Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 1: Thursday Night Highlights

It was a busy first night of feeds inside the Big Brother 26 house with the Head of Household being revealed, alliances being made, and paranoia already setting in. The Big Brother houseguests have filled us in on some of the changes made to the game for this season and how that could impact everyone’s games. Read on to find out what conversations went on inside the Big Brother house Thursday night!

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, July 18, 2024:

11:15 PM BBT – Live Feeds are up!

11:20 PM BBT – Cedric mentions that there are going to be four nominees each week.

11:35 PM BBT – Angela mentions the luxury of her room and bed confirming she is our first HOH of Big Brother 26.

11:50 PM BBT – Joseph tells Cedric that people think Kimo and Lisa are in trouble this week. Cedric says Kenney thinks he’s in trouble this week.

12:10 AM BBT – Joseph asks Angela who’s going up. She says she isn’t sure but Kenney seems to be a consensus.

12:15 AM BBT – Angela tells Joseph that he is the only person that knows the three people she is planning to put up. She mentions Kenney and using Lisa and Kimo as a pawns. She adds that T’Kor is not going up.

12:20 AM BBT – Angela and Joseph are talking about their alliance. Sounds like it’s them, Brooklyn, Chelsie, Leah, Cam, Quinn, Cedric, and Rubina.

12:25 AM BBT – Matt tells Quinn that Leah offered him and Makensy a F3 last night. Matt says he thinks that T’Kor, Kimo, and Lisa are potential noms. Quinn says if he wins POV, he isn’t using it. They agree they would like to see Lisa go this week.

12:35 AM BBT – Cheslie, Matt, Quinn, and Makensy are talking in the storage room.

12:40 AM BBT – Angela is in the HOH room, she is saying she is paranoid. She says Matt, Tucker, and Makensy are already planning something.

12:50 AM BBT – Matt, Makensy, Leah, Chelsie, and Quinn are locking in an alliance of six with Joseph.

1:00 AM BBT – Angela tells Chelsie that Matt is doing something and she can feel it. Chelsie says Matt is talking to much. Angela also mentioned that she wants to pull Quinn into their nine. Joseph comes in and Angela tells him that Matt, Leah and Makensy have been in the storage room for a while now.

1:10 AM BBT – Cedric has joined Chelsie, Joseph, and Angela in the back bedroom. Angela tells him that Matt is making her feel a certain way.

1:25 AM BBT – Angela tells Joseph they (Matt, Leah, and Makensy) are still in the storage room.

1:30 AM BBT – Angela is up in the HOH room watching the cameras. Brooklyn joins her and Angela tells her about the nine-person alliance she is trying to put together.

1:35 AM BBT – Angela tells Brooklyn that she thinks Matt is pulling people aside in case he ends up on the block. Says he might be looking for people to play the Veto for him.

1:40 AM BBT – Angela apologizes to Brooklyn about Kenney not being in their nine-person alliance. Brooklyn says she understands because he isn’t talking game to anyone. Angela tells Brooklyn that she just feels like Kenney would target her if he was in this position.

1:50 AM BBT – Angela tells Brooklyn that she is happy that Quinn and Cam are in the HN room because she might be able to find out what Tucker is thinking. (Kimo is also a HN)

1:55 AM BBT – Makensy is telling Kenney about the storage room alliance. Says they think they might be able to get Tucker too, but no one really knows where Tucker stands.

2:00 AM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she isn’t sure how her and Matt became friends. Says that Matt wasn’t sure how Leah felt about him, but she reassured him that Leah loved him. Says that they have connections with everyone, the only thing they don’t know is who Angela is putting up.

2:10 AM BBT – Matt tells Lisa that Angela told him she wouldn’t put him up. Matt tells her that he thinks that Angela is going to go with the people who aren’t playing hard enough. Mentions Kenney, but no one else.

2:15 AM BBT – Lisa tells Matt that Angela’s noms can set the tone for the game. Matt says it could also screw her game. Matt says he thinks it will be Kenney, Kimo, and Cam for sure.

2:25 AM BBT – Matt tells Lisa that he told Angela if she didn’t put him up and he won the Veto, he would use it how she wanted him to. Says he thinks that put him in a good place with her.

2:35 AM BBT – Makensy and Leah are in the bathroom and Matt and Lisa are still in the storage room. Both pairs are comparing notes about who they have talked game with and who might be working together.

2:40 AM BBT – Matt tells Lisa that he thinks a lot of people want to work with him, but he doesn’t want to be the one to start a big alliance. He wants someone else to make it and invite him to it.

3:00 AM BBT – All four cameras are on sleeping houseguests.

We had two days of action inside the house to catch up on when the feeds came on Thursday night. We now know that Angela is the HOH, she is attempting to form a huge nine-person alliance, and some names are being thrown around for possible nominees and a target this week. From the sounds of it, Angela is thinking about putting Kenney, Kimo, and Lisa on the block, but based on the chats inside, there will have to be a fourth person. As of now, Kenney is the target, but there is still a Veto to be played and the upgrades that Makensy and Quinn have.

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