Tonight On Big Brother 23: HOH Comp, High Rollers, & Nominations

New BB episode on Sunday

Buckle up tonight for Big Brother 23 because this episode is going to be PACKED! We’ve got a lot going on so you won’t want to miss this show where we’ll get more details on how this crazy High Rollers twist is going to play out.

The Houseguests are back following Thursday’s live eviction where we ended the night without an HOH but they fixed that fast. After that we got the High Rollers results revealed to the HGs privately on how many Schrute BB Bucks they earned and then had the choice to play in the casino games with it. But wait, there’s more because we still need nominations by the end of the night. Or do you think they’ll cliffhanger those results over to Wednesday’s show? Hmm.

CBS’s schedule has Big Brother set for 8/7c so we’ll be back here to catch the show then and you can watch it on Paramount+ later if you miss it. Or stop by after the show and read our recap of the episode for the details.

The Feeds are staying busy with scheming the High Rollers twist arrives and HGs are shifting targets quickly. Stay up on the latest with our Feed Highlights Report and get all the top events from what’s going on.

Want some spoilers and donโ€™t want to wait for tonight’s BB23? Find out who won the HOH, then who got BB Bucks in High Rollers Room, who was sent to the Block with the nomination spoilers, and if you really want to get ahead, find out who won Veto this week.

Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast at 8PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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