Big Brother 23 tonight will feature nominations and the High Rollers twist with a secret Head of Household flipping control from Tiffany and naming two Houseguests to the Block. Kinda, mostly. And thankfully it’ll be a change from the past two weeks of Kyland+Sarah controlling those decisions!
Sarah has gone from safety and control for the past two weeks to the top target of Tiffany’s HOH but with the Coin of Destiny threatening that pursuit, you’ll have to watch and see how the High Rollers Room plays out in its final, third round.
Nominations will have to be revealed quickly as Tiffany, the new HOH, didn’t have much time to make her decision before the Friday morning ceremony arrived. Just after the noms were revealed it was time for the High Rollers Room twist to return for its final week for a potential change of plans.
Want spoilers now and don’t want to wait for tonight’s BB23? Find out who got the secret HOH in High Rollers Room, who was sent to the Block with the nomination spoilers, and if you really want to get ahead, find out who won Veto this week.
CBS’s schedule has Big Brother set for 8/7c so we’ll be back here to catch the show then and you can watch it on Paramount+ later if you miss it. Or stop by after the show and read our recap of the episode for the details.
The Live Feeds (get your Free Trial now) are clipping along this season and we’ve had some pretty interesting recent talks as the HGs try manage their way through the second part of the season with the Jury starting to fill and fewer remaining in the Big Brother house. Stay up on the latest with our Feed Highlights Report and get all the top events from what’s going on.
Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast at 8PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!