Big Brother 23 Live Feeds Week 6: Saturday Highlights

HOH screen on Big Brother 23

Veto Day returned for Big Brother 23 and this one was just that much more complicated with the introduction of the High Rollers Room twist that added viewer voting, Big Brother Bucks, and a second Veto. Oh yes, there were two medallions up for grabs yesterday and it’s made for some interesting strategies this week. Read on to see what happened in the house on Saturday.

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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Saturday, August 14, 2021:

8:15 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

8:35 AM BBT – Hannah and DF both discussing how they didn’t sleep well last night and stayed up too late. Sarah thinks this will be a slip & slide Veto comp.

8:55 AM BBT – Hannah tells DX if she gets picked to play Veto she is going to throw it but DX tells her not to do that.

9:05 AM BBT – DX tells Hannah he’s saving is BB Bucks to try and get the Coup D’Etat.

10:20 AM BBT – Feeds are back from the players pick. Lots of excitement as HGs are learning about who was bet on, etc. HGs are preparing for an OTEV comp.

10:25 AM BBT – Azah is surprised to hear that Sarah bet on her (A) to win as a chance at a second veto per the twist.

10:45 AM BBT – Tiffany working on Kyland for him to not think of Claire as a threat. Tiffany says Claire is not coming for Azah.

10:50 AM BBT – DX tells Hannah that he’s sure Kyland is closer to them than Xavier or Alyssa.

11:00 AM BBT – Kyland decides he definitely wants Britini out this week so she can’t use her points next week. Tiffany is sure Britini is lying about getting 75 points because she knows herself (T), X, and Hannah all got 75. Tiffany has been working on making Britini the target this week (instead of her +1, Claire).

11:20 AM BBT – Sarah promises Claire she’ll save her with the second Veto if she gets it. Elsewhere, Britini has promised to save Claire if she doesn’t think Azah will end up as a renom.

11:30 AM BBT – Hannah talks with Kyland and assures him that Claire is not coming after him.

11:50 AM BBT – Tiffany advising Claire to watch out for Britini in the comp and plan against her moves.

12:15 PM BBT – Tiffany camtalked that she hopes to keep Claire and also worries that DX will figure out the Cookout when he notices that decisions being made don’t match up with the obvious alliances already out there.

12:25 PM BBT – Claire tells Tiffany that Sarah has promised to use the Veto on Claire but Tiffany counters that Kyland will tell her what to do. Hannah tells Claire that she’s sure Britini is the target now after her talk with Kyland.

12:40 PM BBT – Hannah tells Claire she intentionally gave Alyssa bad advice on not using the rope because she wants Alyssa to struggle in the comp.

12:45 PM BBT – Hannah and Claire agree that DX is way too trusting of Kyland and seems to want to go far with Ky.

1:25 PM BBT – Britini tells Azah that she won’t use the Veto if it looks like Azah will be a renom. Azah says she doesn’t care and to let Kyland renom her.

1:40 PM BBT – DF says his strategy will be to track Kyland and mess with him (remember, DF is faking his feud with Kyland for his pawn nomination)

1:45 PM BBT – Claire and Alyssa warn Kyland of DF’s plan. Kyland says he’ll stay away from him.

2:25 PM BBT – DX asks Kyland if he really wants Britini out this week. Kyland says he definitely wants her out.

3:45 PM BBT – Tiffany warns Hannah that they’re going to have to fight to take out the three guys (DF, Xavier, and Kyland) at F6. Hannah says she might not want Azah in F3, but Tiffany points out they can beat Azah if they do then they would take each other to F2. Hannah counters that the F3 should be with Xavier, not Azah. Tiffany is okay with that.

4:25 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto.

6:22 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Alyssa is wearing a medallion and so is Kyland. Alyssa won Veto and Kyland got his by betting Alyssa would win.

6:25 PM BBT – Claire and DX suspect Kyland threw the comp to Alyssa so he could burn the Veto power from the High Rollers twist.

6:26 PM BBT – Kyland explains to Xavier that his plan is to save Claire and renom Britini as the target. Meanwhile downstairs Tiffany is rallying a plan to convince Alyssa to use the Veto and save Claire because they think Ky is working against them.

6:37 PM BBT – Kyland promises Claire directly that he will save her with his Veto.

6:45 PM BBT – Britini expects the Vetos to not be used and then Kyland will save DF. (She doesn’t see what’s coming.)

6:50 PM BBT – Claire tells Alyssa that Kyland has promised to save her. They expect Britini is the target. Alyssa promises not to use her Veto.

7:10 PM BBT – Kyland shares the plan with DF that Claire will be saved and Britini is the renom target. He asks DF to lie to Azah and tell her that right before Veto Kyland told him Alyssa was the new target with Britini as the backup but when Alyssa won Veto Kyland had to switch his plan to Britini. DF agrees to the story.

7:20 PM BBT – Azah apologizes to Sarah for throwing the Veto comp as Sarah had bet on her to win it.

8:20 PM BBT – Kyland makes a deal with Alyssa for safety next week and asks that he only keep him and Sarah safe.

8:30 PM BBT – Kyland talks with Xavier about how obvious it was he (K) threw the last round to Alyssa. He’s disappointed in his performance.

9:35 PM BBT – DX points out to Kyland that he (K) clearly threw the last round. DX warns Kyland that HGs may be suspicious of him throwing that comp since Claire had bet on him and could have won her Veto for safety.

10:10 PM BBT – DX, Kyland, and Sarah create a new alliance called “The Flop.”

10:30 PM BBT – Sarah reviewing Kyland’s Veto plans to save Claire and then renom Britini as the target. Sarah suggests the Jokers could go up next week since no one would risk taking down either DF or Azah at risk of a random alternate going up.

10:45 PM BBT – Tiffany asks Sarah about the plan and if she or DX is going up. Sarah says she’s okay.

10:55 PM BBT – DF and Kyland discussing next week options. Kyland offers up Sarah then counters that DX is more of a threat. DF wants DX up but plans to nom Alyssa and Sarah because DX is too much of a threat in the Veto comp.

11:25 PM BBT – Kyland still talking with DF. DF says they really need the Cookout women to target each other at F6. DF worries about Hannah because she’s smart while Azah is too emotional.

12:30 AM BBT – DX tells Tiffany about his talk with Kyland and Sarah. DX says that Kyland claims to have thrown the comp so he could get the second veto and prove to Claire she could trust him. He believes Kyland that Britini will be the target and shares that Kyland warned him how Alyssa was targeting him (DX).

12:35 AM BBT – Hannah tells Claire that DF seems to be this season’s Victoria. No one will target him.

12:45 AM BBT – DX notes to Tiffany that Kyland seems scared of Xavier because no one picked X in the HOH knockout comp. Tiffany says Kyland is too confident in himself.

1:20 AM BBT – Tiffany went up to see Kyland and he’s explaining away his Veto performance. He asks if it was obvious that he threw it. She says the house knows how smart he is so when he plays like that it’s obvious. Kyland explains how he wanted to show Claire she could trust him. He explains how he had changed the target before the comp and DF was supposed to tell them but didn’t. Tiffany asks what he thinks he gained in that elaborate process.

1:35 AM BBT – Tiffany camtalks while Kyland is downstairs that she wanted to see if Kyland would tell her the truth but feels he did not.

1:40 AM BBT – DX and Claire head upstairs to talk with Kyland and Tiffany. They discuss bringing Hannah into their alliance. Kyland is happy they burned the extra Veto power this week and now he can get Britini out too because she would have gone for the second power next week.

2:30 AM BBT – Kyland tells Azah the plan is to take out Britini this week to benefit the Six. She agrees with it.

3:00 AM BBT – Hannah and Kyland discussing next moves. He says maybe Sarah and Alyssa can go up next week. Kyland thinks Sarah will target DX. Hannah expects DX would play for the roulette power next week if he goes up.

3:30 AM BBT – Kyland gets ready for bed when Big Brother calls him to make sandwiches and he has to get back in his costume to do it.

3:45 AM BBT – Tiffany comes out to join Kyland while he does his sandwiches.

4:10 AM BBT – Kyland and Tiffany agree that Claire should come down so DX isn’t so suspicious about their alliance. Tiffany shares that Azah doesn’t trust Hannah and wants Hannah out first from the Cookout.

4:40 AM BBT – Tiffany and Kyland head upstairs to talk more. They’re going over game talk.

Britini has no idea that she’s on her way out but she will on Monday! Bummer for her that viewers voted her up to give her those BB Bucks only to have that sink her game as a result of Kyland wanting to drain that power from the mix. Oops. There’s always a chance this could change but for now it seems like Kyland’s path forward.

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