Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Wednesday Night Highlights
Big Brother 16 is officially rewound and we’ve got a busy week ahead of us as do the HGs. Wednesday night was spent adjusting to the new Head of Household and talk about whether or […]
Big Brother 16 is officially rewound and we’ve got a busy week ahead of us as do the HGs. Wednesday night was spent adjusting to the new Head of Household and talk about whether or […]
The Big Brother 16 houseguests had to say goodbye to their new friend Izzy, but have no fear, they were back to talking about stuff like what the button means, what if they get booed […]
The Big Brother 16 house guests finally had an early morning and busy day as Izzy the dog showed up at the door. The HGs spent the day playing with Izzy and seemingly getting their […]
I could probably summarize the Big Brother 16 Live Feeds from yesterday in this one sentence: “The HGs slept all day and then had the same conversation about the rewind button and Wednesday’s live show […]
Sunday had a surprise in it for the Houseguests after staying up all night in search of a fictional rodent. Instead of the usual routine of Veto Ceremonies on Monday the HGs held this week’s […]
Saturdays in the Big Brother house are usually tense with anxious HGs awaiting the game impacting Power of Veto. This week wasn’t so tense as HGs slept the day away as the guys felt assured […]
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