Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 8 High Rollers Room Results

High Rollers Room on Big Brother 23

The High Rollers Room twist made its third and final appearance today for Big Brother 23 as the HGs went back to the room to learn their awarded points and the next challenge to win the latest twist power. Read on for the results from the Live Feeds.

Heading into today’s event the leader for Bucks was Derek F with 250 so he was ready to play then Hannah had 150, Azah & Claire had 100, Tiffany had 75, and Kyland & Sarah had 50 leaving Alyssa and Xavier with none at all. The HOH comp last night offered up a chance at more BB Bucks at random draw plus viewers were voting overnight to hand out more. So really DF’s advantage could have been easily wiped out by someone lucking into some bonus Bucks there at the end. Let’s see how that worked out for the HGs.

Big Brother 23 Week 8 High Rollers Room:

  • Coin of Destiny was played
  • Claire took over Tiffany’s HOH
  • Noms stayed the same: Kyland & Sarah Beth
  • Xavier is still the 3rd Nom via his Veto punishment

So that was weird. Tiffany loses her HOH room but with Claire on her side she wasn’t going to mess with the noms. So pretty much “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” That definitely could have turned out a lot worse for Tiffany as she still got to make her noms and now they’re going to stay as she intended. Sarah remains the target.

Sounds like Claire revealed to Tiffany and Hannah that she won it, so the rest of the house doesn’t know that. Not yet at least. So Claire’s position is secret so I’d assume she wouldn’t move into the HOH room, but I’m watching Tiffany have to clear her stuff out of the HOH room, so seems like she loses her perks for the week. That stinks.

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Veto is ahead on Saturday and Sarah will need to fight hard to win it. She’s currently crying to Kyland as he continues his self-help book reciting to her to cheer Sarah up.

What do you think of these High Roller results?

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