Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 6 Nominations

Nominations Today on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in Big Brother 23 Week 6 as the latest Head of Household has made his picks known early in the day, unusual for our Big Brother routine, to make way for the High Roller’s Club that’s expected to hit the house this afternoon. Read on to find out which two HGs are on the Block and what’s next for the rest of the house.

Kyland pulled off the win last night in an unseen competition (wait for it on Sunday’s show) making him the first repeat HOH of the season and the pressure was on to set the plan for Week 6. Now not everyone was happy about his win and we saw some tension between him and Azah as apparently she was naming him versus Sarah in the knockout comp. Stress lines are appearing in the Cookout!

Big Brother 23 Week 6 Nominations:

  • Kyland nominated: Claire & Derek F

Kyland was up until after 5:30 AM BBT this morning having his one on one talks and then just a few hours later the wake-up call had them going at it again. When we thought Kyland had settled on his noms plan it was suddenly changing again. Messy, but that’s Big Brother some weeks.

Next up we’ve got the first week of the High Rollers Club and voting has already wrapped up there. I imagine it’ll be a secret reveal on who gets what until HGs are alone and let us or a close ally know how they did. Then we’ll probably get more Feeds downtime for the casino games unless they go straight from BB Bucks reveal to the games.

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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