Reminder that we could be heading into a quiet week compared to our usual routine for the Big Brother spoilers as this week the Houseguests will face “no Head of Household, no Nominations, and no Power of Veto.” Well nuts.
Thanks to the Scary Week twist our usual routine of Thursday HOH, Friday Noms, Saturday Veto comp, and Monday Veto ceremony we’re getting a big flatline on all fronts. Okay, let’s be honest here and CBS could admit that’s really because there’s no Wednesday episode in the week’s BB25 schedule ahead. But it’s not all a spoiler free zone! There are still a few items to share.
Since Cameron and Jared were both evicted and undead’d (not a word, I checked) they’ve been lounging in the house as Big Brother Zombies. And around these parts, Zombies still have a little bit of work today. So for the past day or so both Jared and Cameron have taken part in three rounds of a mysterious Zombie Ball comp of some sort. It sounds like the balance shovel game from past seasons where you have to balance your way across the post, carefully place balls on the other end, and then scoot back without knocking them off lest you start over.
Each time the Zombies battled the Feeds were down for less than an hour and when they came back we found a discouraged Jared preparing for the next round. At least until that third and seemingly final around that returned to a very bummed Jared with a few tears to wipe away. From the talks that followed it definitely sounds like the Zombie Battle has ended and Cameron has won out and already decided that yes, he will be the to compete instead of passing to Jared and hoping he fails.
Those results likely signal the end of spoilers for the week as the next event we know to expect is a live competition on Thursday night with Cameron fighting for his chance to resurrect his Big Brother 25 game. If Cameron is successful in the comp that night then he’s back. Should Cameron fail, then Jared defaults into the winner spot and we all know how solid Jared is at winning by default this season.
Hopefully there’s something else along the way this coming week to keep us busy, but for now I think that could be the last of our spoilers updates until Thursday night. All the same, we’ll be posting our daily recaps and any highlight events that emerge over the next few days. Keep checking in for the latest and be sure to join us on our new Facebook Page!