CBS Says Big Brother 11 In Summer 2009

Update: Big Brother 11 is now in full swing. See what’s going on in the house right now with the live and uncensored feeds.

Call off your plans for Big Brother 11 and cocoa. CBS has just announced that BB11 is a go, but the bad news is that our favorite reality show won’t return until the snow has melted and pools are full again:


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 22 โ€” BIG BROTHER, CBS’s summer stalwart reality show, will return next summer with its 11th edition…

Well nuts. TV Guide had me pretty excited over the possibility of another winter installment of Big Brother. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. I’ll still be ready for Big Brother 11 when it does arrive. What about you?

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Source: CBS press release



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  1. i was hopping for a winter one but i’ll be ready for the summer one but boo who me and my daughter spent a lot of time together watching bb10 we had so much fun guessing who was going out. but we will be here for bb11. see you then

  2. I hope they add a big twist next year. My idea was to either have teenagers go in or have a Doubles Team kind of thing, meaning that a parent and their child could play the game as a team. Anyhow, I just can’t wait until next year. I, like everybody on this site, is a real BB fan.

  3. Yah i think its dumb they arent doing the winter BB like they have since the start id say your going to loose a lot if viewers over it .. :( so i would suggest moveing the summer to winter and make a bb12 for summer 09
    the Fan

  4. Yeah its really crazy to not have a winter season. Survivor and amazing race can’t last all winter until july when the summer season of bb starts. There needs to be something else on cbs to compel me to watch their channel. They cant compete with the other networks after survivor and amazing race if there is no BB11. Please CBS!!

  5. OMG!
    they need a BB show in the winter. I will be so bored without it. Imagine how many viewers they would loose from this. They could just have another show in the summer too. PLEASE CBS HAVE A WINTER SHOW!
    -Biggest BB Fan =]

  6. Yes CBS should have a Winter show. Winters need something great to watch on the cold nights. CBS should wake up because in Feb most people will have Cable n Satelite so there will be much to watch. A Winter BB would be so great for CBS .

  7. I thought after the first and last winter BB that CBS would decide to make it a regular.

    Maybe if there’s another writers strike. That’s how we got the winter show before.

  8. PLEASE have a BB winter….you can call it a BB Secret or BB10a or BBSurpise. You have no idea how many people will watch it (which means you can make a ton of money too!)
    The tv shows bite on CBS during the winter…please have one?

  9. I’m truly dissapointed! I really LOVE this show. My family and I get together on the nights the show is on, we just really enjoy it! I hope they come up w/something creative to have it twice this year….!

  10. I am sooo upset there will not be a BB Winter. BB is the best reality TV. There are so many twist you can throw in the game. Me and lots of family and friends LOVE to watch BB. Please CBS bring it back for Winter PLEASE!!

  11. I can’t beleive that Big Brother is not coming back in Feb. I have to wait until July to see it. Well I guess We won’t be watching CBS. I wish I could buy Big Brother 1-10 on DVD.

  12. This is without a doubt the best show on television today hands down !!!!!!!!!!. I wish they would reconsider adding a winter show, the winters in New England are so long this would make them go by a little faster. My wife and I also have our 2 older kids getting into this show and our 2 younger ones are now starting to have interest. Its nice to spend time with the entire family watching something thats keeps everyone interest.

  13. I will miss the winter BB as well as anyone. I just hope that the summer addition is well worth the wait. I hope it has something unlike any other season to make us all forgive the fact that we had to go through withdrawals during the winter:)

  14. Man that sux that there will be no Winter BB!!!!!! I LOVE BB and absolutely loved when the introduced the Winter one last year….and was very much anticipating it this year….CBS, WE WANT WINTER AND SUMMER BIG BROTHERS!!!!! I love every season and I hope it continues for many many more years!!!

  15. that sucks!! this by far my favorite show…I was really looking forward to a winter show…oh well I will be patiently waiting for july i guess

  16. I have been waiting since BB10 ended to watch BB11 in February, it really sucks that they r waiting till summer! For Joan who posted a comment, I went back and watched all the past episodes on youtube. Just type in BB brother and the episode you want and you can watch for free!

  17. I have been anxiously awaiting BB11! Horrified that I’m gonna have to wait another 5 or 6 months! Ugh! This show was a highlight of my winter…the higher up’s need to re-evaluate their decision

  18. i would like to see a big brother’s show with the first ones evicted from the first 10 shows being the new guess in the house. if the ftrst can’t come back then go to the second ones evicted. it would make a good show.

  19. Omgz i cant wait for big brother 11!!!!! I WISH THERE WAS A WINTER ONE THO!!!!! =(
    Dan was sooo hot in bb10!!!
    Im glad he won

  20. Yeah….do one with all of the first evicted up against all of the winners! LOL Hey…any excuse to see Dr Will works for me!

  21. BB is highly watched program, it would be awesome to have a 2 season time slot. Winter and summer with two different twists. Best season ever was when you brought back the best of the best of the favorites, join with new cast. It would be cool to see you divide the group half young (21-35)and the other half older (40-55) and see who can out smart each other-its not always who is the strongest/with the most power, or how many games you win, its who has the winning personality and is mind smart and that can be at any age.

  22. I am so addicted to BB!!! I, too, was hoping for a winter edition!!! I am very disappointed!!!!!!! My cell phone goes off constantly during BB season because I update everyone!!! Good thing I have unlimited package!! LOL LOL. I think it would be awesone to do a show with the fans against the winners!! I bet the fans would win!!! Ha ha ha

  23. CBS JULIE what are you doing to your viewers? We are the ones who keep the shows going and you let us down by not having a winter BB. MY mom my son and I all watch and never miss a show. Having no winter show has made me very upset a faithfull viewer. I think you owe all of us a reason for letting us down and why we should watch in summer when you did this to us this winter.

  24. ok holy crap guys big brother only had one winter episode and that was last year so i dont think its a big deal to have it in the summer otherwise bb will just become one of those other reality tv shows that go out of stlye cause they show a new season every 4 months ie, survivor. so atleast if we have to wait till the summer atleast we know we wont get sick of it.

  25. why would you not produce a winter BB with the following you have – Oh, CBS has too much $?

    Cheap to produce – good entertainment with creative twists – too much fun to watch. Thank You for letting us down (again) & making us wait until the summer.

  26. Hey CBS i love all kinds of reality shows and i really want to be on one so bad but i am only 14. I think you need to make a big brother with teens my age and up. I think everbody would watch it watch so pls.

  27. I agree with AJ there needs to be a reality show where teens can play. I’m afraid when i do get old enough to play all my favorite reality shows will be canceled. LET TEENS BE ON BIG BROTHER PLEASE. They can do that during the summer and be back in time for school.

  28. Because you aren’t having a winter bb, Please let teens be on it. I think everybody will watch it.

  29. I dont like the fact its going to be in the summer, because its the summer. People like to have fun, go out and do stuff late at night. During the winter its okay because the snow keeps you inside and its too cold to be outside. Also Id have to agree with AJ, I think they should have a teen big brother. That would be awesome.

  30. omg i LOVE LOVE LOVE big brothr ! :) i cant wait till the the summer. big brother is my life as sad as that my sound its true aha. i wuld love to be on the show but unfortunatly im not old enough :( Well anyways love the showw :)

  31. With all the crap going on in the news today, and unemployment, ect. We need something to take our mind off this crap! I wish BB would have 2 seasons every year! My daughter calls me from 5,000 miles away to discuss BB. Give us back our Big Brother! It’s the only show I enjoy and NEVER (it would be a sin) MISS!!! There is no other show that compares to it!

  32. Not only am I disappointed that there will be no winter BB, my 95 year old mother is REALLY disappointed! That is the only television show she watches faithfully. Her favorite BB contestant was Evil Dick!

  33. maybe someone should start a on line petition to be sent to cbs so they can see how many fans would watch 2 seasons a if someone knows how do it and post link here to sighn it

  34. I have already applied and sent in a vhs tape however, I wasn’t feeling good about how I acted on the tape, plus I was 20 pounds heavier(I tried to play the Fat Girl card and guilt them into picking me). Now, I’m just 15-20 pounds over what I should be for my height. Now, I have decided that I am going to send in another application along with a tape this week and who knows maybe they will give me a call.

  35. They should have a big brother in Canada ! i wuld love that ! and the idea of having all teens wuld be even better well for me im basicly free all summer and i wuld give up anything to be on the show

  36. hate to say it but most adults with teenage snot nosed kids do NOT want to be watching someone elses snot nosed kid. I love the show BB the way it is with a mix of people. Didn’t someone have a “kid nation” show that was an absolute flop? theres a reason it was a flop.

  37. Hey CBS, Big Brother is our favorite show, we thought maybe you should do a show with the favorites from the other CBS reality shows. You could include the country couple from this seasons “The Amazing Race”

  38. BB is such a fresh breath of air after seasons and seasons of Survivor. I am 65 years of age and an enormas BB fan. I just can’t get enough of it. I watch the regular show then the following three hours on Showtime. I don’t, however, believe this is the right place for teens. There is just too many head games for them to understand. A winter BB from Canada would be a real treat. Can’t wait for July.

  39. snot nosed kids ? no not at all.
    i think kids my age would watch it more if people around there age was on it

    it doesnt really matter that there waiting for the summer
    im just happy that its still playing on tv :D

  41. what????I’ve been waiting for this show to start and now I hear I’ll be waiting longer..ahhhhhh. There should be at least (minimum) 2 shows a year. I got ripped off this year..Not a happy camper.However, I still love the show!!!wahhh

  42. Surely by now, CBS is aware that we love Big Brother, and want at least two episodes a year. What else do we have to do?

    As you can see we’re loyal, but right now we’re feeling lonely. So come on Producers, let’s shake, rattle and roll! Plan now for 2010, and let’s get this party started.

  43. i am sooooo excited for bb11 to start, this will be my 5th year of getting the live feeds, but have watched it since season 1. since ive been getting the live feeds, its become even more addicting. during the winter, i went to youtube and watched all the seasons of bbuk and they do some really awesome things on their big brother and it helped with the void of not having our big brother this winter, cant wait, so excited!

  44. I cannot wait until B.B starts again !!!! I really would like to see it on twice a year. It is one of the best reality shows on T.V.I also tape B.B After Dark which I watch the following morning.I live for that show.!! After I get to know all the players, I love to pick out my favorite and hope that he or she goes too the end.Keep up the great work !!!!

  45. Please bring BB11 sooner. I can’t wait till July, its just too long. Why can’t you guys make it twice this year. I love this show so much and its always interesting, full of twists and turns. Please, please, please CBS. Best show ever and BIG FAN.

  46. Do you guys know if you have to send in your audition tape by the deadline AND go to the casting call? Or do you send in the tape in LIEU of the casting call??? Please advise – Thanks

  47. The winter edition of BB was based on the ratings, if they would have another winter edition or not, so it looks like the ratings were not that good so no more winter edition for 2009
    Plus alot of it probably has something to do with the economy being so bad, it costs lots of money for BB shows, thats just my opinion

  48. I love BB and can’t wait till season 11 comes out!!!
    And I’m 16 and do agree with AJ about Big Brother Teen, I love the show so much that Teens (Only) should go for the Summer where as adults can go for the winter. I Love BB!!!

  49. At least after making us wait so long they have time to come up with some twists and surprises. The best season was Dick and daughter, but even then the “America’s Player” made it really interesting. The more twists the merrier. Hopefully not so many prudes on this next season.

  50. I think they should have Big Brother for adults, like they do, but also for teens. It should be two sessions for ages 13-16 as one session, and 17-19 as the other. Then the adults like usual. That would be the bestttt(:

  51. All the anticipation will just make it all that much better when it DOES start! The last cast was kinda lame anyways. Maybe they are spending the extra time casting a really GREAT and INTERESTING cast! Here’s hoping. I’m ready for another installment of BB ALL STARS!!!

  52. AND NO WAY on the lame teen version. The thing that makes the show cool is people acting like evil, manipulative jerks or sexual beasts. We don’t need to be teaching teens to act that way, and most teens wouldn’t have the skills. It would be a SUPER LAME show. Stick with like….what’s it called…Nickelodeon? YOU GOT SLIMED!

  53. I’m just happy for the fact that there WILL be another Big Brother 11…Yippie
    Miss the Drama lol

  54. i love big brother. i miss it not being on twice per year, it is very intertaining. THE best reality show on t.v.

  55. I just read there will be only 10 cast for BB11. Does that mean there will be past contestants already chosen? I think that would be awesome! I really hope there will be some interesting people on this upcoming season!!!!!!!!!

  56. I am so excited about BB11…can’t wait. Please have a winter one…I didn’t know it was coming on last winter. Just happened up on it and I was so happy.

  57. Hello….A true die hard fan that has watched every moment of Big Brother 10 After Dark knows what season 11 has in store
    Trust me it will be AWSOME!!! They gave you a sneak peek for season 11….A hint who says ” Big boys love candy ” ??

  58. PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE…..Give us some more! Don’t let the BB11 be the last!!!!!!!!! We all love this show!

  59. we do need a winter big brother i mean it will be watch a lot survivor and other shows are on in the winter why cant big brother be on technically speaking u would only make more money for the poeple ordering live feeds and ur rateings would be throught the roof and u dont even need writers really to do the show so whats stoping u from making a winter bb u already have the house u use

  60. I love the show and can’t wait for it to start. It seems like it’s been FOREVER since I was last watching it. July is a ways away but I can wait and will watch it every nite. I also hope that there will be winter show.

  61. What kind of lifeless loser enjoys crap like this? Reality must be bleak these days

  62. Well your the looser checking out the blogs & you say you dont like the show, then why did you go to their web site and then read the blogs. By the way your post was at 3:51 am, who’s the looser?
    BB is the best reality show out there however I also wish there was a winter show, that was developed due to the Writers Strike not due to low ratings by the way! We were able to see the outdoor fireplace being used and the steam from the hot tub, the heated pool and all the cuddling to keep warm! Come on, it was a great season! Bring another winter show back! Fan since #1.

  63. Ok i see a few of you here saying you want a teenage big brother. well te problem with that is it would not be leagal. because you can not show anyone that is under the age of 18 even in their underwear, much less if one of them happened to get caught by accident nude. You have to remember there are cameras in every room. and yes including the toilet. the hole idea behind big brother is to capture the players in situations,ie talking stratagy, getting close to the other house guest. Would a teenager want to be caught on cam if he or she was changing cloths and the towel slipped and exposed themselfs for everyone to see?

  64. Nobody wants to watch teenagers on Big Brother. The fun of it is watching adults with life experience in these situations. Besides being only 14, you are way too young to go on a mentally exhausting experience like Big Brother. Go on that survivor rip off show on the Discovery Kids.

  65. love the show miss it when is it coming back it been so long cant wait for it me and mydaugher love the the show we watch after dark

  66. I think that a teenaged BB would be grreat!
    Anyone remember Endurance?
    I loved watching because it was about kids my age.
    &let’s face it. Teenage girls are probably the biggest bitches around. Which makes for wayy good teevee.

  67. I wish they would do a BB with all people over 50….That would funny I think ,just cause they have been around longer and seen and done more….If only to see how they would fair in the game

  68. I totally agree I think BB should definitley come to Canada. There is alot of LOVE ouy here for BB….. Can’t wait till BB starts this summer…… Yea go BB

  69. I love big Brother. It doesn’t make sense not to have two BB shows on in one year. They do it with Survivor!!!

  70. Ya but if they had as many Big Brothers as Survivors it would turn boring just as Survivor. I LOVE Big Brother and I want to watch it all the time, but I think having it once a year builds your anticipation, and makes it wayyy better, plus they will have more twists to use! Summer is still my favorite time to watch it, I have memories watching it with the feel of the summer nights that keep me waiting for the next time I can feel that. =]

  71. What are all of you people complaining about? There has only been one winter edition of Big Brother and that was only because of the writers strike. With that one exception, we have only ever had one yearly addition, in the summer. If I had my way BB would be a regular ongoing series. When one edition ended a new one would start. I know that’s not going to happen so I’m happy with what I can get. So bring on BB11. I’m ready

  72. I just heard from my friend who works at the hotel that all of the BB finalists are at Sheraton LAX for the week for finals!! Might sound obsessive but I totally want to go check things out :)

  73. My daughter & I will watch BB11. It doesn’t matter when it comes on. We wait for it every summer because its the only thing that isn’t a rerun!!

  74. I would love to see a Big Brother in the winter that had very old seniors who were bitchy and somewhat crazy.
    That would be a hoot.

  75. Justin, BB11 starts Thursday July 9th on CBS, Showtime will also have BB After Dark on again, they don’t know yet exactly when theirs will premiere, but they will be on nightly for 3 hours a night unless they changed it.
    You sure see alot more on Showtime than we do on regular TV but its worth the cost, thats for sure, I pay $12.00 extra on my Directv bill for it then when BB ends the season I cancel Showtime, I only get it for BB after dark, cause Football starts in Aug. and I get the NFL Sunday Ticket every year for 5 payments of almost $50.00 a month on my Directv all on top of my cost for what I have on Directv, but I won’t miss my football games (And I’m almost 69 years old) or BB After Dark so I pay the cost which is over $100.00 a month for 5 months.

  76. OMG totally agree with the big brother for teens. im 14 too and i think us teens can handle it (:
    it would be soooo much fun and i just dont want the show to be over by the time i get old enough to go on!

  77. WOO HOO!!!!!!! Hello all BB fans!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it’s only 33 more days till it starts, 7/7. I actually got my husband hooked on the show. I usually have to record it on DVR and watch it later the same night, but thats OK. Two summers ago I also got Showtime for the time BB was on. Only problem with it was that I couldn’t watch them all the time and ended up using all the time allotted and messed up my DVR, so not sure I’m getting it again this year.

  78. OK so there will be a summer BB but when will it begin? Summer is a very vague start date.

  79. I just read Michelle’s comment so now I know the actual start date ….. 7/7/’09 … coolness!

  80. big brother a think a good twist would be that if your on the block and you win the pov that you should be able to pick the person that goes up to replace them that would make for good drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the show

  81. Yes Josh I can’t believe out of all the people they could have picked, they had to pick her. I guess E D will have lots too say about her on the morning show he is starting up. They would be smart in getting her out soon. She does have an advantage over them all.

  82. I would love to see a winter BB but wait ever yr for summer to come for BB. I even watched it on vacation 2 yrs ago on Block Island. It is a family show for us too.Good idea about 1st evicted on each show for a show. They would probably love the chance.We got7 days 2 hrs and 20mins till BB.LOL LOL !!!!


  84. Thank-u Matt I am so new to P.C. everything help. Only had one yrs and not always on.
    BB was good I wanted Jessica but Jessie would have been my #2 choice. Is she still with her boyfriend I think ( eric)?

  85. @dnadeau: Yes, Julie Chen is pregnant. She is expecting in October, but says she plans to host the entire season. Now that’s dedication!

  86. I am surprised BB has gone with a clique theme. Inclusion and diversity is being stressed everywhere and to have a popular show say its ok to label people I find it appauling. Big Brother should be ashamed to proudly boast not everyone is equal, and separate the houseguests by clique. I will not be a supporter of this show anymore, Id rather watch reruns than see people who are all equal be treated differently.

  87. Where have we seen Jessie from before? What other TV show? Was it an earlier big bro?

  88. I have watched every yearly show of Big Brother. Until the last two years the speech was fairly clean. You expect some cussing. But the last two years the “F” word has become all the contestants can say. I’m not a prude but I actually hate hearing that word being used in every sentence and sometimes several times in a sentence just to get a thought out. Other than that the show is always entertaining.

  89. i’m a big fan of big brother but i’m disappointed that its not being broadcast in 16:9 widescreen high definition… (glad survivor finally went HD)

  90. This season of BB11 is good. Shima is extremely disappointing though. Her ignorance and lack of common sense and respect is extremely unfortunate. The High School Click theme has really brought out some real and definitely strong emotions in this cast. Mind over matter I guess. Ronnie really needs to go!



  92. Russell is more of a threat than anyone in the house. He has proven that when he knows he has the advantage he will bully his way into his position and if any of the rest of those people have any brains they will take out the bully before he really starts sinking his roots in the house. Get rid of Russell.

  93. I gotta agree with Joe Power on the HD thing… people have been waiting years now to see BB in HD (though it looks sharper this season for some reason). I’m 14 and I agree with the whole teen season thing, but I think what would be better is to make it the theme of a season (adults and kids in the house together).

  94. Can’t stand Jessie, Lydia or Shima. Get rid of them! Jesse is so full of himself he makes me gag. Lydia will not shutup and she is stupid. She doesn’t have a thought in her head unless Jessie told her what to think. 18 or 24 she acts like a 13 year old with her first crush.

  95. I ‘m so glad that the producers seen what Chima
    had done and said she really had a attitude problem me and my husband are sure glad to see her leave. Good going producer’s.

  96. Big Brother cerheated by stealing Shima’s Head of household power that she won fair and square. I will not watch the rest of big brother. That was completely unfair. Big brother lied to the contestants by telling they were competing for head of household power. That was totally unfair and rediculous. Your cheated all the members of her alliance out of a fair chance to compete in the game. I’ve watched every season and I’m totally pissed that you ruined this season for me. Big Brother Cheater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  97. please try and get contestant that want to play the game instead of so many off balance contestants i realize they make better ratings but it also takes from the show

  98. Oh my god! What a bunch of poor losers! Jessie is gone get over it. Play your own game. It is a game not a popularity contest. Their so called friends would have booted their asses to the curb sooner or later. This seasons a bunch of whiny asses. Go Jeff and Jordan!

  99. Big Brother is NOT Cheaters!! Everyone knew there was the special power. Everyone knew this was a GAME. Everyone is upset about Chima and Jeff leaving what about Michelle she never even got to be head of house for a week until she had to move out of the room. She looked like she was going to cry but she was Mature about it! She didn’t throw a tanturm or act like a spoiled brat. OMG its a GAME grow up! Your favorite player may not win. I Love the show and will always watch it day and night! The special power was gave out in other shows Just this year Jeff was good with keeping a secret and used for the best interested of Everyone. Heck Jessie would have back stabbed Chima in the very near future because she won compititions.

  100. To all of the whiners out there, boo-hoo
    Did yall stop watching csi when Grissom left too? Just cause your favorite person is not there, it can still be a good show.

  101. I think BB should think about making the houseguest “list” a little more interesting by having an “assortment” of nationalities”….instead of “mainly caucasion”.

  102. this is getting good really think russell needs to go. get to go see the show today cant wait.

  103. I am so upset that Jeff is leaving this week. He seems to be the only one who is well rounded in this game. It will be very boring when he is gone. Natalie has done nothing to be where she is. Please BB come up with some twist that Jeff will have a chance to come back. He did everyone a favor in the house getting rid of Jessie and Russell. I am 51 years old and I could challenge every girl in the house and succeed and most men. I know its a game but the drama this year was ridiculous. Complainers in this game seem to stay while the real players always get the boot.

  104. I just want to say I have been addicted to BB since the very first season. I think Jeff has played an “AWESOME” game, and if he leaves I don’t know if I can keep watching til the end of this season. Ha! J/k, I’m to addicted to quit! Also, I think Jeff & Jordon are “THE” cutest couple. I would love to see a show on those two. CBS would have a hugh success. If any one else feels the way I do, lets hear your comments! I so agree with Antoinette, I hope BB comes up with something to get Jeff back in the game if those back stabbers get him out!!! He really deserves to win after the game he has played!!! Go Jeff! Go Jeff!

  105. I really enjoy Big Brothers, Jeff is awesome man, Him and Jordan well make a cute couple, Hope they well stay in touch after the show, Jess I can’t stand him, He only thing of himself, Sure he has nice body but, so does my son, And he doesn’t show off like Jess does, Big turn off Jess!!! I have cancer and this show makes my day, If I’m having a bad day Big Brothers up lifts me, Love to see the show come on more than 3 days, More like never day, Keep up the good work Big Brothers…

  106. Big Brother, please install a new rule in your next big brother season. Please install a new rule that NO SKANKS can get into the final three. Sorry, wonderful show, it has to be difficult to get contestants for all of us to like, i know, but she is a bummer, anyways, congrats to another successful season, keep it going.

  107. Heck I was there was a BB for all seasons, that wouldbe awesome, I also wish they could limit the commercials and put more twists in the game, hey BB you need an idea section.

  108. to april J yep I did stop watching csi when grissom and sarah left, what’s the point? I won’t stop watching BB however its to addicting.

  109. How about adding mature folks in the house, some of the best BB shows were the earlier ones. I get tired of the body builders and the the young airheads, let mix it up and have an equal amount of 40’s or 50’s in with some younger people. Let’s mix it up and see what comes out

  110. Cheers to you…… JJ……….
    Jordan we wish you all the luck in the world tonight.
    My Wife and I will be watching tonight with COOOOKKKKKEY-DOOOOOOOOUUUUUUGH & Dry Roasted Peanuts for snacks.

    Ray & Betty

  111. hi matt i need to know if this year’s big brother is going to be in high-def all other networks do it why not cbs? in order to to watch in fullscreen i have to adjust my aspect and that’s just too annoying. please reply it would be greatly appreciated.

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