Tonight On Big Brother 24: Live Eviction, Backstage Twist, & A New Comp

Julie Chen on Big Brother 24

Tonight on Big Brother 24 (9/8c) we’re set for the first vote and live eviction of the season, but according to the rumors, one Houseguest may already have left the game.

Feeds have been done since Wednesday night and one reliable source through Hamsterwatch says “Paloma is gone.” Julie Chen told US Weekly this morning the situation will be addressed during tonight’s live episode, so we shouldn’t expect an official announcement any earlier. And on top of that, Julie wouldn’t confirm if there would even be an eviction, but I think there probably will. Either way, let’s prepare for what’s still expected on any regular eviction night.

The latest nominations have Taylor and Terrance on the Block after Michael secured his safety with a Veto win, much to Daniel’s disappointment. With a renom required Daniel went with Paloma’s much-hyped target of Taylor and now, if things hold their course, either Taylor or Terrance will be voted out.

But what about this Backstage Boss twist and America’s Vote all week? We saw viewers casting supporting votes for either Alyssa, Brittany, or Paloma. But now with Paloma possible off the board we don’t know what that would mean for the twist and how it could work.

Typically with early, week one departures the game has kept its routine and still voted out a Houseguest. I expect we’ll see that play out tonight with the HGs voting and if we do then Taylor is the most likely evictee. But we just don’t know yet what production is planning or even if Paloma has officially left the game versus a brief time away from the house as has happened with other HGs who then still came back and resumed their game. We just don’t know.

Julie also hinted at a new comp with the HGs paired up with “besties” and that’s probably our Sunday episode comp filler if we get the HOH by the end of the night.

What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? We’ll soon see who wins this next big competition with our spoilers to follow!

Join us back here on the site tonight at 9PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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