Tonight On Big Brother 25: BB Zombies Comp

Big Brother tonight after Yellowstone - CBS

Tonight on Big Brother 25 the Zombies have arrived! Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields were both evicted on Thursday night but that doesn’t mean their games are over just yet. Instead both stumbled back into the house, you know the way Zombies like to do, and have been hanging out there for the past few days.

It hasn’t been all undead fun and games though. Instead the Zombies have faced off in three rounds of competitions to set us up for Thursday night when one of them will return from the dead to have their game resurrected while the other heads on home.

Big Brother 25 Zombie Comps:

We haven’t been able to watch any of the three rounds of Zombie Ball on the Feeds but we have heard the results and know who will be competing again on Thursday for the Golden Ticket back into Big Brother.

Zombie Cameron on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Zombie Cameron on Big Brother 25 – CBS

I’m not sure if we’ll see all three rounds of the Zombie Comp tonight but I feel like they have to leave enough to fill Thursday since there will be no Veto fallout, voting, or eviction that night. Maybe we’ll get one or two rounds of the Zombie battle and then the last leg plus the live competition that night. That’s just me guessing and we’ll know more starting at 10PM ET tonight.

Can’t wait that long? Get our Zombie Twist spoilers now!

Big Brother 25 Schedule – Episodes:

The CBS schedule changed again for Big Brother 25! Tonight’s episode airs at 10/9c as its new weekly time on Sundays but then this week there is no Wednesday episode. Moving forward after that we’ll have Tuesday nights for the Veto comp shows while Sundays stay at 10/9c and Thursdays remain 8/7c.

So the big take away this week is: no Wednesday episode! It’s just this one week with that happening and then we’re back to a 3-episode per week routine until finale week in November.

The Live Feeds have been keeping us entertained so be sure to keep a watch on those. Stay up on the latest with our Feed Highlights Report and get all the top events from what’s going on.

Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast at 10:00PM ET to chat live with other fans. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter.



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