Tonight On Big Brother 16: Nominations & Battle Of The Block – Episode 03

Big Brother 16 is back tonight on CBS with the third episode of the season and the very first Battle of the Block competition for the summer and the season. Finally, Sunday episodes are can’t-miss television for Big Brother!

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

After last week’s double premiere event we’ve been eating up all the fun on the Live Feeds and even though we already know all the spoilers for tonight’s episode, starting at 8PM ET/PT on CBS, I am still very excited to see how this new competition event will play out.

The Battle of the Block will pit the four nominees by the two HoHs against each other in a new competition event. The nominees will operate in pairs as decided by their nominating HoH. So Frankie’s noms will play together against Caleb’s noms. The winner of this week’s BotB will come off the block and bring down the nominating HoH with them.

Of course that means tonight’s Big Brother episode will be a change up from the regular Sunday shows which typically ended with HGs getting up from the kitchen table after the Nomination Ceremony. Instead we’ll get that portion earlier and then BotB by the end of the night as well. It’s going to be a much more action packed show and that’s great for us.

If you can’t wait until the show then check out our Spoilers Board for the latest status on everything going on inside the house. I’ll always have that page updated with the latest news and links to more details on each. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Email for more updates all season!

Big Brother 16 – Episode 03 Preview:



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  1. Even when you know who wins it’s always fun to see the actual competition. So glad Donny won and will be off the block. Still not sure I like the 2 HOH but do like another comp.

    • Quick and straight to the point.

      Probably going to last for a few weeks when they’re finally down in numbers and had to use a rounded 16-hole keybox again.

      • Oh I didn’t think of that. Or if they do away with nominating 4 people. When it gets down to less people I would think they’d switch things up.

  2. I’m watching this episode laughing at some of these people’s gameplay. The bomb quad alliance, Devin, Frankie. I love Christine though.

  3. I like what Cody said in the DR I don’t know if i just joined the next Brigade or Moving Company?

  4. I LOVE the opening credits. Feels fresh and everything. Although I’m going to miss the voyeuristic nature of the show’s past openings as well as Big Brother’s blinking eye.

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