you imagine how much drama that would cause? Rachel would really lose it, Dani would have “got between her and her man” twice
I wonder if Dick is going to be the one who tells hg’s of the twist. Maybe that is why we will see him tonight. Or will they tell the hg’s tonight? Maybe they will to calm Rachael down.
To (Kimber)- first of all I’m so glad that you aren’t someone who glories in someone else’s pain it is very refreshing. Also congratulations for the ling lasting union. However … Try to think back to the beginning of your relationship- when things are still new and everyday apart feels like a small death. I’m just saying I wish haters would cut her a break. They put themselves in this position and could have made smarter game moves, but it’s still breaks my heart to not only see her pain but remember that I myself have been there. I can’t mock someone for their humanity.
Do you really think she give you the time of day if it was you and not her? Please she needs med’s right away and cbs and bb should no better than letting her come back after last year she needs help!!!
She shouldn’t have brought her love life to prime time TV.She’ll be fine once she wins HOH again – you’ll see….
They are in the friggin big brother house, they had to know going in that they were going to get separated at some point. I don’t know maybe they are that arrogant that they assumed they would be the final two. Either way, suck it up, it’s a game and get a life.
Yes, I totally see your point BBFAN!
honestly my opinion and i am not even in this situation, do you have 1 clue as to how many thousands of troops go over seas and dont get to talk to there familys ect for extended periods of time, im sure those people fighting for our country dont get $10 thousand dollars a week and there in war, honey there are alot of people who go through seperation, and also no one has herd distance makes the heart grow fonder :) and no everyday for me was never small death….lol its supposed to be healthy to spend some time apart (in my world anyway) but i must be wrong :)why does someone on tv break your heart anyways?? its just a show lol and she is lying in the bed she mad for herself…. its just a fact
Well said Kimber!!!! Brendan and Rachel just need to grow up and shut up!
If she is really having a breakdown, she needs to leave and go get help. I do feel sorry for her in a way, but she is bringing this negativity on herself. Its not like this is her first rodeo and she didnt know what to expect.
Enough with them already..gag!!!!
I do feel really bad for Rachael. She doesn’t have a job because people saw her on tv and didn’t like the way she acted? Must be tough. That is probably why she agreed to come on the show. She was always talking about changing this year. I think in some ways she has, but I don’t think she should be denied employment because of a show. I don’t think she’s like that in real life. I’d go nuts too being stuck in a house with people like that.
I’m pretty sure Burger King is hiring!
omg Nadine that is too funny! lol
And if RACHEL feels like that BB has ruined her life then when the door opens tonite and (if) IT IS OPEN FOR BRENDON TO LEAVE THEN MAYBE IT WOULD BE FOR THE BEST IF SHE WENT OUT WITH HIM.The name of the show is BIG BROTHER…not the Rachel Riley hour..it is getting old..
yep, yep, yep!!!!
I love that the security word in the first screen cap is “goner.” Unintentional humor?
I caught that too! funny
Like people have said, whether you like them or not, Brenchel does make watching the show a little bit more interesting. None of the other HGs have any interesting personalities. Im stating right now that if Brendon goes, i will vote for him to come back into the house. You have to understand, playing this game can get to people after a while, especially if you are playing it with someone you love and you are having to watch them most likely leaving. Its easy for people like us who are not in the house playing, sayin o well they are playing emotionally or this person or that person is a liar, etc. I bet playing the game would take a toll on all of us in one way or another. I happen to like Brenchel and do not think they are ugly or bad people outside of the house. I believe the game itself can get overwhelming after a while. Thats just my opinion, but like i said, i plan on voting Brendon back into the house, should he be evicted tonight.
I don’t think that she could just leave with Brendan without voiding their contract with CBS. She’s stuck.
ANYone can leave ANYtime. incase you didn’t hear the pen drop p-e-r-i-o-d
Well hopefully Dominic get’s voted to go back in if he would have just kept his mouth shut he would have been ok.
I was so sick of Rachel last year, did not want her to come back even then. she is not the show. the network thinks she creates controversy but there is much more to the other people then the really ugly ignorant bad dye job stripper. They just dont show the other people they show what they want. Brendon can go too last year revealed past girlfriends and he apparently has some severe issues with liking fat girls he can boss around. he can go to – there is nothing interesting about either in fact I did not even watch a couple shows that were all about them and the boo hoo part thank you dvr was able to forward over that.
Rachel go home go to school fix your hair and attitude and get a life
I agree with what you said, I was just wondering why you said ‘fat girls’… you got sumthn against ‘fat girls’? and does being fat mean that they can be bossed around? As a luvr of some chunky ppl I’m not diggn on that!
also put Dominic or Cassi back in, they have a brain and want to win should be interesting to watch some strategy over boo hoo boo hoo all the time.
the only interesting ones last year were Lane and the little blond -starting to lose interest this year
dom deserves to come back everyone vote him back please
i hope dominic comes back
either way for me a girl coming back if brendon’s evicted cassie coming back to the bb house but if jordan is evicted shes coming back
First Jordan would actually have to beat next weeks evicted. Not sure she could do that. She won her money last year without winning one HOH.
Wrong. Jordon won a golf HOH. True Jeff & her were the last two standing & he let her win. She also won 2 out of 3 final events to win BB11.
I wonder if the HGs will be informed of this tonight before the voting. If so, there is a chance it could change some of the voting but i doubt they would be told before the voting.
If Dani is the one getting evicted this week then it has to be Brendon who gets voted back in the house by america because the two of them having a head to head battle to see who stays is too good to miss.
I guess we won’t know who will get evicted next week until we find out who wins hoh tonight.
The Cassi/dani matchup also has some potential for drama because those two hated each other because of Dom.
What if Rachel gets voted out next week and she throws the comp so Brendon can come back in the game?
Who wins if Jeff gets evicted next week and he faces Dom? Or Jeff/Brendon could also be a good matchup.
How about a Cassi v. Rachel matchup?
They probably could have gone ahead and sent Keith home already.
lol, keith is not even a factor at this point
Cassie is an absolute nobody..she holds not even close to enough power to drive. Rachel crazy…she’s. Such a non-factor. The. Only newbie who. Even sliightly. Mattered. Was dom and gosh are you kidding me? He was not head over heels for dani like she is for him..he wouldn’t throw it for her. But all. Of those ppl had horrible game. Brendon deserves to come back, and a brendon/dani head to head would be so much more interesting because dani has got the. Chance to. Undeservingly. Coast. Through the first 4 weeks. She should have never gotten a golden key and had she not she woulda been backdoored and voted out last week with all the drama she stirred up. So its only right that if. She gets. Booted next. Thursday. She should have to face. A real competitor 1 on 1(which. Would. Be brendon) to prove herself since she got a free pass into jury basically. And besides it would be so much more interesting to see the two biggest. Enemies in the. House go head to head GO. BRENCHEL! (OR JEFF/BUT. NOT JORDAN). Sorry about. All. The periods.
stop living in wonderland brenchel is going down now matter how hard you try.Why should he return for a thrid time to the house its either cassie or dom who should come back.
I am so glad someone out there agrees with me. Rachel and Brendon are the only ones that really compete, and WIN!! If Brendon gets evicted, lets vote Brendon back in!!!!!
Looks like you drank the Brenchel Kool-Aid. Why do you think they “deserve” to be there over anybody else. They were all chosen to be there & most are playing the game their own way not the way Brenchel want them to.It’s easy to win the first few HOH’s because no one else wants to. They both play terrible socially so will never win. Do Not Vote for Brendon to return!!
Please its 500.00 at stake bring bk Dom Keith is another crazy and i like Cassie but she will start the same stupid s…t with Shell we are in need of a game not an asylum chiller.Dani and Dom could fight it out as for the rest lets see how good they are including the JJ we need players not feel sorry for me. i would never hire a person like Rachel unless she gets treatment, and Brendan he needs to get a grip.
Do most of the male viewership a favor and bring Cassie back. C’mon Cowgirl Up!!
This will hopefully turn the game completely on its head.So if dani goes next week she will have a chance to save herself.
Lets hope either Kaila or lawon wins the hoh and sends home someone from the other side cause more than likely dom or Cassie will be going against kalia,lawon or dani,i do not want that.
well king that was a complete condridiction if. I have ever heard one. If. Dani gets. A chance to save herself next. Week (if everything plays out that. Way) then why then the hell does she deserve a third chance? As you. Said the. Same about brendon. And what’s. Even worse is that. Dani rode the ride for the first. 4 weeks. If. She. Cantg make it past next week then basically she was only able to keep herself in the game for one week. She. Is the most undeserving out of all of them. And brenchal deserves it cause they have actually had to fight to stay unlike the rest. And without brenchel there this season would probably have the lowest. Ratngs possible. Your one of the not. So many that love the kahlia clan.
no if brendron gets voted back in that will make 3 times he gets to play the game if dani gets evicted she will have to play to save herself automatically he and i repeat he will not get voted back in.
I dont care about who did what i cant stand brenchel cassie is eye candy and dom is full of jokes done with brenchel!!!:)
Mandi – Put down the KOOL-AID NOW!!!
Why do you insist on putting periods in the middle of a sentence? It makes sense that you’re a Brenchel fan since t’s clear that you’re short one half of your brain.
I think this is great news for Dani. If she is sent packing next week she will have a chance to play an evictee to return and get some sweet revenge.
Bring back Dom..no Cassie cuz “the straight shooter” Shelly will just play her for a fool again.
Exactly helen! The fact that there is even talk about anyone else being deserving enough to come back is insane. Keith. And dom were cocky enough to throw their veto comps…that is their own damn. Problem..and. cassie oh my lord if I. Have to. Hear one more..would you rather I will throw something. She was such a non-factor..every thinks just cause she called rachel catty she deserves to come back? Shell be gone in the first couple of weeks. Again..most likely at. The hands of rachel. And why is everyone acting like rachel is a lost cause without. Brendon? Jeff and jordan have. Already stated that they are going after Dani regardless and she has Porsha on her side as well..and adam and shelly are plotting for a dani/lawan/kahlia take down if they win. So with Brendon gone Rachel is no longer the. Biggest. Target in the house..and not to mention. She is sick at competitions. Has everyone forgot that. She has never lost an HOH? Excuse the periods.
rachel has never played without brendan’s cheer leading to motivate her so lets see what she does tonight :)
If you’re worried about lack of drama, vote Cassie back in. The drama between her and Rachel will be priceless.
Exactly helen! The fact that there is even talk about anyone else being deserving enough to come back is insane. Keith. And dom were cocky enough to throw their veto comps…that is their own damn. Problem..and. cassie oh my lord if I. Have to. Hear one more..would you rather I will throw something. She was such a non-factor..every thinks just cause she called rachel catty she deserves to come back? Shell be gone in the first couple of weeks. Again..most likely at. The hands of rachel. And why is everyone acting like rachel is a lost cause without. Brendon? Jeff and jordan have. Already stated that they are going after Dani regardless and she has Porsha on her side as well..and adam and shelly are plotting for a dani/lawan/kahlia take down if they win. So with Brendon gone Rachel is no longer the. Biggest. Target in the house..and not to mention. She is sick at competitions. Has everyone forgot that. She has never lost an HOH? Excuse the periods…thanks
king…cassie being eye candy means absolutely nothing for the. Game..get real with. That one..and you. Need to remember what. A small fraction of. Veiwers these sites actually hold..so don’t say he won’t and I repeat he won’t. Get. Voted back in..you. have no clue..and whether dani has to play. 2 mins or 2 days. Or 2 weeks. After she gets. Evicted she is. Still playing to come back. In the house for a 3rd time..once your evicted your evicted..there’s no 5 minute grace period. If the votes didn’t go her way, shed be evicted point. Blank..no ifs ands or buts..so she will. Also. E getting. A 3rd chance..and not to mention..and I reapeat I said I repeat..she coasted through the first. Four weeks just. Cause her daddy left…she’s a doucher
Dani only coasted through the weeks because she HAD to. She’s a dynamite player who hasn’t had a chance to play so please stop saying she got a break.
It doesn’t matter to me whether or not Rachel would feel bad for me because it’s a hypothetical reality. Im sorry that my remarks on treating her with the kindness of not bashing her seems to have rubbed some of you in the wrong way. And not surprising that you would then decide to bash me/ attack me for my opinion. It seems like some of you just want a target. And you seem to think it is Rachel with mental issues. You guys are the true bullies! We are not in a game for money what is your excuse for being mean??? I don’t really care who wins, I am a fan of them all. Kalia can sometimes get on my nerves, but that is what fast forward is for- and I in no way would bash her. I’m sure she is probably a lovely person outside the house. It is possible to have an opinion without cruelty.
Before you attack others for being cruel, perhaps you should listen to Rachel talk about her fellow housemates.
yep…Sometimes in this life u get back as good as u give..or Karma is a bitch..or be careful what u wish for it may come back to bite u in the ass…..we shall see.
Jeff and jordan will start crying. And throwing fits when their split time. Comes too. Rest assured. And rachel and. Brendon. Have deserving. Attitudes because they. Have won so many comps and they do. Deserve it that’s. Why..people need to realize this is a game..who cares if theyr abnoxious and annoying..they are far and. Beyond. Better competitors than the entire rest of the house..that. is why they deserve to win.
And yet Rachel & Brendon were so quick to tell everyone to vote out Jordon & break up their relationship.
At Lin-Z no not around here. I get. Extremely bashed for being a rachel fan most days. As well..however I couldn’t care less. I dk rachel or brendon outside of the house and neither does anyone else..they all say rachel is so disturbing, but I think the disturbing part is that people actually get so mad and talk. About someone. On a personal level because of it. And nobody actually thinks “hey, what if I was. In. Her shoes”? She and brendon haven’t had your typical BB ride like most. They don’t get. To coast through like Jordan. They. Have been the main. Target since day one of their last season…its only right that they feel defeated. And act a little pouty…they can win win win but in. The end they can’t win. Just picture it in real. Life…its like you working and working your ass off for a promotion and it goes to. The next girl. Cause she slept with the. Boss..lol..excuse all the periods..as always.
agree with you mandy
sorry…meant mandi
Mandi shut up already with your brenchel campaign their going down so shut it.
I think they did this just for dani, just like the HOH comp..and
At mandi- thank you… And I agree wholeheartedly. They do bash Rachel/Brendan fans. What is ironic is that thereason they hate b&r is because they are bullies, jerks etc… And then do the same thing to people with different opinions. It is what it is- and someday hopefully karma will teach them manners.
Please – seriously, so personal! The bashing is on the game and the opinions not the person. No wonder you are a Rachel fan – SUCH DRAMA!
At kimber- god forbid that you would laugh at anyone else who grieves during a separation especially this who separate in order to defend our country
lmao..Brendon ain’t going off to war..Rachel told him when he gets out he needs to pay their car insurance..lmao..u gotta be kidding me..
Hold on, all you doom people !!! We all have a thought on what will be. I just don’t think any of us should have the audacity to judge ANY of the H.G. I feel we have the RIGHT to make an opinion of them , but that’s all. None of us knows the private life of anyone in the house. They all are playing the game for the money,some just play harder than others.I personally would like to see Dominic come back .He seems to be a strong player and needs a chanse to prove it.I’m glad to know that E.D. is coming back tonight, even if only for one night..I also want Danielle to stay in the house.
I think if jordon gets evicted,she will get voted back anyway
Why can’t we work yet?
Hopefully Brendon will go and Dom or Keith will come back. Tired of Rachel and Brandon (tired of them last year too and hated to see them there). You can have excitement without the whining from both of them and the pompous attitudes. They are sore losers and winners – a bad combination.
I dont agree with that…at least Rachel and Brendon are real…they have done the exact same things as just about everyone playing the game…differrent people have said its just a game so maybe you dont like the way Rachel and Brendon play…they are real and who likes to loose…everyone playing the game has lied so why just select a few to not like. I hope Brendon wins and gets to come back…let the under dogs win for a change….look at how well Rachel played last year she should have won…she stood alone and look at how well she won..its just too bad that people are only picking a few to judge and not the whole lot..its a game …
@ Sheryl – You say that Brendon & Rachel are “REAL” What show are you watching ?? They are the most ANNNOYING & FAKE Players they have ever had on Big Brothers !!! You also said like to loose but, it is the opposite they Hate to loose & are Bad Loosers !! Get your story Straight. Unless you are related to them & even so wake up & smell the Coffee !!!
Brandon is arrogant and only likes to listen to his own voice. Rachel is over-emotional and lets it get in the way of her game. They are both sore losers. The accuse other players or only playing for themselves when they do exactly the same thing. To that I say. “hello. of course they are playing for themselves, they are certainly not going to play for you, wake up”
and James, I think you misread what Sheryl said. she asked the questions “Who likes to lose?” making a point about Rachel and Brandon reacting like any other player when they lose. To that I say. Sure…no one likes to lose but they do take it to the extreme.
When they are in control all is well, but you better tie your hat on with wire if you happen to try and make a move to keep yourself safe. that will set off the Brenchel bomb
I like Danielle- I think she should have waited a little longer before trying the backdoor jeff campaign, but I also think that Rachel and Brendan should have done it and still had Dom in the game. Eventually they would all turn on eachother, but then they would have just been separated until meeting in jury house instead of facing a whole summer apart.
Well we agree on something! =)
i dont know if i should vote cassi or dominic.
Cassi is eye candy, But dominic has a better chance of winning, And will try and take out the vets.
Vote Dom back he a player.
I would say Cassie – I am a fan, but I think Dom would help Dani more – so I’ll vote for both! lol
How do you go about voting?
You will probably have to go to CBS.com after the show is over and they will have posted the eligible HGs that can return and then you just vote.
two choices
1. via text message
2. on CBS website
At Gail…you. seem to get it wrong. I. Am. A. Brenchel fan. And I agree they are conpletely sickening abnoxious over the top and annoying. But that doesn’t take away from the fact. That they’re amazing competitors which. Is the only things that. Should. Matter. And for the record..that is what the Brenchel fans like to watch is them killin it at all. The comps
not all BB fans like to watch two grown-ups act like big babbies. Rachel had both of her hoh handed to her.
Amen to that Ziggy. They are such sore losers. No way in h*** does brendon deserve to come back. Pathetic
whhhhaaaaaat are you serious…Rachel won her hoh on her own…not sure why you would say it was handed to her…I think its wonderful that Brendon shows his real emotions…not many men are brave enough to show that…good for brendon and Rachel I hope that Brendon comes back and they clean house…I really dont dislike anyone in the house ..theya are just there to play the game..so dont hate the players hate the game ppl…lol
Sheryl..Rachael didn’t win the first HOH on her own,she made a deal with Danielle.
I think all the men that. Would vote cassie in. Because she is “eye candy” are pathetic and need to. Get real..she’d be gone in. A week. Especially if she continued to try and get. Under rachels skin. That’s the problem with America is that everyone is ok with just slumping around and. Riding the free ride..that’s why brendon. And rachel deserve it. They are the only ones who don’t and won’t do that.
THET DO NOT DESERVE TO WIN! They both need tp go home and get on med’s.
I agree they are pathetic..Rachel can’t understand why nobody likes her???Are you kidding me? She is the biggest B—- out there and would stab anyone in the back that she could
Cassi was the only one of the newbies with any game at the start. Bringing her back would improve the show and not just because she looks good.
I want to see Cassie come back because that will push Rachel right over the edge. I would love to see the look on Rachel’s face when Cassie walks back in instead of Brendan.
If. Anyone had their. HOH handed to them..it was obviously jordan..and dani..with the skewed comp. And. Everyone knows it because. All the men fell off first. Please tell me how rachel did? Whether. Dick and dani trusted. Her or not she was gonna stay on that. Banana all day. Long..and on her 2nd HOH..she won that. Hands down fair and square with brendon. In 2nd place..so. please explain? Cause your making no sense..ohh yeah and last. Year besides. The. Very first HOH there was..she. won. Every single one of those that she competed in..now. that’s. How you. Know when ppl. Just dislike them on a personal level cause no one can deny how good they. Are at comps.
Umm Hayden won the very first HOH last year.
it says besides the very first HOH there was she won every single one…
I’m pretty sure it’s not the comps (winning or loosing) that ppl don’t like about them.
IT’S the constant WHINing and boasting seesaw that we are forced to ride with them.
UP DOWN UP down – get off already (oh wait 4xs a day right) That maybe what she will miss!
Rachel and Brendon may be good competitors(and the are) But they are sorely lacking in the sportsmanship department. That’s what most of us whom don’t like them object to. You can can be competitive and play a hard game and yet treat the people you play with with respect. That’s why so many people like Jordan. She treats everyone no matter how nasty with the respect they deserve as a human being. Can you say the same about Rachel and Brendon?
Absolutely Not!
Go Brenchel! With Brendon. Gone. Rachels. Game will. Be. Even. More on point. And everyone else will. Be. Back to poutting! Ha..its gonna. Be great. Id. Actually prefer he doesn’t come. Back. Cause. She’s less of a target. When he’s gone.
what is with all the mis-placed periods. You make it hard to read your posts.
i agree, i skip right over mandis comments because of all those
damn periods, and because shes more than likely rachels sister.
I don’t know why people like them I think their game play stinks. and I believe everyone is playing the game just different form them so why tell them their game stinks when their still there and you’re going home? they always go on the nuts when house isn’t on their side thats life so deal with it!
Well, since I still want Jeff to win this (or Jordan if Jeff gets backdoored), and because I want to see if Rachel can remember to inhale & exhale without Brendon’s instructions or encouragement, I want Brendan out. I liked Cassie & wouldn’t mind seeing her get another chance but, if Dani is the next evicted, I would also enjoy seeing Dom get a chance to get back at Dani for not owning up to her plot to backdoor Jeff. The only two I don’t want to see back are Brendan or Keith (I wouldn’t wish either one of them on anyone).
HEY THERE PPL – there are these little REPLY links that you are suppose to use to REPLY to a comment that was made. No need to start a new feed for evey comment. After 300 or so it makes it hard to follow who is talking to whom about what unless it is used.
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got cha….I have noticed that too..it is a little annoying but let me make one thing perfectly clear..I do not hate the posters doing it..lmao..I am not bashing them..
LMFAO – I KNOW, so sensitive today. Must be cause Bookie is LEAVING!
let’s all cry with Rachel.
1,2,3 – everybody cry
Sweet! I like it make them fight to the death or at least until someone passes out!
While some of you may not like Brenchel, you have to admit the fact that they came to compete, while some of the HGs arent even trying or havent even won a competition. They either havent won anything, arent even trying, or are just floaters sticking to people that do compete to win. Dani will be gone before too long i believe. To see her face if Brendon gets voted back in, would be priceless since he was her main target.
THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I don’t know why Dani is getting beaten up for playing a good game. And I think the others will step up their game now that the vets aren’t in charge. I would like to see Adam win hoh just to see what he’ll do.
Dani is the ONLY one who had enough brains to take out Brendon and Rachel. My goodness people it is a game. All these Brendon and Rachel lovers (sickening) are mad at Dani for putting them up. GUESS WHAT that is how the game is played. of course you take out the strong competitors. What is wrong with this people. Thats fine out of the 5 people that like Brendon and Rachel there are 5000 that cannot stand them!
I agree Tatum but I do not hate them they are just an annoyance to me. I want Dani to win.
I too would like to feel Adam out but not this time. I need Kalia to win to save my girl Dani. Adam is too unpredictable.
I want Brendan to come back
me too how do we vote? i only want him back so i can watch dani get booted out
Mandi, what the f is up with the periods? That’s almost as annoying as Brenchal.
lol i think if julie informs he HG’s about this twist before the eviction it might seriously change the votes …. i mean no one wants a pissed brendan back in the house. Granted he is probably nit america’s choice but the HG”s dont know that do they?
What difference is it gonna make..He is already pissed off and he ain’t gone..Do think they really care that much??
I dont remember them revealing a twist like that before the voting. The only time i can recall something like that happening was when the HGs were the ones voting to bring someone back, unless im wrong which i could be.
Someone should try counting the time the words Brenchel, Rachel or Brendon appear in these comments. Certainly more than any other HG. The “I love to despise them” is the network’s goldmine.
Just visited link called Reality Nations..Write up on Porsche that mentioned her being bi-sexual…and her dating a couple… I made mention of the same in a post a couple of weeks ago…Hit that fairly close.. but then again I pay attention..I am a people watcher..
And Please listen to me..I am not bashing or demeaning Porsche for her bi-sexuality.. To me it is a live style the same as being gay is a life style..To each his own..I have no problem with either ..I just made a comment about her..
I think she also mentioned it in the house one day when chatting with Lawon and Kalia in backyard. I’m pretty sure that’s true. I agree on the people watching, I am too and I love reading all these comments, some are just wrong and others I honestly laugh out loud. Keep up the good work.
I hate this kind of twist. They were evicted for a specific reason, please never come back. Game over!
It’s called ratings, honey. That pays for the show. Once the drama king and queen are gone the network can’t afford to have a bunch of people laying around doing nothing.
I don’t doubt it, but i’m just saying I personnaly hate it.
I don’t like the come backs either…They were “evicted” let em stay “evicted”. An all stars show is another matter thats different..
I will love to see keith back!! Even though he didn’t play that smart he was a pretty cool guy. I hope that he comes back
Just read Rachel’s HoH blog: The one where she made some shout outs to friends and family..hmmmm ok for her but not ok for Dani…hmmm…my my my…what that girl won’t come up with to cause an uproar…she reminds me of my Mama ..lord that woman is always up to no god & just tries to keep trouble going..hmmm hmmm
She was obviously asked to go confront her by the production. They love to ask Rachel to stir things up.
Rachel is creeping me out with her ackward laughs. She told Brendon the house is coming after her so she’s going to not win to take the target off her back and laugh at every thing people say. She is coming off like a crazy person, lol lol. That’s only a good strategy if people don’t already know you can win, then Brendon encourages her instability by saying good plan. Wow!
Stupidest twist ever. Why would they give a 2nd chance 1st off and why let america do the voting. They will just vote back a floater. They should have a competion to see who comes back if its all true.
I don’t know about the other women out there, but if I had a boyfriend who was a slobbery as Brendon I would run like hell. It’s one thing to be affectionate, but come on????? Kissing her fingers, touching her heart, and all the other sickening crap makes me want to throw something at my TV. Get the heck out of the house one of you. I just can’t take it anymore.
Those who claim to hate BRENCHEL sure love to speak up and make them 10000 times more popular than they should be. You truly love to hate them!
So who do you guys think most of America will vote for to come back?
I hope brendon stays. I may not like Racheal and Brendon,and will not be friends with them, but I like how they play hard. Big brother is a game we need to take the emotions out of it. I hope brendon stays.
Well if he doesnt stay, we can always vote for him to come back.
While Brenchel is self centered and out-of-control when in power, I do not understand the love for Dani. She is one low-class whiny beeyotch….she is playing the same game that she did in her season. finding another female to tortue. I think BB would be such a great show WITHOUT those idiot Donatos….I rewatched when E.D. (erectile dysfunction?) poured the ice tea over Jen’s head from their season and am SURPRISED that that family (?) got away with so much inappropriate behavior…..
I guess having the Donato family it rivals Jersey Show mentality…..what a train wreck of a family…swearing off BB til Dani goes home for GOOD!!!!
people forget Dani won 50 grand
I just read Daniel’s blog, CBS and BB took out the nice comments she made to Shelly’s family. I don’t see what the big deal is if it was left in, the HG’s don’t read the blog, do they? So, why would it matter, I am sure little Josie would have loved to have seen something written to her from her mom about the heart and starting school on Monday. Shame on you Big Brother.
It was just a simple Hello and she said that she was looking foward to meeting them cause AShelly talked about them both all the time..It was very simple and a nice gesture..
do you think Dani wanted Brendon out so she can have the title of the most veto wins?
YEAH..am sure that was her main goal …
Everyone Text 3 To 81818 To Vote Dominic Briones Back In The Game
Would love to see Dom back just to piss Rachel off with Dani and Dom being back together. Oh will that sure stir it up.
I love Rachel and Brendon. I hope Brendon comes back. He is a good player.
If Brendon comes back to the house then I’m done with this season.
I want Brendon to come back and danielle or Kalia to go
WOOHOO………you go Kalia
WOOHOO………you go Kalia
I vote for Domnick to come back nto the game and then Rechal needs to go cant not stand thelittle cry baby!
The Brenchal relationship is a complete embarrassment. If I was ever in a relationship that was that embarrassing I would end it in a second. Also, no matter how much I loved someone I would never get myself eliminated to save that person. Brendon doing that is an insult to anyone that played this game and an insult to the viewers. The guy is a huge loser, pretty sad for a good looking guy going for a PhD. Dump the whore Brendon!
Lol @ Brendon and Rachel being amazing competitors. People only think they are great competitors because Rachel says it over and over for whatever reasons. They are pitiful.
This is getting good now I hope kaliah take down rachel ready for her to go!!!!!
kalia needs to put up shelly and rachel
we all know brendan will come back cause CBS, WILL MAKE BRENDAN COME BACK… duh.
Interesting twist, we vote for which hg to come back then they play who is evicted.
I don’t see it being keith because he was way to arrogent and he wasn’t around long enough for anyone to really like him.
Cassi i doubt it two only because we really didn’t see much from her and i don’t think anyone really cares.
I think dom or brendan have the best shot and depending on who they have to go up against but i don’t really want dom back only because he will want to take out jeff and jordon the only remaining couple left. Even though i am not really a brandon/rachel fan i think it will be crazy if he comes back and also do we really want a floater to win because that might really happen
Why do you call them floaters? Because they are not a vet? That is just silly. Dom won the first VETO comp. and likely could have one the second had he not been so naive. I would rather see Cassie or Dom back to Brendan or Keith.
Brendan may be a good competitor but he’s such a bully he needs to stay gone. ie. not letting people finish a thought he doesn’t agree with, talking over others, interrupting, attacking people for being honest (Porsche telling Rachel that the tears were making people uncomfortable). And then there’s the hypocricy they both demonstrate-poor me everybody hates me when they lose mentality, and everyone must fall inline and kiss my feet when we win. Brenchel are poor sports and need go no further in the game.
Brendan should be the one coming back because he would create the most drama by coming back. I’m predicting it will be Brendan and Dominic competing to come back and Brendan is a very good competitor so hopefully he will beat Dominic. After Dominic called everyone a jellyfish, etc., I’m not sure how much love he would get in the house (except by Danielle who would only be using him of course).
I understand people not liking Brendan and Rachel because of how they play the game, but I just wish that people wouldn’t make personal attacks – in real life, I have no doubt they are very nice people, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Brendan is working on his PhD and Rachel is a chemist, so they are both obviously very intelligent people, like everyone else who has ever played BB, they have their television persona and then their real life persona which is probably very different.
wow there is alot of haters tonight! sure B/R are the biggest losers ever on BB! BUT everyone hates them!! and boy does this make BB worth watching. it sure beats the last few seasons where after dark was so boring. at least w B/R there something goin on in BB house. and when they are gone from the BBhouse it will be the same boring show of last yr. but I guess that is what you all like.I love B/R but I also like J/J how can I like both? because they both bring some thing to the show to keep me watching. at least they are playing the game and not floating or hiding behind other players.everyone is so Oh Dannile is so great! at what? trying to be as good as her dad Evel Dick, dani will never be. noway is she smart enuf to do what he did. she rode on his coat tails all the way to the end. who do i want to win? the fortune teller in the front room! I see a floater winning this yr of BB. I really hate to think that the next month of BB will be boring..
What would be more fitting than to see Cassi beat Rach-Hel to get back into the game.
Kick rocks Rach-Hell, you hater.
I voted for Cassi to spite Rachel. OMG Maybe Cassi will finish her off. I just wanna see her sob. But it be funny if Brendon got the most votes. I would LOVE for hime to battle Rachel! I can see it now. “Ohh fiance, just win! Win ! I love you, beautiful fiance!
I would like to see Brendan come back, i personally hate Rachel’s antics and crying but together Rachel and Brendan make a super duo. Bringing him back would shake up the house and shift everyone’s gameplay once more.
i think Cassi should get a chance to get back in the game
I am so glad that Kalia won the H.O.H tonight. At least Danielle will have another week. Poor Rachel has no one really on her side except Porsche.The other newbies are the flip-floppers, so it should start to be a new game plan for all of them.Sit back and enjoy….and let the games begin !!!
Comment deleted. User banned. – Admin
I am so glad that Brendan got evicted, now it’s Rachel’s turn to go, as she is sickening to watch!!! Yea fpr newbie Kalia
Im so glad that Brendan got evicted, now its Rachel’s turn to go, she is so annoying to watch!! Yea for newbie Kalia on winning HOH, now the tables will turn, so it will be fun to watch!!! I hope Cassie return’s, oh the trouble she will cause?? Oh can’t wait :)
Lisa Cassi wont cause any trouble. No offence but she is kinda a flouter. I love her but its the truth. I hope Dominic comes back. Hes the one that will actually be fun to watch. Cassi will just go with Shelly the Liar.
I voted for Bookie. You can vote on CBS 10 times and you can also send text message from you phone. It doesn’t matter what carrier you have. so all these votes add up.
We need for Dominic to come back…VOTE FOR DOMINIC !!!!!!
@ Flora I voted 4 Dom myself… I do agree W/ ya about Brendon, aka Bookie (Sorry Wayne) he would just throw the comp. for Rachel. I mean hell he already did this once (remember he took Rachel off the block) bye not trying to save himself. So that vote 4 him would just B like wasteing space. Even though now get this (Dani would go nutz if Dominick came back N)
BOOKIE BOOKIE BOOKIE!!!! Rachedl won’t be competitng against him… he WILL beat Lawon… Come on Amercia!!
I voted Brandon, So did everybody else here with a cell phone!!!! Go Brandon!! Cassie I dont see her doing much, Dominic will just pick up where he left off and thats his shomance with Danni, Brandon will bring drama and I would love to see kalia and Danni face oh yeah!!!! Vote Brandon!!!
I’d love to see brenden and Rachel battle each other to get back into the house!
rachel deserves to stay in the house danielle needs to go so does khalia. Brendan needs to come back soon.
I soooo agree with you. Danielle is running this house just like she did with her father. Lets get her OUT America!!!!! Go Jeff/Jordan…Brendon/Rachel
I am so glad Brendon is out. Actually. I would actually like to see Rachel leave first. I cant stand that laugh. I am routing for Jeff all the way.
Do you think Brendon would throw the competition if he had to battle Rachel to get back into the house?
@ Kelly, in answer to your ? from last night; (Plz. take note of the style I use) in the voice of Rachel… Uhhh duhhh. Seriously, U must ask this question?? Of ‘course my “Bookie” will do nething & everything 4 me! LOL
If you want Jeff to win in the end… you have to vote for Brendon to come back in the game… Jeff and Jordan need numbers
I can’t stand Danielle or Kalia! Kalia has done nothing but “float” by in the house until tonight! Danielle has caused nothing but drama & I think they should both be gone! Dani’s game play just flat out sucks. I wouldn’t mind seeing any other the other players win, including Rachel. I think she is the best competitor in the house, hands down!
Comment deleted. User banned. – Admin
Why do some of the house guests get so mean? Kalia has been floating since the beginning and yet bashes Rachel and Brendon who are both great competitors. Jordan always plays the game with class and style, whether she wins or not. Guess who gets my vote?
if there was no drama big brother would be a boring show to watch. An at least Dani ain’t scared to make big game moves unlike Brenchel!! i hope Rachel gets evicted this week, then evicted again b/c of the twist!
Jordon did NOT show class and style tonight. She lowered herself right down to brandon and rachaels level with all the trash talk she was doing.. It was sad to see that maybe the sweet girl is just an act!! And I wish people would stop saying kalia is a floater she has now won as much as jordon and more than Jeff. she came dam close to winning last week too. How much does she have to do to no longer be a floater. and about kalia bashing branchel well that is called “pay back” since that is exactly what they have been doing to her and dani for 2 weeks!!! Also if dani had not caused all that drama we would be so bored we would have stopped watching by now!!!
@ Liz.. Way to go !!! I agree whole heartly… We needed someone in the house that has guts and isn’t afraid to speak up. I didn’t like Kalia at first..but now I think she is one of the best players in the B.B.H. There are a lot of people that talk a lot. She is like EVERYONE else that is playing the game.Sorry all you Kalia haters.
I agree with Liz and Phil. Someone needs to bring the “upidies” back down to earth. And as this has nothing to do with the subject at hand, I would like to see the PB&J come back. That slop cannot be nutritional. I think BB should at least give the contestants a fighting chance with a little protein. Whatchasay BB?
Happy to see there are others that agree with me. I hope Dom makes it back in the game it would really stir things up.. I think JJ would freak out seeing him back and the so called floaters might see the lite and start fighting..
@ Jan i heard the reason they stopped the PB&J was because they were eating so much they were having major sugar crashes and it affected them being able to have a fair chance in the comps… That was what I heard one of the vets saying on the live feeds..
Kalia IS the biggest floater ever,can’s seem to think for herslef.
Danni IS just plain bad at this game.If it wasn’t for her dad playing with her she would’nt have made it to the end. Daddy took her along on HIS coat tails all the .She will be gone along with her side kick real soon Thanks to Danni herself. would like to see Shelly,Jeff or Jordan will it all. Shelly just has a way about her that makes me think that she will be the Winner.
I like the fact that Brenchel are competitors, but I think they play with emotions, they rely too much on each other, they need learn to play w/out the other player. Are you kidding me about Kalia being a floater, other than Dominique she is the only newbie to win a competition!! Not a big fan of Dani, she might have laid her cards to soon but she is making BB interesting, turning on you alliance makes it interesting and Dani is competitive too, not just Brenchel. Rachel wines way too much, and whether or not she says it, it is messing up her game.
nosey i agree with you. It took guts for anyone in the house to stand up and take on Brendon and Rachel…I hope it wins her the game. I cannot stand to watch the Brenchels…and my husband makes me turn Tv when they are on there whinning with each other. I want Rachel permanetly gone. I almost didn’t watch this year because those 2 were on the show, and i know alot of people who are not watching since they are on it. I think BB should not let previous players b on the show. Too many other ppl need a chance to play. It is starting to look like we are watching Survior only in the living room.
AMEN LINDSEY!!!! Glad to see someone else sees the same thing I do!!!
So Oprah/Kalia is HOH … her team for this week will be Dani Jeff Jordan and Adam and Lawon … of course Shelly will be sniffing around and so will Subaru… I mean Porsche …
Kalia will put Shelly and Rachel on the block and Rachel will go duke it out with Dom to come back … and welcome back … enter the Dom!
Dani hooks back up with Dom, Team JJ, Lawon/Kalia and Adam!
Next week is gonna be good … but we have to listen to the whiney voice of Rachel all week! Did CBS ever show the trashy wedding? It was actually funny! Lawon made it so!!!
@Lovin’ BB13 in texas,
No, I don’t think that it was shown on either BB After Dark, nor CBS. I seriously doubt that it would be. So much of America, including myself would go “ballistic” over having 2 sit & actually view the “Mock wedding”. Although I did particularly like your comment on Porsche… but I gotta tell ya she is one Good-looking girl, I do feel however that she “unmfortunately” was to quick 2 jump on the “Rachel Bandwagon”. After recieving that key I haven’t really seen her do anyone any favors, or challenge anything for the most part!!
It was on BB After Dark.
Lawon was the best part.
Hmmm; R U telling me that I didn’t get to C that? O’ well, no harm done. It could’ve been a blessing N disguise?, LOL. Thanx 4 the update MacMeanie :)
why is there a pic of jordan? she wasnt evicted, WAAAAKE UP
look further down guess they had this up b4 the eviction
Does BB have to be so obviously like Survivor? First, the mixed vets with newbies. Now players voted out can fight to get back into the game. I guess that we can figure out all of the twist by looking at last seasons Survivor.
I agree with the copycat Survivor show
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Why Dom???? He’s annoying and hasn’t done anything to make the show interesting… he’s just an annoying kid!!!!
I wish B.B.would have not brought in the vets.Its more fun with new personalites.
I agree, with the exception of Dani, I supported the vets during their season, now I am for Dani and against the Vets. The newbie I wanted to win are evicted(I actually like Keith, Cassie, and Dominique), and Lawon (he trips me out). . .Don’t want Kali, Shelly, or Porsche to win, don’t want Dani to win, but I pick her over Jeff Jordan and Rachel
LMAO…watching Ranchel crying in the hammock…..thats perfect
i hope she is the next one to go home cause im tried of the crying if i wanted to here i would listen to my three year old
lol jeni
I am so Happy for Brenden To be gone..and Now with Kalia being HoH..Next to go up is Rachel..Send her whiny butt home..Bring Dom Back and let Dani/Dom & Jeff/Jordan be the final 4.. heres hoping fingers crossed
i wish evil dick would come back in the house and clean it out and show danie how to do it the right way
Oh, Evil Dick, a 50 year old teenage bully. Ugh. He is the biggest piece of crap around. Why would anyone want that foul mouthed creep showing anyone, anything, especially a daughter who has had to put up with his selfish histronics all her life.
SDM …I AM with you…i hope in a way that Dani could win BB this yr…and show her father she can do it the way she plays the game. He isn’t the greatest like he thinks he is.
Cassi needs to be back…I don’t want a danielle and dominick showmance
I agree!! Hope Cassi makes it back!
Although I like Cassi, other than her looks, I can’t see her making BB interesting, I was hoping they bring back both Dominique and Cassi. I think Dominique will make BB more interesting than Cassi, I think he is just more competitive, it would be nice to see Cassi come back if Rachel is gone particularly after the coment she made to Cassi like she runs the house. Rachel’s mouth got her in trouble last year and will get her in trouble this year
I hope that Brendon stay gone and his ever so loving childish love, Rachel join him.
I would like for Dom to return.
I know, something about their relationship seem so phony to me, even when Brendon teared up talking to Julie it seems so fake to me, love their competitiveness hate their game play
Bring Evil Dick back into the house, he could show Rachel how she could turn her phony tears into some real CRYING! Too bad, Dick didn’t get to play this season, him and Rachel would have been well worth watching then!
Hope Cassie is the one coming back in if Dick can’t.
SANDY….you are soooo right. Now those two knockin’ heads would have been something to watch. BB would have had to build an ark for all her real tears she would have been shedding.
Dominic all the way on coming back. He had a great plan at the beginning but the other newbies were to dumb to go with him. Plus I really believe he is a smart player and his goodbye speech was SO TRUE!
I agree with you, Ashley. I’m having all kinds of trouble signing up at CBS in order to vote, but all my votes would go to Dominic. At least we know for sure he can compete in competitions, Cassie is unknown in that area. Sure, she looks good and hates Rachel, but I don’t think she offers much beyond that.
Please,give me a break, bring cassi back and lets see how tough dani is, or rachel, now that would be worth watching. Dani is a fav. of a lot of the workers on that show, thats how she knew how to coach kalia.Frankly, Jordan is the nice girl in the house.
Jordan is the nice girl, but also the boring girl, I personally rather she back door Brendon and Rachel than to take a chance to get Cassi out, I wish more people had guts like Dani
I’m so happy that Branden is evicted! Lets get the two cry babies to reunite & evict Rachele next!
If you want it interesting!!! Brenden is your best bet! Anyone else and it is going to be BORING!!!!
Watched bbad last night and it put me to sleep!!! They need Brenden back!!! They need some excitement in the house!!!
brendon brendon bring the fighters back don,t need see dom back with that daneile can,t stand her set on her but all through the game .brendon and rachel are competorsi wish daneile do something with her hair its pitful.
I think Dom would be intersting. I mean him and Dani up against Jeff and Jordan, particularly since he was on board in back dooring Jeff/Jordan, also Dom coming back threatens the Kali/Dani alliance. Though, I rather have seen Rachel gone than Brenden though.I think Brenden is way to lay back this season, I think he is trying to win America’s vote, I don’t think Brenden will be more interesting, contrary to what people believe the vets are not the true(i.e. Brenchel)competitors, in reality the newbies are throwing competitions
Brendon is just a loud mouthed bully when Brenchel has any power. Poor winners! When they have no power they are whiny assholes holding a pity party. Poor losers!
The twist in mind, IF Brendon could get enough votes to manage the win, he’ll have to win a challenge against Rachel. He’ll throw it just like he did using the Veto on Rachel. CBS must be praying the America’s vote doesn’t go his way! It would totally nullify the “twist”.
Regardless of who comes back, doesn’t this now reset the stage for a future “Double Eviction” night?
bb is boring this season. bring cassi or dom back. i am glad kalia won hoh (keep dani safe). get rid of rachel!
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I just don’t understand why everone is against Rachel, I think we need to cut her a break, she needs just a little kindness from america right now, she is a great player and the laugh you say, what about that Kalia and her voice and she never shuts up and she did flip from power to power and when she cries (or anyone else for that matter) no one goes on and on about that. Shelly talks to much about being a good Mother really makes me wonder if she really is, what is she teaching her daugher… keep a smoke in your mouth all day, lie and pretend to be friends with people and then kick them when they are down, ya a great mother indeed??? I use to love JJ but they turned on Rachel and Brendon to save themselves. Jeff says he can’t put up with Rachel, well look how Jeff acted when he thought he would go home, he needs to be looking at how Rachel saved his butt. I hope Rachel wins Veto and Brendon is the one America brings back, Check out their faces if he walks back in the door and they have Rachel and Brendon to deal with again, that would be good TV. Lets give Rachel a hug America, even if she goes home why keep hurting a great BB player. Love to Rachel
yes lets all show a little love to Rachel,she deserves it
I agree! I want Brendon to come back if someone comes back. Although for him to come back I’m worried about who would leave. I can’t stand how BB loves Daniele! Frustrating! Overall I hope whomever gets evicted just walks back in. So if it’s Rachel that’s evicted it would be great to see their faces when she comes back in. On the flip side of things Rachel might leave but Brendon could come back. It’s going to be an easy, harmonious and rather boring rest of the season if BB lets Dominic back in. Because where’s the drama? Just a bunch of annoying lapdogs and showmances.
I liked Brenden and Rachel last season but for some reason don’t like either this season. I just think Rachel plays with emotions not brains, she did that last season and doing again this season. If she is so for getting rid of the floaters, why did she get rid of Dominique, he was not a floater, he was the 1st newbie to win a competion. And he was gunning for Jeff and Jordan not Brencel, the eviction of Dominque cause Brenden to go home(not playing with her brains) Jeff and Jordan could have been the ones to go home and her and Brendon could have still been in the game
I live in Canada and I really hope Brendon come back, because it will bring back some life back.
please can anyone tell me why Dick had to leave the game, I missed that part. and I do that Rachel get,s her honey back even if he is to good for her.
something about a friend of his, made him have to leave they said they told him what happend in person and not through a monitor. personaly I wouldent be suprised if he was sent home for drug use look at him and where was he the whole time he was off camera
ok here’s my thought. racheal goes, brandon voted back i. the two dont know who they are fighting against, untill the winner is crowed. but brandon win. lol
Geez why are yall hating on brenchel
I think Cassi’s great, but I don’t really see her winning in a battle of anything against Rachel or Jeff (except class, but that won’t be in a competition). Dominic probably has a greater chance of beating either of them, so I’m voting for him.
Everyone keeps talking about Kalia being a floater but what about Porscha she’s the biggest floater in the house and living in the shadows of Rachel. Before the surprise of an evicted houseguest returning I thought that Kalia should put up rachel and porscha. But now switched to putting up rachel and jordan of course Jordan as the pawn. This way if america votes back dominic or brendan and rachel gets evicted she has to go against one of them. If it’s dominic and he wins then both rachel and brendan will be gone and if it’s brendan she’s goes against there will still be only one of them in the house. I mean really who wants to be subjected to the two of them for any more length of time crying, sucking face and talking about wedding plans and costs. I really think the only reason they came back was to try and become americas favorite couple (rather winning or losing) and have CBS pick up the tab for their impending wedding from hell.
This. Seriously, I agree with everything that you’ve said. So true, UGH if Brendon comes back and Rachel isn’t evicted…I don’t think I’ll be watching anymore, and neither will my family.
Don’t judge brenchel by last season they should have another chance vote bookie so they can spend the season together I feel bad for her cuase no one likes her
SORRY but I thought the whole purpose of the show was to COMPETE AND TRY TO WIN…… not as a SUMMER LONG DATE…..
that goes for J/J too….
my votes are for Dom….. not a PERV that shows his junk on SKYPE
Dominik needs to come back and finish what he started and break the vet couples.
Jeff won and Jordan said if they put her up she will ask all to keep Rachel sick .
I see Cassie is ahead of Dom in votes,I like Cassie,but the houseguest voted back in has to compete against the recently voted out houseguest which I think will be Rachel.Dom has a better chance against Rachel! VOTE for Dominic!
I cant believe that Kalua is going to put Dani as a replacement just to make Jeff like her that sucks.
when did you hear that? Last I heard Kalia said she would always portect dani. On the other hand she did lie she told lawson it was dani’s idea to put jeff up and that was not ture. I was watching the live feeds when she told dani she was putting him up and dani told her she needed to think about that because of the twist. Dani warned her it could backfire and it did so now because everyone is willing to think it was all dani idea kalia seems to be letting her take the lame with lawson (maybe hoping he will tell others it was dani fault) I hate when i see someone that was suppose to really have your back betray them. More so because dani really did warn her that this would happen,
NO!! Cassie is in the lead i really want Brendan too come back or at least Dominic!!
How do you know Cassie is winning
BRING BACK DOMINIC. Brendan will probably throw the compitition if hes up against rachel. And Cassi will do nothing in the house and probably lose if shes up against rachel. Dominic is the only one with a fighting chance. VOTE FOR DOMINIC PLEASE!
I think it would be awesome if the two houseguest that have to battle each other didn’t know who the other one was. I think that would be really interesting. So that way if it were Brendon and Rachel they would both actually try and fight to win without knowing the other one was competing.
vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic vote
vote Brendon vote Brendon vote Brendon
vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic!!!!!!!!! 10 vote, vote 10 time vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic vote Dominic :) :) :) :) :) :)
Brendon Brendon Brendon come back Brendon
Everyone most of us agree we do not want brendon back in this house and we want rachel out. So please vote for dom or cassi,hope one of them go in back in the house tomorrow night..But i do feel bad for jeff with all the girls crying,everytime he turns around one of them are crying…
Jordan has every right to bet snappy and respond to actions, Jeff is great, upfront but thinking about the game and Jordan does the best she can with Jeff helping her whereever he can and she doing the same for him, Khalia and Dani talk crap about everyone all the time, Dani is manipulative in a dishonest way. Rachel and Brendon really do have issues with themselves and with their relationship but it would be great to see the look on this weeks HOH’s (Dani and Khalia) if Rachel stayed and Brendon reentered the house, would be the best moment of the season but then we would have them backstabbing Jeff and Jordan AGAIN!
hey i know dani is playing bad but i would like for her to stay it will be interesting to watch. but i dont want brendon to come back i would like cassi and rachel to go at it..i think cassi,porch, and dani are hot..lol
Yes there should realize the opportunity to RSS commentary, quite simply, CMS is another on the blog.
I love Big Brother I never miss a show I watch after dark even on Thrus. when it starts at 1am. I feel like the peopme pn the show is part of my family for a short time!! Thank you Kathy Houy
Please America do not vote Brendon back in…and please send Rachel out the door quickly
brendon should come back for not throwing jeff/jordan under the bus… his loyalty cost him and would be the best game play etc.