Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Wednesday Night Highlights


Big Brother 16 is officially rewound and we’ve got a busy week ahead of us as do the HGs. Wednesday night was spent adjusting to the new Head of Household and talk about whether or not the week would play out the same or quite differently. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 10, 2014:

6:36 PM BBT – Feeds return after live show. Caleb won Head of Household. Cody is back in his dinosaur costume.

7:02 PM BBT Frankie jokingly wonders if Jeff and Jordan will get engaged again since they’re doing the week all over again.

7:10 PM BBT – Derrick and Caleb are talking about putting Frankie on the block. Frankie interrupts the conversation.

7:20 PM BBT – Caleb talks to Cody about Derrick going up instead of Frankie just because he’s never been up.

7:45 PM BBT – Derrick is nervous. He tells Cody they have to get Caleb to nominate Frankie.

8:00 PM BBT – Derrick tells Victoria that Caleb will probably put them up together instead of her and Cody or her and Frankie.

8:36 PM BBT – Derrick studies the memory wall since they know the veto will be another morph competition.

8:48 PM BBT – Derrick tells Caleb Frankie has to go up outright because if he uses the veto on Victoria than Cody or Derrick will go home. Derrick tells Caleb he knows he can beat Frankie in the veto this time.

8:56 PM BBT – Everyone agrees that Frankie needs to go up (as of now).

9:02 PM BBT – Derrick tells Victoria not to worry because he’s going to win the veto.

10:41 PM BBT – Frankie says he’s getting plastic surgery to fix his ears when he gets out (and presumably after he builds schools in Africa).

11:08 PM BBT – Caleb gets his HOH room.

11:10 PM BBT – HGs head up to see Caleb’s room. Caleb’s reads his letter. It’s from his dad and stepmom.

11:33 PM BBT – Frankie and Cody talking about beating Frankie this week. Cody says he’s been trying to get him out for weeks now and this is the perfect chance.

11:35 PM BBT – Victoria and Derrick talking about how great it is that the others think she hates Derrick. She says she wasn’t meant to go home and that’s why the rewind button was pushed.

11:40 PM BBT – Frankie tells Cody and Derrick to let him know if Caleb thinks about backdooring him again.

1:00 AM BBT – Derrick and Frankie talking. Frankie says he thinks they’re good but to let him know if Caleb hints at anything weird.

1:05 AM BBT – Derrick promises Frankie that regardless of who goes up they’ll all be fine. (Derrick is lying to him.)

1:10 AM BBT – Derrick tells Frankie he thinks he (Frankie) would win over everyone, but he won’t tell anyone else that.

1:50 AM BBT – Caleb and Derrick going over the plan again. Derrick reiterates that if Frankie doesn’t go up then he could use the Veto on Victoria to force the eviction of either Derrick or Cody.

3:40 AM BBT – Caleb talking with Cody, Frankie, and Derrick. He tells Cody it’d be too stressful for him (Cody) to go up yet again. Caleb again says Victoria is the target.

3:55 AM BBT – Caleb again tells Derrick that he will nominate Frankie.

4:00 AM BBT – Frankie tells Cody that if he (Frankie) goes up then he’ll play even harder to win the Veto.

4:10 AM BBT – Frankie gets to talk with Caleb alone. He’s pushing to not go up in case the other guys flip on them. Sounds like Frankie wants Cody up without directly suggesting it.

4:15 AM BBT – Caleb tells Frankie if he goes up and wins the Veto then Derrick would go up as the renom. (This was their plan.)

4:20 AM BBT – Caleb promises Frankie that Cody and Derrick want to go to F4 with both of them.

The person least likely to put Frankie up this week is Caleb. And he’s already gone back and forth a bit on it, so don’t be surprised if we see a repeat of what already happened this week. But if veto plays out differently things could still go in a completely different  direction.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. OMG if they don’t put Frankie up this week, then he should win because they all suck. Caleb – get it together. You can’t ALL win the $500K, so eventually you’ll have to get them out, why wait until F4 when you know Frankie is a comp beast? So predictable and lame.

    • Caleb want to backdoor him. Cody and Derrick are worried that he might win veto and pull Vic off the block.

      • I know, but the problem with “backdooring” someone at this point (in quotations because it’s no longer technically a back door) is that the chances of winning the veto are now 20% and Frankie has a very good track record. Would rather have him on the block in the event that he doesn’t win, than have him off the block, and win the veto and is not eligible for a nom, while having the power to get either Derrick or Cody (whoever’s not on the block) up there and evicted. That would suck!!

      • Yes but if he waits to put up Frankie then Frankie wins veto now caleb can’t even say he tried to take a shot at a big move. I think he should put Victoria and Frankie up if somehow Frankie pulls himself off put Derrick up either way it is a big move to send either of them home Frankie goes up and comes down caleb tells him Vic was always the target. Then suggest to Frankie what about Derrick going home

    • What I don’t get is if Derrick is so good at manipulating people, why hasn’t he figured out that the fastest way to turn Caleb into putty is to stroke his ego. If Derrick wants Frankie in 1st noms, then all he has to do is convince Caleb’s ego.

      • The last person, Nicole, who tried to tell that to Caleb, got evicted, because Frankie told Caleb that she (Nicole) was lying …

      • He has. They had like a 3 minute segment on one of the shows with Derrick explaining exactly that.

      • He has been doing that the entire summer are you watching ?
        He and Cody convinced Caleb to put Frankie up and he agreed, so i don’t get your point.

      • Last I saw Caleb was still considering not putting up Frankie during first noms. He’s being wishy-washy.

      • In that one specific conversation? Why would you want to stroke his ego here? Tell him he’s the best and let him think he can beat Frankie next week and at the end?

      • No, more like stroking his ego to make him think that it’s his idea to put Frankie up first and get him out this week. Telling him that it would be a stroke of genius and making him a sure win at the end.

    • Because Frankie and Caleb would make an unbeatable F2 alliance, I think. If Caleb and Frankie go to the final 2, I think Caleb stands a good chance of beating Frankie in Jury votes. But I do not think he beats either Cody or Derrick. I don’t think Frankie has a chance to beat anyone.

      Caleb and Frankie need to align now, make a solid F2 deal and use this week to get rid of Derrick. Once Derrick is gone, Cody and Victoria will be easy pickings.

      • As someone who wants Derrick to win, I hope that doesn’t happen! But it would be a very good move if they did it!

      • That would be ideal for Frankie, but Caleb is actually closer with Cody and Derrick and has said numerous times that he wants to make final 3 with them and not Frankie. Caleb is too loyal and won’t be turning on Cody or Derrick this week.

      • Seeing as the jury sees how great of a player Derrick is… If someone does get him out, I think that will score big points. But the HG don’t know this.

  2. I won’t believe Frankie is going on the block until it actually happens. Who ends up on the block is going to be determined by who gets last word with Caleb.
    Personally, I think Derrick is in biggest trouble this week. Sounds like he’d be a re-nom and I will not be surprised if all the flip flopping leads everyone to realize it’s time to get out a big player.

  3. I’m waiting to find out if the TA mission is rewound, too. If they have to redo the same mission, it might not be as easy to keep everyone up the 2nd time around. Please, please, please rewind the TA mission!!

  4. Lets hope the next big brother is better, it like a bunch a guys got togeather to have bro time not even playing the game.Its supposed to be all about the big moves to get the good players out. Oh they did, I forgot. Only thing they did have the balls and went for the big moves. But the bro train has to stay togeather and had the votes. Thats the only reason why the are still in. Now who has the votes ??????,?,, (

    • Was there this much hate for the Brigade as well? I don’t remember there being much hate towards them.

      • Brigade was my favorite alliance! They were tight, but they weren’t out and out mean to the non-alliance members. They even tried to soften the blow for Britney. They were a solid alliance with a lot of heart.

        The BS defecators are the opposite, IMO.

      • Haven’t really seen Cody, Derrick, or Caleb be mean. No worse than Enzo, Lane, and Hayden anyways. Sure there are going to be a remarks here and there, but the only one that’s been really bad is Frankie (and I guess Christine if you want to throw her in there.)

      • Out of the 3, Derrick has been the meanest. He’s had some really biting remarks and poor treatment of Victoria and Nicole. Caleb has joined in, too. Cody’s mean remarks have been pretty lame. I think what sets them apart for me more than anything was their participation in the joking about raping Victoria. That is nothing to joke about.

      • Pretty sure Caleb said that was going too far. I think Derrick had a nervous laugh. Maybe I missed something. But you act like Lane, Enzo, and Hayden were angels. They made fun of people left and right the entire game.

      • Caleb said that it would ruin her and get everything all bloody. Derrick suggested and simulated that Zingbot should do it. They all laughed. Derrick was almost doubled over laughing so hard. Did you see the clip?

      • Derrick was talking about Frankie and he tried to stop them by saying Victoria’s dad would crush the computer. He had nothing to do with this ugh

      • After he said about Victoria’s dad and the computer and after things had started to die down, Derrick said that it should be Zingbot with the goggles AND he thrust his hips forward to simulate Zingbot doing it. It was a little difficult to understand his words through his laughter, but all of the replays of the clips that added a subtitle agreed that Derrick was talking about Zingbot raping Victoria.

      • What do you call his action of thrusting his hips forward and saying “zing” right after saying that Zingbot should do it? I call it simulation.

      • making fun of people is one thing..what Frankie did was horrific and vile. I was disappointed with Derrick, Caleb’s blood comment was disgusting..IMO.Cody was the only one who seemed uncomfortable. Christine did her usually cackle while she laid there going along. Hayden, Lane and Enzo were not mean people.

      • Frankie started talking about Zingbot and himself in drag, and Derrick smartly continued steering the conversation in that direction and began joking about that. They were no longer talking about Victoria at that point.

      • No, Frankie said he could do it, if he were in drag and had the beer goggles on. He was still talking about Victoria. Laughter started to die down. THEN Derrick said that the Zingbot, wearing the glasses, could do it. That’s when he thrust his hips and said “Zing!” At no time was it switched from Victoria to anyone else.

      • Agree. Plus, they didn’t have alliance members like Frankie and Christine. It was much easier to like the Brigade.

  5. Caleb is right. He needs to put up Derrick since Derrick has never been on the block. If Derrick is so certain that he will win the veto then he has nothing to worry about.

    But they sent Zach home because he refused to go up as a pawn. Derrick has never gone up and his refusal to go up now should show Caleb and Frankie that Derrick is an opportunist and not loyal to the alliance.

    • This is honestly an incredibly silly concept, why would Derrick be like “yeah sure guys, I’ll go up on the block for no logical reason when our actual target is in the other room and he’s playing for the veto no matter what.” Like seriously?

      Derrick of course is going to say he will win the veto to Caleb to put him at ease, if Derrick has such confidence that he’ll win, Caleb may feel more inclined to put up Frankie and not have to worry about repercussions.

      But why would Derrick willingly go up? It’s final 5 dude, no more of this loyalty to the alliance stuff, it’s time to start playing for yourself or at least the majority, and to not try to get Frankie out (who has won 9 competitions) at this point is just flat out stupid.

  6. Unless, these ninnies figure it out yet, you have to evict the other house guests to win that $500,000. Caleb if there are still brain cells left in his head should put up Cody and Frankie. If one gets off, put in Derrick. This late in the game, you have to be looking to evict the other house guests!
    If you are afraid of being targeted, you will still be targeted because there is no one left except, Victoria. So, play Big Brother as Nicole said, instead of Big Baby! Time to put up the grown boy pants, Caleb!

    • If I were Caleb I would put up Victoria and Frankie with the hopes that Frankie goes home. If Frankie or Victoria (yeah right) win POV, then put up Derrick. Cody and Caleb have becoming closer lately and if he managed to convince Cody that Derrick is going to take Victoria to final 2, then I think Cody and Caleb could make a Final 2 deal of their own.

      • Evicting Victoria is a huge waste. So, we wait one whole week with nobody getting evicted and no moves being made only to wait another week for Victoria to be evicted?
        Caleb should target both Derrick and Frankie as there are just 4 of them left not counting Victoria. Next week, Caleb could be in the block and evicted right after! Both Derrick and Frankie will target him. Take one of them out now and he has to fight one less threat. A good competitor can dominate the last few weeks. Caleb and Frankie probably can be dominant if they go all out to win each time!

      • Victoria is key to Derrick’s game and has no relationship with Caleb. So for Caleb’s game, keeping Victoria and targeting two big players doesn’t help him much.

      • And, on the flipside, Victoria is also Derrick’s kryptonite, as well … as she is probably the only person that could expose Derrick’s game … especially, should those two end up on the Block next Tuesday …
        It could well be worth $500K for her to throw him under the bus, if and when push comes to shove, to save her BB Life …

      • She won’t do it, though. The only way she would throw Derrick UTB is if Derrick suggested and approved of her doing it.

      • She has mentioned weeks ago she would sacrifice her game so he can win for his wife and daughter, so I doubt she will turn on him.

      • Yep, perhaps, that was her game to keep Derrick as a close ally for him to bring to the F2/F3 ??
        She is a smart cookie … as she has said, He is the Robin to Her Batman, this season .. Ha !!!
        I swear, that she has multiple personalties in this game … loved the way she attempted to sell the Fake Fight to Frankie in last night’s episode … Ha !!

      • That and so many other reasons is why she should never play big brother You should be there for one reason and that is to win for yourself. But Derrick played her for a fool and she fell for it and for him

      • Unfortunately, they cast a lot of people who don’t care about winning the game but only care about becoming famous from being on tv. In fact I believe that Derrick is the only one who truly cares about winning this game, the rest would be happy to just gain notoriety.

      • You remove one big threat is what matters. In addition, would you rather compete against Victoria or Derrick/Frankie/Cody for POV if you were on the block?

    • Thats impressive and something he could use to convince the jury, not being nominated and not floating throughout the game, like Dan said he’s working 24 hrs to get the 500k. But anyway is there any player in BB history that’s hasn’t been nominated til final 5,4 or 3?

      • During the Jury portion of last night’s episode, they had actually started to acknowledge how much of a puppet master that Derrick has played .. Nicole may have acted as the strongest proponent of this, after just having been evicted, yet again, and even entering the second time around, despite saying and being told by Hayden to not trust him, she went and done it anyways .. Ha!!!

      • Its not like Nicole had a whole other side of the house to work with. She had the option of working with Donny or trying to make a way into the alliance. Not to mention Derrick has done a wonderful job of being nice to people on the way out the door as opposed to people like Christine and Frankie. So its not that shocking that she was supporting Derrick and his game play.

      • So, his strategy to be nice and spend the last week, days, hour with the HG to be evicted may have worked …. Assuming, that he makes it to F2 to put the icing on the perverbial cake …

      • Yeah they’ve seen that now, but isn’t that playing the game really good, he knows how to scheme. Might not be good in the real world but in the game of big brother if it works then great.

      • Exactly, and now that the Jury has somewhat already acknowledge that, Derrick may necessarily need to justify and/or prove that to the Jury, when he addresses the Jury with only a few minutes to outline his game, strategy, etc …

        eta: As someone once said, Sometimes the perfect crime(s) / criminals, are the one’s that are never really exposed/caught/revealed ….

      • Well he’s persuasive, the only time I’ll see him having a hard time convincing the jury is if he’s with Frankie. Maybe Caleb but not so much. I think it really all depends on the jury if they choose game play through good manipulation or winning comps.

    • Could you imagine how SICK that would be? Especially considering for half the game, 4 people got nominated every week instead of the usual two.

      If he could manage to make Final 3 without getting nominated, he’d go down as one of the top 3 players ever with Dr. Will and Dan.

    • More than likely, it will be Victoria. The only way to guarantee that one of the guys to go home this week is for two guys to be in the hot seat. You have to force these ninnies to vote out one of them.
      Otherwise, they will take the easy route and vote Victoria out!

  7. Caleb has to put this F4 loyalty aside right now and make the big move..that being putting Frankie up. If he waffles again and doesn’t make the move..Frankie gets to play in the next HOH..he may have a shot at the veto..since he has already won it once..but, I think Derrick may get the win this time around. If Caleb takes Frankie to F2..Frankie wins in my opinion. I think he would have Zach, Nicole, Christine, Donny and probably Hayden. This season has already been bad enough..having Frankie win would make it much worse!

    • I think if it was Caleb & Frankie in F2 (gagging while typing), Caleb would win. His comp record is close and his social is better. In the exit interviews most have said that they do not want Frankie to win.

  8. Skankie is worried about how his ears look? Sorry dudett, but you just can’t polish a turd. Have you considered a face transplant?

  9. Question: in the timeline 11:33pm BBT Frankie and Cody are talking about beating Frankie this week? Should it be Cody and Caleb are talking or Derrick and Cody are talking?

  10. While watching the last bit of BBAD this morning, Caleb was yacking away, telling the Guys about more of Caleb’s feats, etc … he admited that he may have exaggerated a tad .. For example, hey has performed in front of a crowd at some sort of country gig, but, perhaps, not in the tens of thousands, like other famous performers, but more like a few thousands, (err hundreds, well maybe just a few friends, family) .. Ha !!!
    Then he goes on to say, it will be amazing at the Finale Show when his Princess Amber is awaiting to give him a hug and they go out for a date, etc … Ha !!! Then, proceeds to admit that, in reality he was just dreaming, and may have accepted the fact that Amber wants nothing to do with him … Ha !!!

      • Yep, and I was so expecting for Derrick to say, something, like … Yeah, I am a cop in real life .. then laugh it off … Ha Ha Ha !!! :)
        And, the way he has played physically, and acting like a weiner in losing all the comps that he has lost, I bet most of them would have laughed at that, as well .. with a, Year, really ?? :)

  11. They should be thinking that one of them could dominate the remaining HOHs and POVs. Was watching Survivor 12 and Terry (fighter pilot) has won 4 straight immunity challenges against a huge alliance. They are down to 5 now but, he has been fighting since, there were 7 tribe members left. That is, 6 vs 1! All his tribe members have been picked off one by one! Frankie they should have targeted a while ago, same with Caleb. One of these guys can be dominant the rest of the way with just a few HOHs left. They will also, be playing for POV. If Cody and Derrick get evicted, they have only themselves to blame!

  12. The unwarranted obsession with Frankie by supposed adults is alarming. I hate feed watchers, hate hate hate. You guys ruin Every season with your constant negativity. It’s like if you guys aren’t miserable you aren’t happy. I’m glad I’m not you.

  13. If they all stop and think about FRANKIE will walk away with the $500,000.00 if allowed to make it to the FINAL 2!!! AND he will DESERVE IT if allowed to get there! This last week should be all that CALAB needs to make his decision who goes up this week!!! If he wins the VETO then so be it! They are all playing in the veto and as far as Calab saying he will play harder if on the block, NO WAY Frankie plays each COMP as though his life depends on it!!! That is why he is a beast! One thing I am very suprised about is that Frankie is not calling foul about the “rewind” and that his last 3 comp have been erased!!! I thought that he would have whined all night about it! Lets see what today brings!

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