Tonight On Big Brother 25: Power of Veto Events

Wednesday night on Big Brother

Big Brother is back tonight for one final Wednesday episode of the season as the fall schedule has arrived for CBS and we’re getting the boot over to Tuesdays. Well, not next Tuesday and not next Wednesday either, so umm, yeah okay… But the next, next Tuesday we’ll be back with another Veto episode! Let’s focus on this week’s show for now.

Starting at 8/7c on CBS the Big Brother 25 Houseguests will face off for the Power of Veto in Week 7 and there was plenty of drama to be had this time around that I really hope gets included in the lead up to the Power of Veto competition.

Latest in Big Brother 25 Week 7:

Jared took over as HOH and sent Cory & America to the Block with a potential Backdoor in the works, but there’s never a guarantee for that to happen. An important step in the process is to keep the target out of the Veto comp. Easier said than done.

Cameron had been campaigning strongly to convince America he was her path to safety by choosing him to play on her behalf in the upcoming comp. Cameron knew he had to be the target and America confirmed he most likely was, so he offered up that all three of them (including Cory) could be safe he if he played and won Veto. He’s not wrong, but that’d still leave Cory on the Block to face off against another renom.

America and Cameron on Big Brother - CBS
America and Cameron on Big Brother – CBS

So when it came time for the Veto Players to be picked, well that got a little dicey and I’m anxious to see if they edit out any of that drama or keep it all intact for the episode. Either way, the competition was a close one and has set us up for an exciting first round of Thursday’s upcoming Double Eviction!

Big Brother 25 Week 7 Veto Spoilers:

Can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode? Then check out the Veto Comp and Veto Ceremony results to find out who will be our final Noms of the week. On Thursday, we’ll get the vote and live eviction at 8/7c.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter!

Reminder! The Big Brother schedule has changed. Big Brother 25 has new episodes on Sunday (10/9c), Wednesday (8/7c) [moving to Tuesdays starting Oct. 3rd], and live Thursdays (8/7c) on CBS.



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