Tonight On Big Brother 24: Power of Veto Events

Wednesday night on Big Brother

Big Brother is back tonight (8/7c) for the Power of Veto competition and ceremony as the remaining five Houseguests battle it out for safety and a chance to move one step closer to finale night on September 25th.

This was a surprise attack Veto comp as the HGs were woken up at 5AM and had to race to the backyard within two minutes for a chance to compete. Monte says he wasn’t fast enough and was cut from the comp. Monte had also said he didn’t want to win this comp… Could he have sandbagged his way to an “oops!” and intentionally missed the comp to avoid having to upset one of the remaining HGs this close to the Jury votes? That’s my theory and am curious to see what he says in the DR.

After the Veto comp we’ll get to see some tough decisions play out as a renom is coming and just two options were available for Monte. Which one of his allies would he put in the danger zone for Thursday’s eviction vote? We’ll see it all play out tonight on Big Brother 24.

We’re down to less than three weeks remaining in the Big Brother 24 season! Hard to believe it’s almost all over but the countdown is one. One of these remaining five HGs will take home the prize and money. Is your favorite HG one of the remaining few? Cast your vote now in our weekly popularity poll.

If you can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode then check out the Veto Comp and Veto Ceremony results to find out who will be the final noms this week. Then on Thursday, we’ll get the next vote and eviction at 9/8c.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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