Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Week 1 Nominations

Nominations today on Big Brother

The game is just getting started for the season and we’ve already got our second set of Big Brother spoilers for you on BB26. Overnight the Head of Household was revealed when the Feeds turned on at the crack o’ pitch-black out (that was not a pleasant 2AM wake up, mind you) and now we’ve got the targets set. At least for now.

Instead of the usual two nominees we are having a double up of FOUR nominations as part of the BBAI twist. Still lots to figure out on how this will work as we’re running off mostly second hand explanations from the HGs on the Feeds. Sunday’s episode will obviously explain this season’s rules on that a lot better, but for now, here are our results from the Nominations Ceremony.

Big Brother 26 Week 1 Nominations:

  • Angela nominated: Kenney, Kimo, & Lisa
Angela and Lisa on Big Brother 26 Feeds - CBS
Angela and Lisa on Big Brother 26 Feeds – CBS

Feeds came back after Noms to plenty of tears, mostly from Angela. She was talking with Kimo and Cam apologizing to Kimo. Next Angela went out to talk with Lisa and pulled her into a bedroom. More tears from Angela but none from Lisa. Angela assures Lisa that she is not her target. It’s Kenney. Lisa warned Angela that pawns go home.

And this is interesting. Angela just said the HOH does not play in the Veto competition. She knows the game, so that must be something to do with the extra nom so they can still have six play and not mess with the usual arrangement of six players. Hmm. Maybe.

We’ll keep watching to see which way the house is leaning. First week is tricky because targets can change on a dime when there’s very little time to have a solid target set.

There is a lot of messiness so far this season and that’s making for some fun Feeds. The leaders of that pack do seem to be Matt and Makensy. She was clearly spiraling overnight as the Feeds were starting so Makensy could be a great train wreck to enjoy this season.

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