Big Brother 22 Winner & AFP Predictions

Final 3 on Big Brother 22

We’re so close to the end of Big Brother 22 and the reveal of the Jury’s decision plus fans’ award of the $25K AFP prize. So who takes it all home? I’m ready to make my predictions which with the way everything else has gone this year will probably be thrown out the window with some unexpected spin. All the same, let’s jump through this and see what happens tonight on the finale.

As foolish as I think their choice may be, I do believe both Nicole and Cody will take the other to F2 and with the two of them already locking down their spots in R3 I’m going with the heavy expectation that they’ll be there together at the end. So let’s start there.

BB22 Winner Scenario: Cody vs Nicole

  • Ian votes: Cody
  • Da’Vonne votes: Cody
  • Kevin votes: Cody
  • David votes: Cody
  • Dani votes: Cody
  • Tyler votes: Cody
  • Memphis votes: Cody
  • Christmas votes: Nicole
  • Enzo votes: Cody

My prediction: Cody beats Nicole 8-1.

So there I’m giving Christmas a bitter vote for Nicole and as much as David is an unknown I do think he spent most his time trying to get close to the guys, so I’m giving Cody his vote. Enzo will be super upset over his eviction but I think he’s still steadfast against Nicole being a double winner and that will force his hand. Ian is tough because he’s close with Nicole and even though he was a good sport about Nicole turning on him, I think he’ll still go with the stronger overall game for Cody.

The Cody Vs Nicole F2 is my strongest expectation for the most likely way this plays out. I’d welcome a surprise twist but I don’t see it happening. All the same, let’s check out the other two combinations.

BB22 Winner Scenario: Nicole vs Enzo

  • Ian votes: Nicole
  • Da’Vonne votes: Enzo
  • Kevin votes: Enzo
  • David votes: ?
  • Dani votes: Nicole
  • Tyler votes: *Enzo
  • Memphis votes: *Enzo
  • Christmas votes: Enzo
  • Cody votes: Nicole

My prediction*: Enzo beats Nicole 5-3-1… well, probably not. Read on…

Okay, so when you sum them up it seems ridiculous to think Enzo would beat Nicole, but broken down by the individual it seems possible. Ian sticks with Nicole as does Dani, I don’t see that changing and even if Nicole cuts Cody I still think he votes for Nicole over Enzo. Da’Vonne gave Nicole a pity vote before but I don’t see her doing it again. Kevin would love to support the underdog, right? Memphis kept himself close to Enzo with the Wise Guys and I think that’s enough for his vote. Christmas, same as before, votes bitter against Nicole more than for Enzo. David? Who knows but in this rundown it might not matter.

* So how does that all get flipped? By Nicole making the power move that even put us in this position. She cuts Cody! So negating all that blather above, that move could flip Tyler and Memphis which puts us at 5 for Nicole and 3 for Enzo, again not needing David’s vote for the decision.

My alternate and more likely prediction: Nicole beats Enzo 5-3-1.

BB22 Winner Scenario: Enzo vs Cody

  • Ian votes: Cody
  • Da’Vonne votes: Cody
  • Kevin votes: Cody
  • David votes: Cody
  • Dani votes: Cody
  • Tyler votes: Cody
  • Memphis votes: Cody
  • Christmas votes: Enzo
  • Nicole votes: Cody

My prediction: Cody beats Enzo 8-1.

Enzo thought he could beat Cody at the end which is just plain silly. If Cody wants the easy win he keeps his Jersey Boy Enzo, but Cody is tied to the hip with Nicole and he is probably having flash back nightmares of the last time he kept his boy for F2. This one is down the line nearly except for Christmas. Yep, I really expect her to be that bitter one who would pin Cody’s vote against her as hers against him tonight. It won’t matter though and maybe she won’t want to be the odd one out. Ehh, maybe.

BB22 AFP Winner Prediction

  • AFP: Tyler
  • Top 3: Tyler, Da’Vonne, and Janelle

I’d be thrilled for Da’Vonne to win this but she’s in second place for our AFP poll and that’s been crazy accurate for years now. Tyler swept it his last season and with that plus our current poll results, I think he’ll do it again. Then with the same reliance on our poll results, I’m expecting Day and Janelle to join him in the Top 3 spots for AFP.

What do you think will happen tonight on the Big Brother 23 finale? Join us at 9PM ET for our live coverage of all the spoilers and results!



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