The results are in for the latest Big Brother 24 Veto Meeting as Monte remained unswayed on what he would do at the ceremony. With no expectation for the Veto to go unused it was all about setting us up for the next vote and and group decision on who to go. Read on for the Big Brother spoilers on what happened in this week’s Veto Ceremony.
Obviously Brittany was going to save herself since she won but the debate was whether Monte would renom Turner or Taylor. Well just as it was obvious that Brittany would use the Veto it was obvious that Turner would not go up. Monte wants to bro it to the end with Turner despite a likely easier path against Alyssa. Oh well. Let’s how it plays out for him.
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 10
- Brittany decided to USE the Veto on herself
- Monte named Taylor as the renom
- Alyssa & Taylor are this week’s final noms
Alyssa will be out the door in a few days. Turner wants to keep her but Monte is going to break the tie against Alyssa when Brittany votes to keep Taylor. Watch for Turner to continue his passive campaigning, but it’s not going to sway Monte. He’s made his decision and feels that Taylor will watch his back better than Alyssa. Meanwhile, Brittany and Taylor better plan to amp up their competition performances in the next round so they can knock out one of these two guys for a chance at finale night.
Just a few days left to go in the Big Brother 24 season! Not even weeks left as we’re down to less than two. The end is nigh!
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