Julie Chen has made the news official for CBS with Big Brother 23 renewed with a new season in 2021! Hooray!
Speaking to fans ahead of the Big Brother finale tonight Julie revealed amid her styling prep that she was excited to return as the show’s host for yet another season. Congratulations to the production team at Fly On The Wall, CBS, Julie Chen, and all the future BB23 Houseguests on the announcement.
CBS has been dialing back the scripted series in light of the ongoing pandemic challenges so having an opportunity with Big Brother is huge while other reality shows like Survivor are being put on hold. We are sure this was no easy task for production to pull off this season and despite the flop results, it’s still an incredible thing that it happened at all. And yes, as Adam often tells us, any Big Brother is always better than no Big Brother.
Ratings were strong for this latest season of Big Brother so it’s no surprise that CBS would want it back but you never know when the BB house lights will go dim for the last time. We’re thrilled for the opportunity to host our readers and fellow fans for another future season here before too long. But if CBS really wanted to knock it out for fans then maybe we’ll get a special winter season, Celebrity BB3 anyone?, ahead of next summer’s Big Brother 23 arrival. Oh to dream.
Are you excited to join us for more Big Brother in June 2020 and more Live Feeds on All Access? This is great news for us, of course, and we’ll be excited to have you join us so be sure to find us on Facebook, Twitter, get our Email Updates, and be sure to download our free Big Brother App for all the latest with alerts and notifications anytime.
twitter-tweet">Amazing news! #BB23 here we come!#ButFirst we've got a #BB22 finale to wrap up tonight at 9/8c. https://t.co/wsUThgKLiJ
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) October 28, 2020